Warm Greetings
It is my pleasure and pride to lead the Department of Environmental Sciences as a part of esteemed and prestigious University. Department of Environmental Sciences is recognized by the State and National level for its remarkable achievements in education, research and services. It imparts quality education and current research knowledge to students and research scholars. They have been trained to thrive over various situations and gaining self-confidence to glorify their future endeavors. Besides, education, we are having research collaborations with various stakeholders like ISRO, DBT, DST, State Government Departments and other government and non-governmental agencies, Industries and International Bodies. The department consists of five major research teams focusing on Bioremediation of polluted environments, Wastewater treatment and recycling, Air pollution monitoring and mitigation, Integrated solid waste management and Agro ecology and ecosystem services. The department is equipped with sophisticated Instruments viz., GC-MS, Graphite and Flame AAS, Microwave digestion unit, automatic N analyzer and titration unit, UV-Visible spectrophotometer besides other basic instruments. We are having analytical laboratory, fermentation laboratory, bioremediation laboratory, heavy and organic pollutant analytical laboratory, biodiversity laboratory, solid waste management unit and environmental observatories for doing various research activities and analytical services. The department is regularly organizing state, national, international seminars, conferences, workshops and training. Organized International conference on CleanUp India, 2016 and Global CleanUp Congress, India, 2018 in collaboration with CRC-CARE, Australia and the University of Newcastle. Also organized an international network workshop on “Balancing Climate, Biodiversity and Food Security” during 2019 in collaboration with Queens University, Belfast, UK.
Department of Environmental Sciences is focusing to create meritorious and vibrant professional graduates endure to play a leading role in sustainable environmental solutions to maintain sustainable world for future.
I extend my warm wishes to all.