District Profile

District Agricultural Profile - Salem

Geographical situations

Salem District is bounded on the North by Dharmapuri district, on the South by Namakkal and Erode districts, the Western Ghats in the West and on the East by Villupuram District.

Revenue details

Number of Revenue Division : 4 [Attur, Mettur, Salem and Sankari]

Number of Taluks                               : 11

Number of Blocks                               : 20

Number of Revenue Villages              : 631

Corporation & Municipalities                 : 5

Town Panchayats                                    : 19

Revenue Villages                                    : 391

Panchayat Villages                                 : 331

Geographical Position

North Latitude Between  °    110 14` and 120 53`

East Longitude Between  °   770 44` and 780 50`

Area 520530 ha
Rural population 1626162
Net sown area 210562.4 ha

Climatic Zone

Agro-climatic Zone : North Western Zone of Tamil Nadu
Agro ecological situation : Western Ghats (Tamil Nadu uplands) and Deccan Plateau; hot semi arid; red loamy soils; growing period 90-150 days

Soil Type

S. No Soil type Characteristics Area in ha
1. Red calcareous


Moderately deep to Very deep; Loamy skeletal to Fine loamy; moderately slow to rapid permeability; pH 7.4 to 9.0 and medium in water holding capacity (21-50%) 2,47,391
2. Red non calcareous Deep soils (51-100 cm); Coarse loamy to fine loamy; moderate to rapid permeability; low water holding capacity (0-20 %); pH 6.6-7.8 50,212
3. Brown calcareous Very deep soils (>100 cm); fine loamy; moderately slow permeability; High water holding capacity (> 50 %); pH 7.9-8.4 7,385
4. Brown non calcareous Very deep soils (>100 cm); fine loamy to fine; moderately slow to moderately rapid permeability; medium to high water holding capacity (21- 50 %); pH 5.5-6.5 38,267
5. Black soil Deep soils (51-100 cm); fine loamy; moderately slow permeability; medium water holding capacity (21- 50 %); pH 8.5-9.0 1,941
6. Alluvial soil Very deep soils (>100 cm); fine loamy; Rapid permeability; medium water holding capacity (21- 50 %); pH 7.4-7.8 2,136
7. Mixed soil Deep soils (51-100 cm); fine loamy; moderately slow permeability; High water holding capacity (> 50 %); pH 7.9-8.4 21,776

For further details

Salem_DistrictProfile – 21.11.2019