Technologies Developed

Black pepper

  • In black pepper , spraying with mixture 1 [Combination of potassium nitrate (0.5%), boric acid (0.3%), zinc sulphate       (0.25%), ferrous sulphate (0.25%), magnesium sulphate (0.25%)] in three locations showed higher green       berry yield (21.5 kg) /vine and dry berry yield (6.8 kg/vine) when compared to control (1.6 kg/vine).
  • The two accessions PN 33 and PN 57 are included in AICRP CVT trial in two centres (Sirsi and Panniyur)
  • Application of N @37.5 g/vine/year +50 g Azospirillum + 10kg FYM resulted in higher yield of green and dry berries
  • Organic pepper production – FYM 10 kg+50g Azospirillum + 50g Phosphobacteria + 200g VAM /vine/year is recommended
  • Summer irrigation @80-100 liter of water/vine at 15 days interval during summer (April-May) will promote early and uniform flowering.


  • Application of NPK @ 120:90:120kg/ha./year along with 2.5 tonnes of calcium carbonate once in two years resulted in higher yield
  • Foliar spray of zinc sulphate 0.5% once in pre-blossom and another at 150 days later yield high ripe berry in coffee


Flower crops

  • Application of NPK @10:10:10 at 0.2% spray at 15 days interval and application of 100 g of Azospirillum once in a year resulted in increased spike yields in orchids.
  • Propagation of anthurium through double nodal cuttings treated with IBA 1500 ppm is recommended for higher rooting percentage
  • For commercial cultivation of anthurium, 80% shade is ideal for getting higher yield
  • Application of FYM 200 g + coir compost 100 g + Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria   2 g each + VAM 2 g at 2 months interval + 20 g Trichoderma viride spray at 15 days interval resulted in higher yield in anthurium

Application of 0.2% humic acid at 15 days interval for three times from 15th day after planting leads to higher yield and quality parameters in Gladioli