Dr.T.Sherene Jenita Rajammal

Associate Professor (SS&AC), Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry
Email ID sherenejenitarajammal.t@tnau.ac.in
Phone No. 9442613759
Area of Specialization Soil Chemistry
Years of Experience 13
Books (ISBN) 5
Books Chapter (ISBN) 5
Books (CAS/CAFT/without ISBN) 7
Book (Chapter without ISBN)
Research articles- International 43
Research articles- National 13
Research notes 1
Conference/Seminar/Symposium papers 19
Poster papers 3
Manuals – Teaching/training/e-course 12
Popular articles/pamphlet/leaflet 17
Students Guided - UG 4 batches
Students Guided - PG 3
Students Guided - PhD