Agro Climate Research Centre

Completed Projects


Title of the Project Project period

PI / Co-PI

1. Quantifying Crop Weather relationship of selected food crops under current and future climate scenarios – Network trial 2014 – 2016 V. Geethalakshmi
2. Integration of remote sensing data for yield prediction and climate related studies in FASAL schemeYield forecasting for rice, maize and Groundnut in Western zone of Tamil Nadu using space, Agrometeorology and land based observation 2003 – 2005 Dr. S. Panneerselvam,

Dr. V. Geethalakshmi,

& Dr. S. Sivasamy


3. Computation of Water Budgeting for blocks/ Taluks of Western agro climatic zone of Tamil Nadu 2015 – 2018 Dr. S. Kokilavani
4. Revalidation of efficient cropping zonation for major food crops in Tamil Nadu 2016 – 2018 Dr. S. Kokilavani,

Dr. Ga. Dheebakaran

5. Effect of climate change on shift in rainfall events of Tamil Nadu at block level 2016 – 2018 Dr. Ga. Dheebakaran Dr. S. Kokilavani
6. Effect of elevated temperature on nutri millets Thenai, Samai, Kuthraivali and pulses 2016 – 2019 Dr. S. Panneerselvam,

Dr. N. Chandrasekaran,

Dr. N. Sritharan