HoD’s Desk
Weather is the important earthly phenomenon that decides the development and economy of a region. In agriculture, weather is the potential yield defining input, directly and indirectly influences growth and development of a crop and vary about 50 per cent of crop yield. Agro Climate research Centre (ACRC) is the nodal Center of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University to organize and coordinate researches carried on weather, crop and pest interactions. The educational goal of the ACRC is to educate Post graduate and Ph.D students in agrometeorology for competing at national and international level. The research Goal is to advance technologies in Statistical, numerical, astrometeorological and probability weather forecasting and climate change prediction. The extension services of ACRC is set to serve the farmers with block level medium range weather forecast and weather based agro advisories. The short term goal’s set for next two years are i. Upgrading education level to develop skills of agricultural meteorology students to international standards and ii. Establishing climate study related infrastructures and instruments for climate change and micrometeorology studies. The next five year plan (2020 – 25) of ACRC are directed towards i. To establish Agro Climate Research Centre, TNAU as world class institute for agricultural meteorological studies, ii. To integrate different methods of forecast for providing seamless forecast with high accuracy iii. To become member of policy makers group in climate change on agriculture.
“Weather wise… Other wise … Not wise…”

Dr. N.K. Sathyamoorthy
Professor and Head