Completed Projects
S.No |
Title of the Project | Sponsor Name | Project period | Grant Lakh Rs |
PI / Co-PI |
1. |
Capturing the Benefits of seasonal Climate Forecast in Agrl. Management | ACIAR, Australia | 1999 –2002 | 40.00 | V. Geethalakshmi |
2. | Effect of Weather on Downy mildew | ICAR | 2003 – 2005 | 5.60 | V.Geethalakshmi |
3. | Economic Evaluation of Medium range weather forecast | GOI | 2004 –2007 | 5.00 | V.Geethalakshmi |
4. | Resilience of Tsunami devastated coastal area of Nagapattinam district with reference to agriculture | TDH-Germany – (IP) |
2005 –2008 | 28.00 | V. Geethalakshmi
N. Thavaprakaash A. Bhaskaran |
5. | Impacts of climate change on regional crops of TN | ICAR | 2007 | 93.00 | V.Geethalakshmi |
6. | Establishment of Automatic Weather Stations in Tamil Nadu | NADP | 2007 – 2011 | 15.60 | R. Jagannathan
V. Geethalakshmi N.K Sathyamoorthy |
7. | Starting of experimental Agromet Advisory services with the farmers | GOI | 2007 – 2011 | 36.00 | V. Geethalakshmi |
8. | Resilience of agricultural lands and increased food security | TDH-Germany – (IP) |
2008 – 2009 | 14.65 | V.Geethalakshmi |
9. | Assessment of impacts of climate change on major irrigated and rain fed crops in India | UNFCCC under MoEFCC | 2008 –2009 | 3.00 | V. Geethalakshmi |
10. | Climate change and persistent droughts: Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in rice growing sub-divisions in
India (ClimaRice- I) |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway | 2008 – 2011 | 250.00
R. Jagannathan A. Lakshmanan |
11. | Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change – ICAR Climate change project | ICAR | 2009 –2012 | 122.19 | C.R. Ranganathan
V. Geethalakshmi A. Lakshmanan |
12. | Application of extended range forecast for climate risk management on crops in coastal and western agro ecosystems of TN. | GOI | 2009 –2014 | 18.90 | V. Geethalakshmi
13. | Sustaining rice production in a changing climate: Testing climate uncertainties & validating selected adaptation techniques on farmers field – ClimaRice II | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway | 2010–2013 | 160.00 | V. Geethalakshmi
A. Lakshmanan |
14. | Fund for infra structural development (FIST) of ACRC, TNAU | DST, GOI | 2010 – 2015 | 59.00 | V. Geethalakshmi |
15. | NADP Phase II: Expansion of Automatic Weather Station network in 73 blocks of Tamil Nadu | GoI – NADP | 2011- 2014 | 576.35 | SP. Ramanathan
Ga. Dheebakaran S.Panneerselvam, V. Geethalakshmi N. Maragatham N.K. Sathyamoorthy |
16. | NADP Phase III: Expansion of automatic weather station network in 88 blocks of Tamil Nadu | GoI – NADP | 2011- 2014 | 717.60 | |
17. | Formulation of Weather based Crop Insurance Index for selected major crops of Peninsular India: Application of Crop weather model as a tool | Agrl. Ins. Co. of India, New Delhi | 2011- 2014 | 20.00 | V. Geethalakshmi
K. Sathymoorthi N. Maragatham S. Enayathullah Shah |
18. | Integrated Agromet Advisory Services
IMD, GoI | 2012 –2013 | 11.00 | V. Geethalakshmi |
19. | Integrated Assessment of Climate change impacts on Principal crops and farm household incomes in Southern India (AgMIP) | DFID, UK | 2012 – 2014 | 70.00 | V. Geethalakshmi
P. Paramasivam R. Balasubramanian K. Mahendran D. Suresh kumar A. Lakshmanan R. Krishnan |
20. | Climate Change: assessing impacts and developing adaptation strategies for agriculture in Tamil Nadu | DST-CCP SPLICE New Delhi |
2012- 2014 | 65.87 | V. Geethalakshmi
A. Lakshmanan J.S. Kennedy S.K. Natarajan V. Davamani |
21. | Can Seasonal Climate Forecasts improve food security in Indian Ocean Rim Countries in a variable and changing climate (CSIRO) | AUSAID, Australia | 2012 – 2015 | 31.00 | V. Geethalakshmi
A. Lakshmanan N. Maragatham R. Karthikeyan K. Sathyamoorthi P. Shanthi S. Marimuthu S. Ramesh |
22. | NADP – AAS: Development of Agro Advisory Services using Automatic Weather Station data at block level in TN | GoI – NADP | 2013- 2018 | 350.00 | SP. Ramanathan
Ga. Dheebakaran S.Panneerselvam, V. Geethalakshmi N. Maragatham |
23. | Adaptation to climate change:An integrated science-stakeholder approach to develop Adaptation framework for Water and Agriculture sectors in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India – ClimaAdapt | Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway | 2012 –2017 | 310.27 | V. Geethalakshmi
A. Lakshmanan R. Thamizhvendan K. Annadurai S. Avudaithai S.K. Natarajan Mohamed Yassin S. Marimuthu |
24. | Evolving climate resilient farming systems in South India through Integrated modeling, adaptation and stakeholders participation (AgMIP – II) | DFID, UK | 2015 –2017 | 72.52 | V.Geethalakshmi A.LakshmananP.Paramasivam S.Kokilavani S.Jeyaprakash Sravanakumar D.Suresh kumar |
25. | Organizing Farmers’ awareness programme by Coimbatore centreAgrometerological Field Unit (AMFU) of IMD | GoI – IMD | 2016 – 2017 | 0.35 | Ga. Dheebakaran S.Panneerselvam |
26. | Organizing Tamil Nadu State Level Meeting of Stakeholders on Agromet Advisory Services by Coimbatore centreAgrometerological Field Unit (AMFU) of IMD | GoI – IMD | 2016 – 2017 | 1.41 | Ga. Dheebakaran, S.Panneerselvam |
27. | NATCOM: Mapping climate change vulnerability to strengthen food security with climate smart adaptation and mitigation options in Tamil Nadu | UNFCCC under MoEF&CC, GoI | 2017–2018 | 23.00 | V. Geethalaksmi
N.K. Sathymoorthi J. Prabhakaran |