Production Unit

Organic manure production units

Organic manure production unit  
Vermicompost production unit

Vermicompost production unit has been established with silpauline unit. This model unit is being utilized for training purpose to the farmers and rural youths. So for more than 1200 farmers visited the unit and 27  farmers started to produce vermicompost

Azolla multiplication

Demo unit on Azolla established at KVK Sandhiyur for demonstration and training purposes.  The harvested Azolla is not only applied in the Paddy field but also being utilized as Animal feed. Azolla multiplication was also to emphasize the importance of organic matter addition to soils and its use as feed for animals/ poultry

Composting farm wastes
Composting model unit was established to demonstrate composting technologies for different agricultural residues (sugarcane trash, maize straw, coir waste).  Microbial consortia for sugarcane trash has been multiplied and given to farmers to popularize in-situ composting of trash and stubbles.

Alkaline tolerant fruit trees

Production unit on alkaline tolerant fruit trees
An area of 3 acres has been planted with 100 naval plants and 40 pomegranate plants for fruit production purpose. Training on suitable tree crops tolerant to saline and alkaline soils is being given to farmers and extension functionaries
Agro forestry model

Agroforestry model had been established in one acre with the trees like vagai, bamboo, Eluppai, Etti, Neem, pungam, Acaia, Eucaliptus and Magogani. Trainings are being offered utilising this model unit.


Model unit in Tamarind had been established with the varieties like PKM 1 and urigam. Soft wood grafting is done and sold to the farmers on need base

Bio Control Agent

Bio Control Agent Mass Production Unit
Pseudomonas fluorescens

Bio control agents namely Pseudomonas fluorescens is also being produced at our KVK and supplied to Farmers through KVK sales counter. Mass production of this bioagent is produced in our lab and issued to our OFT and FLD programmes and training on application of Pseudomonas  in field level was also given to farmers.

Trichoderma viride

To promote eco friendly agricultural practices for sustainable agriculture, Trichoderma viride, a bio control agent is also being produced and issued to our OFT and FLD beneficiaries through demonstrations like soil application, seed treatments, etc. and through off campus trainings also. Mass production was done in our lab and sales was  promoted through our sales centre  to the needy farmer from KVK Salem and   on  credit basis for other KVKs, SAUs,