Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Completed Projects

Completed Projects

S.No. Title of the Project Date of Start Date of closure Project leader Sponsor Budget (lakhs)
I.    International Funding
1. NRM-CBE-SAC-06-S.04. Investigation on Balanced Fertilization for Breaking Maize Yield Barriers in Tamil Nadu 11/2006


11/2010 Dr.P.Malarvizhi IPNI-IP 8.36
2. IRRI/ NRM/CBE/SAC/2013/R003. Dynamics of N under different crop establishment methods and residue management in rice) 10/2013 9/2015 Dr.P.Malarvizhi IRRI, Philippines 11.45
1. SCMS-CBE-SAC-02-S-01 Development of coastal saline and sand dune affected areas of Nagapattinam. 9/2002 3/ 2008 Dr. S. Natarajan

Dr. R. Sivasamy

GOI 10.00
2 SCMS-CBE-SAC-03-003. Integrated Nutrient Management for High Quality Fibre and Yield in Cotton 9/2003 3/2007 Dr. A.Vadivel TMC 7.50
3 SCMS- CBE – SAC – 03 – S.02. Studies on potassium nutrition of rice and characterisation of soil potassium in Thamaraparani and Cauvey Delta of Tamil Nadu 9/2003 3/2008 Dr.M. Dakshinamoorthy 7.90
4 SCMS- CBE – SAC – 04-S.03.Studies on the use of bottom slag  in crop production 11/2004 10/2007 Dr.A.Vadivel Ministry of Coal & Mines 51.97
5 SCMS-CBE-SAC-04-S 02. Development of an integrated biosystem for urban sewage contaminated sites for heavy metal pollution abatement 12/2004 11/2006 Dr.T.Thilagavathy DBT 5.00
6 SCMS-CBE-SAC-O4-S.04. Monitoring and management of pesticide pollution in an irrigated command and a hilly ecosystem 12/ 2004


12/ 2007


Dr. R. Jayakumar CWRDM 5.80
7 SCMS-CBE-SAC-05-S 01. Phytoextraction of caesium -137 from contaminated soil 1/2005 3/2007 Dr. S. Meena AERB 5.45
8 SCMS – CBE – SAC – 05 . S.04 Land Resource Inventory and GIS database for the Farm Level Planning 4/2005 3/2007 Dr. S. Natarajan

Dr. R. Sivasamy

GOI through

Govt of Tamil

Nadu Govt.

9 SCMS-CBE-SAC-05- S-05 Land Resource Inventory and GIS data base for Farm level planning in Nagai, Cuddalore and Sivaganga Districts 4/2005 3/2008 Dr.S.Natarajan


GOI 9.09
10 SCMS- CBE-SAC-05-S 07. Delineation and mapping of nitrate contamination in soil and water in heavily fertilized and intensively cultivated villages of Coimbatore District 4/2005 6/2008 Dr.P. MurugesaBoopathi ICAR 9.26
11 SCMS- CBE-SAC-06-S 06. Promotion of medicinal plants cultivation through saline water irrigation 1/2006 9/2008 Dr.R.Santhi NMPB 10.00
12 SCMS – CBE – SAC 06-S.01. Development of Interactive Visual Diagnostic Software for the Identification of Nutrient Deficiencies in Crop Plants 4/2006 3/2009 Dr. K.S. Subramanian

Dr. T. Chitdeshwari



13 Dynamics of Boron in organic wastes and its impact on soil quality and crop production 4/2006 10/2009 Dr. P. Janaki SERC


14 SCMS – CBE – SAC 06-S02.Transfer of 65Zn in maize mycorrhizal systems- A potential mechanism to alleviate host plant zinc deficiency 4/2006 3/2009 Dr. K.S. Subramanian
BRNS 13.88
15 SCMS-CBE-SAC-06-S.03. Application of Microorganisms in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (AMAAS) 4/2006 3/2009 Dr. K.S. Subramanian DST 16.07
16 SCMS-CBE-SAC-07-S-01. Transfer Coefficient of Radiostrontium in Food Crops 4/2007


3/2010 Dr. A. Raja Rajan


AERB 7.55
17 SCMS-CBE-SAC-07- S-02. Nation wide mapping of land degradation 8/2007 7/2009 Dr. S. Natarajan

Dr. R. Sivasamy

NRSA 30.94
18 SCMS-CBE-SAC-08- S-02 .Land Resource Inventory and GIS Database for Farm, Village and Block Level Planning 3/2008 3/2008 Dr. S. Natarajan

Dr. R. Sivasamy

GOI – NADP 132.70
19 SCMS – CBE – SAC 08-S05.Mycorrhizal symbiosis to promote carbon sequestration for sustainability soil fertility and environmental safety 4/2008


3/2011 Dr. K.S. Subramanian

Dr.R.K. Kaleeswari

DST 37.06
20 SCMS – CBE – SAC 08- S 03. Nano fertilizer formulations for promoting balanced crop nutrition and sustainable soil productivity 4/2008


3/2011 Dr. K.S. Subramanian

Dr. R.Jegadeeswaran

ICAR  – 50 crore 15.00
21 NRM/CBE/SAC/10/S. 02. Preparation of GPS and GIS based soil fertility maps for selected districts of the country – Tamil Nadu 4/ 2010 3/2014 Dr. R. Santhi and Team DAC, New Delhi through IISS (ICAR), Bhopal 60.85
22 NRM-CBE-SAC-10-S.01  Exploiting genotypic efficiency for effective zinc sequestration by green gram in zinc deficient soils 4/ 2010 3/ 2013 Dr. T. Chitdeshwari

Dr. S. Meena

UGC 8.49
23 NRM-CBE-SAC-11-S.02 .Carbon sequestration potential of rice ecosystem 2/2011 1/2014 Dr. R. K. Kaleeswari


UGC 7.84
24 DST/NRM/ CBE/ SAC/2012/001. Crop and Genotypic Variation a tool to enhance phosphorus use efficiency in low phosphorus soils 3/2012 2/2015 Dr.S.Meena DST -SERB 33.29
25 UGC/NRM/CBE/SAC/20-12/R002. Enhancing the productivity of textile and dye industry polluted soils of Noyyal river basin, Tamil Nadu 7/2012 6/2015 K.M.Sellamuthu


UGC 8.17
26 Validation of Chromatogram technique for soil nutrient analysis 4/2014 12/2014 Dr.P.Malarvizhi

Dr. T. Chitdeshwari


DST 6.41
27 DBT/NRM/CBE/SAC/2014/R004. Bio-remediation of degraded calcareous sodic  and saline-sodic soils 6/2014 9/2017 Dr.T.Chitdeswari DBT


28 Impact of foliar and soil application of micronutrients on mulberry leaf quality and silkworm  bioassay (UGC, New Delhi) 4/2011 3/2014 Dr.K.Ramamoorthy



UGC 7.96








29 Network project on organic farming 4/2004 3/2007 Dr.P.Singaram








Project directorate for cropping system Research, Meerut 20.89
30 Heavy metal dynamics in soils: Implication for their mobility in ecosystem and soil productivity 9/2001 8/2004 Dr.R.Krishnasamy



GOI-MOEF, New Delhi 10.7
31 Bio conversion of Agricultural and  wastes for sustainable crop production 4/2002 3/2005 Dr.R.Krishnasamy


ICAR-NATP, New Delhi 7.56
III. State Funding
1 SCMS-CBE- SAC-05-S.05. Scientific intervention in Delta Management – Developing GIS based product linked with ‘Soil Crop-Weather’ as tool for sustainable resource management in Cauvery Delta 4/2005


12/2008 Dr. S. Natarajan

Dr. R. Sivasamy

TN State Planning Commission, Chennai 8.18
2 CSCMS-CBE-SAC-08-S 01. Establishment of Agri-clinic cum Mini Soil Testing Laboratories (Phase I & Phase II) 3/2008




Dr. R. Natesan



NADP -Phase I

Phase II




3 NRM/CBE/SAC/11/S.04. Standardization of biochar derived from different sources of plant communities


4/2011 3/2012 K.M.Sellamuthu


Part II -Plan 4.92
4 Demonstration of yield enhancement in maize and rice through Nutriseed Pack Technique and Designing Prototype Machineries for industrial production of Nutriseed Packs DST (GOI) – TNSCST Scheme 4/2011 3/2013 Dr.K.Arulmozhiselvan TNSCST 30.91
IV. Product Testing
1 SCMS-CBE-SAC-05-S.06. Assessing the efficiency of spent wash application as manure to crops 4/ 2005


3/2009 Dr. L. Devarajan

Dr. V. Velu

M/s. Sakthi Sugars Ltd., Appakkudal 3.97
2 SCMS-CBE-SAC-04-S.01. Evaluation of Sumitomo products in field crops 4/2005 3/2007 Dr.R.Jeyakumar Sumitomo Chemicals 11.80


3 SCMS- CBE – SAC – 07 – S.03. Radiotracer studies on the metabolism and persistence of bacterimycin in soil plant ecosystem 10/2007 09/2008 Dr. A. Raja Rajan T Stanes 4.18
4 SCMS-CBE-SAC-07-S.04. Tracer studies on the uptake and translocation of nitrobenzene in crops 12/2007 11/2008 Dr. A. Raja Rajan

Dr. A. Vadivel

Devi Crop Science 2.11
5 Evaluation of newly designed Zinc and Iron chelates for rice 7 / 2009


6 / 2010 Dr.P. Stalin



M/s.SreeRamcides Chemicals pvt. Ltd, 2.57
6 NRM-CBE-SAC-10-S.05. Efficiency of Bio-release  micronutrient  fertilizer Zinc (Micromac) on yield and Zinc nutrition of different crops in India (Horticultural crops) 7/2010 6/2011 Dr.P. Stalin



IISS, Bhopal


7 NRM-CBE-SAC-10-S.06. Evaluation of efficiency of patent Kali-PMS fertilizer for Potash, Magnesium and Sulphur nutrition and yield of different crops in India 7/2010


3/ 2012 Dr.P. Stalin



IISS, Bhopal


8 NRM-CBE-SAC-11-S.01. Evaluation of FACTMIX for major crops of Tamil Nadu 2/2011 1/2012 Dr. R.K. Kaleeswari M/s The FACT, Udyogmandal, Kerala 11.74
9 NRM-CBE-SAC-12- S.01. Evaluation of fertilizer potential of seaweed saps on different crops 4/2012 3/2014 Dr. S. Mani

Dr. V.P. Duarisami

Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat 54.92
10 Evaluation of Weed Plus on the efficacy and

economics of Glyphosate as post-emergence

herbicide in Tapioca

1/ 2013 12/2014 Dr. D.Jayanthi M/s.Swaroop Agrochemical Industries, Nashik,


11 NRM-CBE-SAC-13-S.01. Evaluation of Humic acid granulated black urea for major crops of Tamil Nadu 2/ 2013 1/2014 Dr.M.Elayarajan M/s. Ayya Foods  Life Care, Theni 8.02
12 WTC/CBE/SAC/2013/004. Performance of Structured Water on growth, yield and quality of cotton and vegetables Private Agencies. 4/2013 3/2015 Dr. D.Jayanthi M/S. VWF Industries Private Ltd. Mysore 6.40
13 Evaluation of Agrinos Green technology products for groundnut and cotton 9/2013 8/2015


Dr. R. Natesan


M/s. Agrinos India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 8.51
14 Bioefficacy, phytotoxicity, residues and persistence of 2, 4 D on sorghum, maize, wheat, sugarcane, potato, rice and non crop area 4/ 2014 3/ 2016 Dr.P.Janaki M/S.Mahamaya Pvt.Ltd., Mumbai 42.89
15 Evaluation of Agrinos Green technology products for rice


2/2015 4/2016


Dr. P. Malarvizhi


M/s. Agrinos India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 4.87
16 Evaluation of United Phosphorus Drought Tolerant (UPDA) Technology using super absorbent hydrogel for water and nutrient use efficiency in Maize and Tapioca 10/2015


9/2016 Dr. K. Arulmozhiselvan M/s. UPL Limited, Mumbai 7.39
17 Evaluation of Humi + P 98 and soil gold on growth and yield of cotton and rice


10/2015 9/2016 Dr. M. Gopalakrishnan M/s.GNP Agrosciences Pvt. Ltd.,Nashik, Maharashtra 4.61
18 Evaluation of Efficacy of Sulphur and Zinc Containing Complex Fertilizers for Maximizing Yield through Balanced Nutrition of Different Crops in India 10/2015 12/2017 Dr.T. Chitdeshwari



M/s. Zuari Agro Chemicals Limited. & ICAR 15.60
19 Assessment of Stanes micro food on the uptake of macro and micro nutrient on maize 4/2016 2/2017 Dr.J.Balamurugan M/s.T.Stanes, Coimbatore 2.94