Biological waste disposal

Biological waste disposal facility

  • Waste generated in the college premises viz., chemical and biological wastes are disposed
    safely following central and state government guidelines for waste disposal. The campus has a
    waste disposal facility. The wastes generated from agriculture fields, laboratories, class rooms,
    animal husbandry units and hostel are segregated into degradable and non degradable wastes
    before disposal/recycling. Two incinerators were installed in the ladies hostel.
  • A very minor quantity of biomedical wastes is generated in the college dispensary.
    Biomedical wastes generated are disposed through Medicare Environ Systems, Thanjavur.
    Colour coded dust bins are kept in the Health centre for effective segregation of the various
    biomedical wastes. The infected materials are disposed by way of incineration. Dead animals are
    buried by digging deep pits and covered with soil near the compost yard after post mortem.