Agro Climate Research Centre

Completed Projects


Title of the Project Sponsor Name Project period Grant Lakh Rs

PI / Co-PI



Capturing the Benefits of seasonal Climate Forecast in Agrl. Management ACIAR, Australia 1999 –2002 40.00 V. Geethalakshmi
 2. Effect of Weather on Downy mildew ICAR 2003 – 2005 5.60 V.Geethalakshmi
 3. Economic Evaluation of Medium range weather forecast GOI 2004 –2007 5.00 V.Geethalakshmi
 4. Resilience of Tsunami devastated coastal area of Nagapattinam district with reference to agriculture TDH-Germany
– (IP)
2005 –2008 28.00 V. Geethalakshmi

N. Thavaprakaash

A. Bhaskaran

 5. Impacts of climate change on regional crops of TN ICAR 2007 93.00 V.Geethalakshmi
 6. Establishment of Automatic Weather Stations in Tamil Nadu NADP 2007 – 2011 15.60 R. Jagannathan

V. Geethalakshmi

N.K Sathyamoorthy

 7. Starting of experimental Agromet Advisory services with the farmers GOI 2007 – 2011 36.00 V. Geethalakshmi
 8. Resilience of agricultural lands and increased food security TDH-Germany
– (IP)
2008 – 2009 14.65 V.Geethalakshmi
 9. Assessment of impacts of climate change on major irrigated and rain fed crops in India UNFCCC under MoEFCC 2008 –2009 3.00 V. Geethalakshmi
10. Climate change and persistent droughts: Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in rice growing sub-divisions in

India (ClimaRice- I)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 2008 – 2011 250.00



R. Jagannathan

A. Lakshmanan

11. Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to Climate Change – ICAR Climate change project ICAR 2009 –2012 122.19 C.R. Ranganathan

V. Geethalakshmi

A. Lakshmanan

12. Application of extended range forecast for climate risk management on crops in coastal and western agro ecosystems of TN. GOI 2009 –2014 18.90 V. Geethalakshmi


13. Sustaining rice production in a changing climate: Testing climate uncertainties & validating selected adaptation techniques on farmers field – ClimaRice II Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 2010–2013 160.00 V. Geethalakshmi

A. Lakshmanan

14. Fund for infra structural development  (FIST) of ACRC, TNAU DST, GOI 2010 – 2015 59.00 V. Geethalakshmi
15. NADP Phase II: Expansion of Automatic Weather Station network in 73 blocks of Tamil Nadu GoI – NADP 2011- 2014 576.35 SP. Ramanathan

Ga. Dheebakaran
S. Kokilavani


V. Geethalakshmi

N. Maragatham

N.K. Sathyamoorthy

16. NADP Phase III: Expansion of automatic weather station network in 88 blocks of Tamil Nadu GoI – NADP 2011- 2014 717.60
17. Formulation of Weather based Crop Insurance Index for selected major crops of Peninsular India: Application of Crop weather model as a tool Agrl. Ins. Co. of India, New Delhi 2011- 2014 20.00 V. Geethalakshmi

K. Sathymoorthi

N. Maragatham

S. Enayathullah Shah

18. Integrated Agromet Advisory Services


IMD, GoI 2012 –2013 11.00 V. Geethalakshmi
19. Integrated Assessment of Climate change impacts on Principal crops and farm household incomes in Southern India (AgMIP) DFID, UK 2012   – 2014 70.00 V. Geethalakshmi

P. Paramasivam

R. Balasubramanian

K. Mahendran

D. Suresh kumar

A. Lakshmanan

R. Krishnan

20. Climate Change: assessing impacts and developing adaptation strategies for agriculture in Tamil Nadu DST-CCP SPLICE
New Delhi
2012- 2014 65.87 V. Geethalakshmi

A. Lakshmanan

J.S. Kennedy

S.K. Natarajan

V. Davamani

21. Can Seasonal Climate Forecasts improve food security in Indian Ocean Rim Countries in a variable and changing climate (CSIRO) AUSAID, Australia 2012 – 2015 31.00 V. Geethalakshmi

A. Lakshmanan

N. Maragatham

R. Karthikeyan

K. Sathyamoorthi

P. Shanthi

S. Marimuthu

S. Ramesh

22. NADP – AAS:  Development of Agro Advisory Services using Automatic Weather Station data at block level in TN GoI – NADP 2013- 2018 350.00 SP. Ramanathan

Ga. Dheebakaran
S. Kokilavani


V. Geethalakshmi

N. Maragatham

23. Adaptation to climate change:An integrated science-stakeholder approach to develop Adaptation framework for Water and Agriculture sectors in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India – ClimaAdapt Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway 2012 –2017 310.27 V. Geethalakshmi

A. Lakshmanan

R. Thamizhvendan

K. Annadurai

S. Avudaithai

S.K. Natarajan

Mohamed Yassin

S. Marimuthu

24. Evolving climate resilient farming systems in South India through Integrated modeling, adaptation and stakeholders participation (AgMIP – II) DFID, UK 2015 –2017 72.52 V.Geethalakshmi




D.Suresh kumar

25. Organizing Farmers’ awareness programme by Coimbatore centreAgrometerological Field Unit (AMFU) of IMD GoI – IMD 2016  – 2017 0.35 Ga. Dheebakaran
26. Organizing Tamil Nadu State Level Meeting of Stakeholders on  Agromet Advisory Services by Coimbatore centreAgrometerological Field Unit (AMFU) of IMD GoI – IMD 2016  – 2017 1.41 Ga. Dheebakaran,
27. NATCOM: Mapping climate change vulnerability to strengthen food security with climate smart adaptation and mitigation options in Tamil Nadu UNFCCC under MoEF&CC, GoI 2017–2018 23.00 V. Geethalaksmi

N.K. Sathymoorthi

J. Prabhakaran