On Farm Trials

On Farm Trials

On Farm Trails
The aim is to test and evaluate the research findings at micro level in the farmers field and to refine those technologies, for better adoption by farmers.


S.No Title of OFT No. of trials Scientist involved
1. Assessment of high yielding Sesame varieties 5 SMS (PBG)
2. Assessment of high yielding groundnut varieties 5 SMS (PBG)
3. Assessment of Cotton Varieties Suitable for High Density Planting in Salem District for higher productivity 5 SMS(SS&AC)
4. Assessment of TNAU WSF (19:19:19) + Liquid Multi MNS and IIHR Vegetable special for higher productivity in Bhendi 5 SMS(SS&AC)
5. Assessing the performance of Liquid Nano DAP in Rice in Salem District 5 SMS(SS&AC)
6. Assessing TNAU Zinc Citrate and TNAU Iron Citrate Formulations for Zn and Fe deficient soils of Salem District in Maize to maximize the farmer’s income. 5 SMS(SS&AC)
7. Assessment of Areca palm waste composting using different microbial consortium 5 SMS(ENS)
8. Assessment of the performance of different microbial consortium in Tomato 5 SMS(ENS)
9. Assessment of different organic formulation and improving yield of turmeric 5 SMS (ENS)
10. Assessment of macro propagated plantlets in CO 3 banana in Salem district 5 SMS (Hort)
11. Assessment of suitable high yielding tomato hybrids in Salem district 5 SMS(Hort)
12. Assessment of suitable ridge gourd varieties in Salem district 5 SMS (Hort)
13. Assessment of IPM practices for Brinjal fruit and shoot borer 5 SMS (PP)
14. Assessment of IDM for onion twister disease 5 SMS (PP)
15. Assessment of IDM practices for Quick wiltdisease in pepper 5 SMS (PP)
Total 75


S.No Title of OFT No. of trials Scientist involved
1. Assessment of drought tolerance and high yielding groundnut varieties under rainfed condition 5 SMS (SST)
2. Assessment of suitable Redgram varieties under rainfed condition in Salem district 5 SMS (SST)
3. Assessing the  performance of Jute in Salem District 5 Programme Coordinator
4. Assessment of Multiplier Onion varieties for higher productivity in Salem district 5 SMS(Hort.), SMS(Ento.) & SMS(SST)
5. Assessment of suitable high yielding Chilli hybrids in Salem district 5 SMS(Hort.), SMS(Ento.)
6. Assessment of suitable high yielding Brinjal  varieties in Salem district 5 SMS(Hort.), SMS(Ento.)
7. Assessing the performance of Nano urea in Rice 5 SMS(ENS) & PC
8. Assessment of  TNAU WSF (19:19:19) + Liquid multi MNS and IIHR Vegetable special for higher productivity in Bhendi 5 SMS (Hort)& PC
9. Assessing the performance of different microbial consortium in Tomato 5 SMS (ENS)
10. Assessment of Novel organic liquid in Groundnut for higher yield 5 SMS (ENS)
11. Assessment of Sigatoka leaf spot management in Banana 5 SMS(PP)
12. Assessment of root rot diseases management in Mulberry 5 SMS (PP)
Total 60




S.No Title of OFT No. of trials Scientist involved
1. Assessment of  the efficacy of different transplanting methods in Paddy 5 SMS (SST), PC  &  SMS (SS&AC)
2. Assessment of rice varieties TRY 4 and CSR 56 for salt affected soils in Salem district 5 SMS (SS&AC) & PC
3. Assessment  of weed management practices in transplanted rice 5 Programme Coordinator
4. Assessment of biofortified cumbu hybrids AHB 1269, AHB 1200 and CO 9 in Salem district 5 SMS (SS&AC) & SMS (SST)
5. Assessment of YMV resistant Greengram variety suitable for salem district 5 SMS (SST),

PC  &  SMS (PP)

6. Assessment of Integrated disease management in groundnut 5 SMS (PP)
7. Assessing  the performance of marigold hybrids in DFI village 5 SMS (Hort)
8. Assessment of suitable high yielding Chilli hybrids 5 SMS (Hort)
9. Year round cultivation of coriander under shade net 5 SMS (Hort)
10. Assessment of Bio intensive pest management modules against brinjal shoot and fruit borer 5 SMS (PP)
11. Assessment of technologies for augmenting fertility through oestrous synchronization in dairy cattle 5 SMS(VAS)
12. Price spread analysis for vegetables in different marketing channel 5 SMS (Agrl. Economics)
13. Assessment of  Different forecasting models 10 SMS (Agrl. Economics)
14. Assessment of the Effectiveness of different Training Evaluation Methods 75 SMS (Agrl. Economics)
Total 145


S.No Title of OFT No. of trials Scientist involved
1. Assessment of suitable high yielding paddy variety for samba sowing 5 Programme Coordinator
2. Mitigation of drought through Seed hardening in direct sown rice 5 SMS (Seed Sci. & Tech.)
3. Assessment of  biopriming in bhendi 5 SMS (Seed Sci. & Tech.)
4. Assessment of performance of tomato hybrids in Salem district 5 SMS (Hort)
5. Assessing the performance of foliar based micronutrient mixture for yield enhancement in Cassava 5 SMS (Hort)
6. Assessment of TNAU MN mixture and IISR MN mixture in Turmeric in Salem District 5 SMS (Hort)
7. Assessment of management modules against mango gummosis 5 SMS (Hort)
8. Assessment of Performance of Small ruminant mineral mixture on production performance of goats 10 SMS (V&AS)
9. Assessment of Feed additives to improve milk quantity and composition in Dairy cattle 10 SMS (V&AS)
10. Study on Impact of KVK Interventions on Agriculture and Allied Sector during COVID-19 Lockdown period – A Critical Analysis SMS (Agrl. Economics) & PC
11. Assessment of Effectiveness of Weather Advisory Services through Different mode of Communication Tools 3 SMS (Agrl. Economics) & PC
12. Assessing the Effectiveness of Different Training Tools in terms of imparting knowledge gain, skill acquisition and symbolic adoption behaviour among the rural youth 60 SMS (Agrl. Economics) &` PA(Tech.)
Total 118
On Farm Trails
The aim is to test and evaluate the research findings at micro level in the farmers field and to refine those technologies, for better adoption by farmers.


S.No Title of OFT No. of trials Scientist involved
1. Assessment of  suitable Samai varieties for tribal tracts of Salem Districts 5 SMS (Agron)
2. Management of fall army worm in Maize 5 PC

SMS (Agron)

3. OFT on Assessment of Suitable Groundnut Variety Under Rain fed Condition.


4. Assessment of performance of tomato hybrids in Salem district 2 SMS (Hort)
5. Assessment of performance of vegetable cow pea varieties as an alternative to cucurbits in Salem district 5 SMS (Hort)
6. Assessment of new spice, ginger as an alternative to turmeric under coconut shade in Salem District 5 SMS (Hort)
7. Assessment of performance of TANUVAS Aseel chicken and Gramapriya under backyard system of rearing 5 SMS (V&AS)
8. Assessing the Effectiveness of Different Mobile Apps in terms of Knowledge Gain and Agro Advisory Services PC &PA (Comp.)
9. Assessing the Effectiveness of e-Extension Methods  in terms of knowledge gain and skill acquisition and symbolic adoption behavior among the rural youth PC &PA (Comp.)


year S.No Thematic Area Crop Assessment Title Demos Beneficiaries


1. Crop Improvement Paddy Assessment of Suitable High Yielding Paddy Variety for Samba Sowing 5 5
2. Varietal Assessment Bhendi Assessment of performance of Bhendi hybrids in Salem district 5 5
3. Varietal Assessment Ribbed guard Assessment of Performance of Ribbed Gourd Hybrid in Salem District 5 5
4. Varietal Assessment Tapioca Assessment of performance of cassava varieties in Salem district 5 5
5. Plant protection Mango Assessment of  management modules against leaf hopper complex in mango 5 5
6. Plant protection Maize Assessment of management modules against Fall Army Worm in Maize 1 1
7. Crop Management Greengram Assessment of different Drought Management Practices to Mitigate Mid Season Drought in Green gram 5 5
8. Food processing Food processing Assessment of different hullers for millet processing 3 3
9. Post Harvest Technology / Value addition Value addition Alternate for wheat flour in bakery products for low gluten and glycemic load 5 5
10. Extension Methods E- Extension Assessing the Effectiveness of e-Extension Methods  in terms of knowledge gain and skill acquisition and symbolic adoption behavior among the rural youth 15 15
11. Extension Methods E- Extension Assessing the Effectiveness of Different Mobile Apps in terms of Knowledge Gain and Agro  Advisory Services 20 20
12. Livestock – Reproduction management in dairy cattle Dairy cattle Assessment of Ovsync and ProSync (Nano Cream Progesterone) protocols for Estrus Synchronization in Dairy Cattle 10 10
Year S.No Thematic Area Crop Assessment Title Demos Beneficiaries
2017-18 1 Crop Improvement Samai Assessment of suitable Samai varieties for tribal tracts of Salem Districts 5 5
2 Integrated Crop Management Banana Assessment of suitable management practice for Panama Wilt in Banana 2  5
3 Crop Protection Brinjal Assessment of management of red spider mite in Brinjal 5 5
4 Crop Improvement Chilli Assessment of suitable high pungent high yielding Chilli hybrids 5 5
5 Crop Protection Pepper Assessment of suitable management practices for Quick wilt (foot rot) in pepper 5 5
6 Integrated Crop Management Tuberose Assessment of Bio-pesticides for mealybug in tuberose 5 5
7 Varietal Evaluation Turmeric OFT on Assessment of new turmeric variety IISR Pragati for yield and curcumin content 5 5
8 Food Nutrition Food science (Glycemic) Assessment of glycemic responses of traditional paddy varieties 3 (15 intervension)  15
9 Animal Husbandry Cattle Assessment on effect of herbal teat dip and teat protect on prevention of mastitis in dairy cattle 10 10
2016-17 1 Crop Improvement Cumbu Assessment of suitable high yielding and  downey mildew resistant Cumbu  variety for Salem districts 5 5
2 Crop Improvement Ragi Assessment of suitable high yielding blast resistant rainfedRagi varieties for Salem districts 5 5
3 Crop Improvement Dolichos lab lab bean Assessment of suitable high yielding bush type Dolichos Lablab  variety 5 5
4 Crop Protection Banana Assessment of suitable management practice for Erwinia rot or Tip over disease in Banana 5 5
5 Crop Protection Tomato Assessment of suitable management practices for soil borne disease (Bacterial wilt)  in tomato 5 5
6 Crop Protection Post harvest management Assessing the Storage Pest Management of Millet Grains 5 5
7 Farm Machineries Maize Assessment of Suitable  low cost seed drill for reduction of drudgery among farm women in Maize cultivation 5 5
8 Animal Husbandry Poultry Assessment of performance of dual purpose crossbred chicken varieties under backyard system of rearing 5 5
9 Animal Husbandry Goat Assessment of performance of cross breeding : non descriptive  goats x Tellicherry goat vs non descriptive  goats x Boer goat 5 5
2015-16 1 Crop Improvement Paddy Assessment of Suitable Traditional Paddy Varieties through Eco-Friendly Practices for Salem District 5 5
2 Crop Improvement Paddy Assessment of fine grain paddy varieties for Salem District 5 5
3 Crop Improvement Groundnut Assessment of suitable drought tolerant groundnut varieties for higher productivity 5 5
4 Crop Improvement Turmeric Assessment of turmeric varieties for higher productivity in salem district 5 5
2014-15 1 Varietal Evaluation groundnut Assessment of suitable high yielding drought tolerant groundnut varieties for higher productivity 5 5
2 Varietal Evaluation Chilli Assessing the performance of chilli varieties in Salem district for higher productivity 5 5
3 Varietal Evaluation Cassava Performance of Red spider mite field resistant tapioca variety Sree Athulya 5 5
4 Integrated Crop Management Rice wheat Oat Assessing the performance and profitability of cereals in Salem district 5 5
5 Integrated Crop Management Sugarcane Assessment of Arka Microbial Consortia for cocopeat enrichment in protray nursery for sugarcane 5 5
6 Weed Management Castor Assessment of pre and post emergence herbicide in castor 5 5
2013-14 1 Varietal Evaluation Blackgram Assessment of suitable varieties for higher productivity in black gram 5 5
2 Integrated Pest Management Tapioca Performance of Red spider mite field resistant Tapioca Sree Athulya 5 5
3 Integrated Disease Management Cocoa Assessment of Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1) liquid formulation for pod rot and stem canker in cocoa 12 12
4 Integrated Disease Management Turmeric Biological management of rhizome rot of turmeric 5 5
5 Integrated Disease Management Banana Assessment of Biocontrol consortia against Fusarium and Nematode complex in Banana 10 10
2012-13 1 Integrated Nutrient Management Groudnut Assessment of nutritional solubilisation through Sulphur Oxidising Bacteria (SOB) in Ground nut 5 5
2 Integrated Nutrient Management Tomato Assessment of micronutrient spray in Tomato 5 5
3 Varietal Evaluation Chrysanthemum Assessment of  chrysanthemum variety suitable for  Salem district 5 5
4 Varietal Evaluation Chilli Assessing the performance of Chilli hybrids in Salem district 5 5
5 Integrated Pest Management Banana Assessment of management practices for Sigatoka leaf spot disease 5 5
6 Weed Management Black gram Pre emergence application of Pendimethalin @0.75 Kg ai/ha followed by early post emergence application of EPOE Quizalofop ethyl at 50 g a.i./ ha on 20 DAE of weeds for control of BLW & Grassy weeds has been recommended 5 5
2011-12 1 Integrated Nutrient Management Turmeric Assessment of micronutrient application through fertigation in Turmeric 5 5
2 Varietal Evaluation Turmeric Assessment on suitability of IISR turmeric varieties  in Salem district 5 5
3 Integrated Pest Management Tapioca Assessment of management practices for red spider mite 5 5
4 Integrated Crop Management Paddy Assessment of Suitable method of application of bio inoculants in Paddy 5 5
5 Farm Machineries Turmeric Assessing the suitability of Turmeric harvester 5 5