Courses offered

S. No I Semester II Semester
Course No. & Course Title Credit Hrs. Course No. & Course Title Credit Hrs.
1. AGR X 101 Principles of Agronomy and Agricultural Meteorology 1+2 AGR A101 Agronomy of Field Crops- I 1+1


2. AGR X 102 Irrigation and Weed Management 1+1 AMP X101 Fundamentals of Livestock and Poultry Management 2+1


3. SAC X 101 Basics of Soil Science 1+1 HOR A 102 Vegetable and Fruit culture 2+1
4. HOR A 101 Propagation Methods in Horticultural Crops 0+1 AEN X 101 General and Economic Entomology 2+1
5. AGM A 101 Basic and Applied microbiology 1+1 PAT X 101 Principles of Plant Pathology 1+1
6. ENG X 101 Farm Machinery and Post harvest Processing 2+1 SAC X 102 Soil Nutrient Management 1+1
7. COM X 101 Introduction to Computer and its Applications 0+1 ENS X 102 Energy and Environment 1+1
8. LAN X 101 English Language for Effective Communication 0 +1 PED X 101 Physical Education 0+1
Total 6+9=15 Total 10 + 8 = 18
Note: PED X 101 course will be offered from first semester. Registration and evaluation will be done during second semester. Note: PED X 101 course offered from first semester is registered in second semester and evaluation will be done at the end of second semester

S. No
III Semester IV Semester
Course No. & Course Title Credit Hrs. Course No. & Course Title Credit Hrs.
1. AGR A 201 Agronomy of Field Crops II 1+1 AGR A 203 Dry Farming and Agro forestry 1+1
2. AGR A 202 Crop Production- I 0+2  AGR A 204 Crop Production – II 0+2
3. AGB A 201 Methods of Plant Breeding 1+1 AGB A 202 Breeding of Field Crops 1+1
4. 4 AEN A 201 Crop Pests and Their Management 1+2 HOR A201 Floriculture, Medicinal plants, Spices and Plantation crops 2+1


5. PAT A 201 Crop Diseases and Their Management 1+2 STH A 201 Seed Production Techniques in Field Crops 1+1
6. CAG A 201 Commercial Agriculture I 0+2 CAG A 202 Commercial Agriculture – II 0+2
7. AEC X 201 Agricultural Economics, Finance and Marketing 1+1 AEX X 201 Extension Education and Transfer of Technology 1+1


8. Total 5+11=16 AEX A 202 Study Tour 0+1
Total 6+10=16

                                                                                                                                                            Grand Total 27+38=65