Front Line Demonstration (FLD)

Front line Demonstrations during 2024-25

Sl.No. Title of the FLDs Scientists incharge
1 Demonstration of short duration groundnut variety VRI 10  for rainfed condition PC
2 Demonstration of Foliar Nutrient in Rainfed rice


3 Demonstration of organic paddy cultivation in traditional variety


4 Demonstration of weed management in semi dry paddy cultivation (dry) PC
5 Demonstration of dry seeding with ICM practices in Ramanathapuram district PC
6 Demonstration of mechanized seeding with advanced irrigation systems (Rain hose irrigation) for optimum population and higher productivity in Ramnad district (Groundnut)


7 Demonstration of short duration rice varieties for rainfed cultivation SMS (PBG)
8 Demonstration of medium duration high yielding rice varieties for tankfed area of Ramanathapuram SMS (PBG)
9 Demonstration of saline tolerant Rice variety for coastal areas of Ramanathapuram district SMS (PBG)
10 Demonstration of rice variety (ADT 57) for semi-dry rice SMS (PBG)
11 Demonstration of cowpea variety (VBN 4) under coconut plantation SMS (PBG)
12 Demonstration of Bio-repellent against wild animals SMS (PP)
13 Demonstration of Combined application of botanicals and Insecticide for the management of leaf folder in rice SMS (PP)
14 Demonstration of eco-friendly management of Brinjal shoot and fruit borer SMS (PP)
15 Demonstration of management practices for Boll rot in Cotton SMS (PP)
16 Demonstration Improved cultivation practices to enhance the yield of Mundu Chilli SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
17 Demonstration of TNAU coconut tonic in Ramnad SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
18 Demonstration of pole type lab lab (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties Co-16for higher yield and income SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
19 Demonstration of winter Jasmine

CO1 variety in Ramanathapuram district

SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
20 Extension Studies:Analyzing of Factors Influencing Spread and Adoption of Organic/Natural Farming: An Exploratory study on Regional Variation SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
21 Extension Studies: Impact of KVK Interventions in Diffusing IPM Practices among the farmers SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
22 Extension Studies: Determinants of Adoption, Discontinuance and Non-Adoption of Varietal Dissemination SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
23 Demonstration of micro-climate alteration with Tagetesspp in banana rhizosphere for nematode management. SMS (Pl.Nema.)
24 Demonstration of Integrated  Crop Management  in  Ragi under Rainfed condition SMS (Pl.Nema.)
25 Demonstration  of improved barnyard millet (MDU 1) variety SMS (Pl.Nema.)
26 Demonstration of Fodder sorghum (COFS 31) under rainfed cultivation. SMS (SWC)
27 Demonstration of Cumbu Napier CO6 in Puducherry region and Ramanathapuram district SMS (SWC)
28 Demonstration of TANUVAS Aseel for backyard poultry for higher income of farm women SMS (SWC)
29 Demonstration of Inland Pisciculture with Gift Tilapia for climate smart aquaculture SMS (SWC)
30 Demonstration of TANUVAS sheep and goat mineral mixture for improved production SMS (SWC)
31 Demonstration of  Duck Cum GIFT Tilapia as an alternative to improving small-scale fish production


32 Establishing a Nutri-garden at block level on Nutri-sensitive Agriculture and Gardening SMS (FSN)
33 Entrepreneurial development on Palmyrah processing and value addition (EDP mode) SMS (FSN)
34 Promoting income generation of coconut farmers through commercial production of coconut products

(EDP mode)

35 Demonstration of multi-tree climber

