Technologies Developed
- Preparation of spray fluid and disinfection of rearing house & rearing appliances
- Authorized Silkworm Races for different regions
- Bed cleaning of late age worms
- Black boxing, hatching and brushing of eggs and Transport of Chawki worms
- Breeding methods in silkworm
- Chawki garden establishment and its importance
- Chawki worms, nutritional and environment requirements.
- Cleaning and drying of silkworm pupae
- Cocoon characteristics
- Cocoon cooking , Brushing and end groping
- Cocoon testing
- Compost preparation from seri waste.
- Defective cocoons and their use.
- Demonstration for root rot management in mulberry.
- Diseases of silkworm and their management
- Drying and Sorting of cocoons for reeling
- Dyes and its classification
- Economics of CRC,Estimation of population of chawki worms.
- Environmental requirements for spinning and spinning care.
- Eri silkworm rearing
- Extraction of Chitin and chitosan from silkworm pupae
- Extraction of oil from silkworm pupae
- Features of silkworm rearing house ,working out the rearing plan and rearing space requirement for rearing based on mulberry area
- Feeding of chawki worms and care during rearing.
- Fixation of rate for chawki worms
- Harvesting and transport of cocoons.
- Identification of silkworm pests and their life stages.
- Identification of diseased worms if any and practicing the methods of disposal.
- Identification of foliar and soil borne diseases of mulberry
- Identification of mulberry pests , IPM for major pests of mulberry
- Identification of symptoms and pathogens of silkworm diseases.
- Integrated disease management in mulberry
- International organization in Sericulture Development
- Late age rearing and its methods
- Leaf selection and feeding for late age silkworms
- Life cycle and Biology of silkworm.
- Management of pests and diseases of non mulberry silkworm
- Marketing of cocoons and marketing procedures.
- Mass production of Acerophagus papayae
- Mass production of biocontrol agents
- Mechanisation in silkworm rearing
- Methods of dyeing
- Methods of stifling
- Moulting care, application of bed disinfectants and its importance.
- Moulting, bed cleaning and bed disinfectants for chawki worms
- Mounting of non mulberry silkworm and harvesting of cocoons.
- Mounting and harvesting of cocoons.
- Mounting of worms and mountages
- Muga culture
- Mulberry leaf and shoot harvest and preservation
- Mulberry nursery; Economics for Kissan nursery
- Nursery management
- Nutrient analysis in silkworm pupae
- Pests of silkworm and their management
- Policies and Prospects of Sericulture
- Practicing feeding of worms
- Preparation of artificial diet
- Preparation of handicrafts from cocoon- Toys
- Preparation of handicrafts from cocoon- Flowers for flower vases
- Preparation of handicrafts from cocoon- Garlands, bouquets.
- Preparation of handicrafts from cocoon- Greeting cards, Holders
- Preparations from cocoon cutting waste.
- Printing in silk and methods of printing
- Problems and prospectives in sericulture
- Raw silk testing and classification
- Rearing equipments and logistics
- Requirements for establishing Chawki Rearing Centres and their role
- Role of hormones in growth and development of silkworm
- Role of Juvenile hormones and anti-Juvenile hormones in silkworm rearing
- Silk bundling and packing
- Silk marketing
- Silk reeling and reeling parameters
- Silkworm loose egg production / acid treatment / hibernation schedule
- Spun Silk production technology
- Study of reeling machines parts and their functions
- Study of physiological condition of larva and observing for disease symptoms
- Tasar silkworm rearing
- Types of wastes in sericulture
- Utilization of seri waste
- Value added by-products from mulberry
- Visit to Automatic reeling unit, Avinashi
- Visit to cocoon market
- Visit to mulberry field
- Visit to reeling and weaving unit, Vadavalli
- Visit to Sarvodaya sangam (reeling unit), Ondipudur
- Visit to silkworm rearing house TNAU
- Water quality for reeling
- Weaving of fabrics
- Weaving-loom and its structure
- Management of pests and diseases of host plants of non mulberry silkworm
- Silkworm as a bioreactor
- Silkworm genetics -1
- Silkworm genetics -II
- Silkworm pupae as a protein supplement
- Silkworm pupal oil and its uses.
- Silkworm rearing on artificial diet
- Silkworm seed organizations in India
- Silkworm seed production
- Spacing requirement for late age worm
Wine making (Enology lab)
Mass Production of biocontrol agents
Preparation of Nursery Bed – Mulberry
Pruning in Mulberry
Lectures by resource persons
Interaction with trainees by Director (CPPS)
Spraying of Disinfectants