Director’s Desk

Director’s Desk

  • The Planning and Monitoring Directorate strives to compile differential data for the need based institutions/ Government on demand highlighting the entire university accomplishment/achievements/contribution in Teaching, Research and extension.
  • To infuse confidence and to enhance research project, the Tamil Nadu Innovation Initiative projects (TANII) have been processed and mobilized funds to the tune of 47.02 crores for upscaling, marketing and policy formulations.
  • To enrich the professionalism and to heighten the intellect of the Teaching fraternity, Faculty Development Cell was launched with slew of trainings on the ethical standards, quality teaching, augmented learning, ICT based teaching, quality research, intellectual writing etc.,
  • To promote the quality consciousness and for the holistic development, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been launched and the activities like guest lecture/ workshops were planned.
  • To promote the tribal welfare and development in order to sustain the natural resources and contribution to biodiversity, the Special Area Development  Programme (SADP) funded by SPC was proposed and obtained 60.40 lakhs.
  • Ranking of the university, to rope in admission secure more funds/ hall mark achievements/ for which ICAR / NIRF / THE /QS Asia /QS India by the institutions and it projects the performance by the institution.
  • To enlighten the achievements awards determine the benchmark and performances, for which the FICCI / Mahindra Samridhi awards are applied regularly and the awards are secured in the year 2016 for Overall Excellence in FICCI and secured cash award from Mahindra groups as Krishi Shisti Samman Award.