On Farm Trials

On-farm trials during 2024-25

Sl. No. Title of the OFT – 2024-25 Scientists incharge
1 Assessment of Phosphorus supplementation to enhance the efficiency in rainfed Paddy PC
2 Assessment of Potassium supplementation through low-cost approach in rainfed Paddy PC
3 Assessment of seeder for HDPS in Cotton for labor saving under rainfed area of Ramanathapuram dt PC
4 Assessment of advanced irrigation systems for supplemental irrigation (Farm pond) in Rice follow situation for additional income in Ramanathapuram district PC
5 Assessment of  high yielding fine  rice varieties in saline tracts of Ramanathapuram District SMS (PBG)
6 Assessment of management practices against root rot in Jasmine nursery SMS (PP)
7 Assessment of IPM capsule for the management of rice gall midge SMS (PP)
8 Assessment  of IPM capsule for leaf miner management in groundnut SMS (PP)
9 Assessment of green manures and microbials for management of
phytonematodes of banana in Ramanathapuram district