Analytical and advisory services to the farmers, entrepreneurs and industries for assessing the quality of water, wastewater, soil and compost samples on payment basis.
Providing vermicomposting training to farmers and entrepreneurs on charge basis.
Development and sales of quality Panchagavya.
Development and sales of biomineralizer for composting solid waste and other biodegradable wastes.
Offering technical consultancy to industries.
Addressing farmers’ queries regarding composting and vermicomposting technologies.
Organizing composting demonstration trials at public events.
Dessimination of vermiculture and vermicomposting technologies to rural women for entrepreunership development
Infrastructure through External funding
Establishment of heavy metal analytical laboratory to carry out research on heavy metal interaction between soil, water and plant the soil in an outlay of 50.00 lakhs under ACIAR – Australia project
Computer lab, Microwave digester, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyser, Millipore unit and hydride generator for AAS for conducting PG / Ph.D. research has been established by utilizing Rs. 30.00 lakhs sanctioned by the GOI DST – FIST under Central Sector scheme on infrastructure development.
Laboratory equipments and instruments to the tune of Rs.60.00 lakhs has been purchased utilizing the funds sanctioned under GOI DST – PURSE to carry out PG / Ph.D. research in this department.
Establishment of compost technology park for compost production and demonstration, and dissemination of compost production technology throughout Tamil Nadu under NADP in an outlay of Rs. 200.00 Lakhs.
Establishment of TNAU –ISRO climate change observatory at wood House farm, HRS, Ooty in an outlay of Rs. 178.00 lakhs from ISRO, Dept of Space, GOI for assessing the trace gas emission studies, aerosol studies and black carbon studies.