Demo Units

Demo units

Demo Units
KVK Sales Centre

KVK Sales Centre opened at KVK premise to promote TNAU products, inputs and KVK produced inputs and seed materials for the benefit of the farming community.  Horticultural crops seedlings, seeds, value added products Bio inputs, crop boosters, coconut tonic, vegetable specials, vermicompost and minor millets seeds is also sold through Centre.

Roof Gardening Unit

Model Roof garden established at Training hall roof of KVK, Sandhiyur for demonstration and training purposes.  Focus on vegetables and herbal plants have been given in the roof garden.  City dwellers, rural youth and women showed lot of interest in the roof garden and attended number of paid training organized by the KVK, Sandhiyur.

Mushroom Production Unit

Mushroom unit is established and maintained at KVK. Using this unit trainings were offered to farmers, farm women, rural youths and self help groups, Mushroom varieties, cultivation practices., erection of house, spawn preparation, mushroom bed preparation, pests and diseases that affects mushroom and preventive measures, harvest, storage, marketing and value added product are deal.

Minor Millet Value Addition Machinery Centre

To promote minor millets at Salem district, minor millets value addition machinery centre established with support of INSIMP at KVK, Sandhiyur and five more tribal clusters of Salem district.  Destoner, Dehuller, Pulveriser and Siever machines have been installed for processing of minor millets and converting into value added products.  Training on Minor Millets Value added Products is also being organized with support of this centre

Mealy bug parasitoid production unit

Papaya mealy bug parasitoid production has been started and more than 1.50 lakhs has been released in the fields in and around Salem and Namakkal districts in crops like tapioca, mulberry, papaya and guava.

Soil and Water Testing Lab

A well equipped lab is available to diagnose the soil fertility status of the district and to emphasise the importance of soil analysis to farmers. So for nearly 5000 soil and water samples are analyzed

Plant Health Diagnostic Facility Lab

To diagnosis the crop insect pests, diseases and nematode incidences have been identified by Plant Health Diagnostic lab have been established at KVK, Sandhiyur with support from ICAR.    The sucking pests, mealy bugs, scales and spores of the pathogen is being diagnosed with help of Plant Health Diagnostic Facility Lab

E Extension Service Facility

Technology transfer via information communication technology through BSNL Internet facility such as Video conference, Short message service and video You Tube Technology and other social media etc were established, Extension Functionaries ICT classes were conducted.

Permanent Exhibition

Permanent exhibition unit is being established regarding improved varieties and production technologies in agricultural and horticultural crops. So for more than 3000 farmers visited this exhibition unit.


Library with related journals, newsletters, technical bulletins and research publications to enrich the knowledge of the SMS and farmers in the field of agriculture. The CDs of modern technologies on various aspects are also available in the library

Training hall with wifi

The training hall has all modern audio visual equipments which can accommodate 250 participants, all the trainings to farmers/Extension functionaries are end up with net exposure. The computer centre caters to the needs of day to day correspondence, linkage with other state development departments, private organizations and NGOs.

Farmers Hostel
A farmer’s hostel with a capacity to accommodate 40 farmers cooking facility is available in our KVK. Construction completed during 2008.
Staff quarters
Six numbers of Staff quarters are available in the campus for housing the technical Team and all the quarters were occupied from 2009.

Technology centre

Technology centre
Crop cafeteria

The varieties and hybrids released every year at TNAU is raised in the farm to show the performance of that varieties to the farmers, farm women and extension functionaries. New hybrids like sorghum CO (SH)5, sunflower CO(SFH)2, CO (SH)2 cumbu, CO (Bg) 6  and Chilli CO 1 is raised. KVK farmers and extension personnels visited the farm.

Automatic weather station
An automatic weather station (AWS) is an automated version of the traditional weather station, either to save human labour or to enable measurements from remote areas. It contains the data loggerrechargeable batterytelemetry (optional) and the meteorological sensors with an attached solar panel or wind turbine and mounted upon a mast.
Farm Implements Shed

Farm implements and machineries like Laser guided land Leveller, Drum Seeder, Seed drill, Pulse marker, Sugarcane Sett cutter, Paddy power weeder, Turmeric Harvester, Tapioca Harvester, Coconut tree climber, Turmeric boiler and Chaff cutter are being maintained at KVK and more than 3000 farmers visited the farm  Mechanization unit

SRI In problem soil

SRI method of paddy is cultivated for seed production in the variety TRY 1 and 3, which is highly suitable for alkali soil. 700 kg of seeds was produced of which 350 kg was sold. Trainings about SRI in paddy had been offered to the farmers. So far more than 1500 farmers visited the unit.

SSI (Sustainable sugarcane initiative) Nursery

Demo unit on SSI in sugarcane had been established with the varieties of CO(SC)24 and COC 86032. Trainings about SSI in sugarcane had been offered to the farmers. So far more than 1000 farmers visited the unit.

Seed production unit

Seed is the basic  input in any agricultural production. Supply of quality seed material play a major role in increasing the productivity to the of 15-20%. Seed production unit in TRY1, and ADT43 had been raised . So for 1800 farmers visited the seed production plot. Training programmes on seed production of varieties and hybrids on  agricultural and horticultural crops is being offered for farmers and extension functionaries

Model Nursery

Model Nursery –Propagation Units
NHB Accredited Model Horticulture Nursery Unit

National Horticultural Board accredited model horticulture nursery unit established at KVK, Sandhiyur to produce quality nursery seedlings for the benefit of the horticulture farmers.  Root stock yard, grafting yard and mature seedling unit separated established for the benefit of the propagation and training purposes..

Protray nursery

Shade net has been erected at KVK, in which 10,000 vegetable seedlings of COTH2 tomato hybrid had been produced and sold to the farmers. Also trainings had been offered to rural  youth  and farmers

Mango scion bank

Seedlings of mango varieties like Alphonsa, Imampasand, Salem Bangalora, Mallika, Banganapalli, Malgoa, Bangalora is being produced by approach grafting techniques.  So for more than 1 lakh  seedlings had been produced and sold to the farmers.

Shade net nursery
Shade net nursey is being used for maintenance of fruit grafts and production of sugarcane seedlings for SSI.  About  20,000  seedlings had been produced and sold to farmers.
Training is given for nursery maintenance of grafts and SSI seedlings
Guava layering

The mother plant of Lucknow 49 guava is being maintained for  production of seedlings by ground layering techniques.


The mother plant of PKM1 and CO3 are  being maintained for production of seedlings through approach grafting techniques.