Agro Climate Research Centre


Infrared Thermometer

                                                                                Infrared Thermometer

                                                                             Line quantum sensor

Line quantum sensor

Lux meter

Lux meter



Quantum sensor

Quantum sensor



Theta probe

Theta probe

Gas Chromatography (GC)

Gas Chromatography (GC)

ACRC is having one GC, many other faculty students are also using it.

Radiation instruments

ACRC is having following radiation instruments for micrometeorological studies.

  • Plant canopy analyzer
  • Line quantum sensor
  • Pyranometers
Radiation instruments
Methane collection chambers

Methane collection chambers

Totally 20 Nos. of methane collection chambers for quantifying methane emission from different eco systems.

Hand held instruments

ACRC is having following hand held instruments

  • Infra Red Thermometer
  • Chlorophyll (SPAD) meter
  • Whirling Psychrometers
  • Hand held Anemometer

Soil moisture and soil thermometers

Hand held instruments
Portable Photosynthetic System (PPS)

Portable Photosynthetic System (PPS)

ACRC is having one PPS for the measurement of physiological leaf gas exchange and photosynthetic parameters. Many other faculty students are also using PPS

Computational facility

ACRC is having High Performance  Computation (HPC) facility and students are familiarized to operate it.

  • High performance server– 5 Nos.
  • MAC X server Clusters – 20 Nos.
  • MAC computers – 13 Nos.
  • Windows Desktops – > 10 Nos.
Computational facility
Internet facility

Internet facility

ACRC is equipped with 50 MBPS ILL facility with 20 IP address for data downloading and complete wifi connection for the entire department.

Numerical Weather Forecasting Model

ACRC faculties are expertized in numerical weather models such as WRF and RegCM. Our students are given with hands on training on medium range weather forecasting for agricultural purpose.

Numerical Weather Forecasting Model
Climate Models

Climate Models

ACRC faculties are expertized and pioneer in climate models and ensemble modeling research. Climate change impact studies with 28 multiple models are being taught to students during their course work.

Crop Simulation Models

ACRC faculties are expertized in many crop simulation and hydrological models such as DSSAT, Infocrop, APSIM, AquaCrop. Students are being regularly given with separate capacity building programmes in addition to their course work.

Crop Simulation Models
Agro Advisory development

Agro Advisory development

ACRC is giving practical training on weather based agro advisory development to all the students. Advance software tools also provided to students for the agro advisory development.

Whirling Hygrometer

Whirling Hygrometer