District Profile

Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK

S. No Farming system/enterprise
1. Farming Situations –RainfedVertisol

Rainfed Cotton + Pulses – fallow

Rainfed Sorghum + Cowpea – fallow

Rainfed Pulses – fallow

Rainfed Sunflower – fallow

Rainfed Maize/Pearl millet – fallow

Rainfed Coriander +Bengal gram

2. Farming Situations –RainfedAlfisol

Rainfed Groundnut + Redgram – fallow

Rainfed Sorghum + Cowpea – fallow

3. Rainfed tank ayacut

Rice – fallow

4. Gardenland

Pulses – Rice/Cotton – Vegetables

Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)

S. No Agro ecological situation Characteristics
1 Agro ecological Zone-I Rainfed area is 2.62 lakh ha, receiving 425 mm annual rainfall mainly from NEM and LGP is 115 days. Specifically Unimodel Rainfall and single crop


S. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics
1 Southern Agro-climatic Zone The climate of the region is semi-arid tropic with an average annual rainfall of 830 mm. The station is having black soil, the depth ranging from0.6 to 1.2 m. The soil group is vertisol with clay loam and underlying canker nodules.

Soil types

S. No Soil type Characteristics Area in ha
1 Red loam Shallow to very deep, well drained with clay enriched B horizon and more of sesquioxide in the surface horizon, red to yellow in colour due to ferric oxides, variable in texture from loamy sand to clay loam, pH of 6.0 TO 7.5, shallow to deep depth, well drained, low in CEC and base saturation, low in organic matter, low in N,P and high in K. 22,991
2 Lateritic Soil More of sesquioxide in the surface horizon, deeply weathered, high clay content, pH of 6.0 to 6.8, with depth there is a decreasing intensity of red colour and clay content, deficient in P due to high P fixing capacity, toxicity of Al and Mn as well as deficiency of K, Ca, Mg, Zn and B 1, 33,987
3 Black Soil Having high clay content, towards calcareous, pH of 7.8 to 9.4, have high CEC, high moisture holding capacity, black colour due to clay humus complexes, low in organic matter, low in N, P and high in K 2, 23,774
4 Sandy Coastal Alluvium Recently formed, shows little or no horizonation, light coloured, coarse in texture mostly sandy loam, problems of soil salinity and  sodicity, deficient in N,P and organic matter 18,456

Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district for 2018-19


S. No Crop Area (ha) Production (Qtl) Productivity (Qtl /ha)
1 Paddy 10609.4 811400 76.48
2 Cholam 16445.5 633150 38.50
3 Cumbu 3890.1 166990 42.93
4 Ragi 148.5 6140 41.35
5 Maize 18139.2 1487240 81.99
6 Other Cereals 1674.2 9020 5.39
7 Bengalgram 35.4 20 0.56
8 Redgram 1258 8820 7.01
9 Greengram 6133.9 45940 7.49
10 Blackgram 3130.3 26890 8.59
11 Horsegram 27.3 200 7.33
12 Other pulses 676.7 3960 5.85
13 Groundnut 5838 93290 15.98
14 Gingelly 1504 19520 12.98
15 Sunflower 685 9310 13.59
16 Cotton 13257.8 51710 3.90
17 Sugarcane 2349.3 2302370 980.02
18 Banana 758.6 308790 407.05
19 Coriander 1982.5 10940 5.52
20 Chillies 1277.1 10870 8.51
21 Onion 1242.2 41460 33.38
22 Tapioca 7.7 2500 324.68
23 Cardamom 324.8 280 0.86

Weather data

Month Rainfall (mm) Temperature 0 C Relative Humidity (%)
Maximum Minimum
April 2018 7.8 38.0 24.0 73
May 2018 242.8 36.0 23.0 68
June 2018 4.8 37.0 23.5 76
July 2018 22.0 6.7 23.4 70
August 2018 167.8 37.0 23.0 74
September 2018 5.6 35.6 22.3 77
October 2018 115.0 32.9 23.5 88
November 2018 98.0 31.6 21.5 82
December 2018 2.0 2.4 21.9 81
January 2019 12.0 32.8 17.0 78
February 2019 34.8 22.1 74
March 2019 37.9 23.5 71

Production and productivity of livestock, Poultry, Fisheries etc. in the district(Latest data)

Category Population
Crossbred 281071
Crossbred 362282
Goats 444878
Pigs 10601
Improved 1150939
Ducks 1069
Turkey and others 3144