Formulation of microbial consortium of liquid formulation of sustainable sugarcane production
Sponsor: TN Co-Op. Sugar Federation Ltd
PI: Dr. P. Marimuthu, Professor and Head; Co –PI: Dr. K. Kumutha, Professor
Period: June 2014 to July 2017
Budget: Rs. 64.00 lakhs
Molecular detection and qualification of Shiga-like toxin producing Escherichia coli in fresh vegetables
Sponsor: GOI – DBT, New Delhi
PI: Dr. D. Balachandar, Professor
Period: Sep, 2014 to Feb, 2018
Budget: Rs. 28.65 lakhs
Exploration of indigenous Bacillus thuringensis crystal proteins targeting different insect pest and characterization of nematicidal crystal protein(s) against root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita
Sponsor: GOI – DST- SERB
PI: Dr. A. Ramalakshmi, Asst. Professor
Duration: Aug 14 to July 17
Budget: Rs. 20.00 lakhs
Developing newer methods of mass production of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for sustainable sugarcane production
Sponsor: TN Co-Op. Sugar Federation Ltd
PI: Dr. K. Kumutha, Professor; Co PI: Dr. P. Marimuthu, Professor and Head
Period: Apr 2015 to July 2017
Budget: Rs. 78.80 lakhs
Exploitation of potential antagonictic actinobacteria mediated induced systemic resistance for the management of Fusarium wilt disease in banana
PI: Dr. R. Rajesh, Young Scientist, Microbiology
Period: Dec 2015 to Nov, 2018
Budget: Rs. 28.30 lakhs
Dr P Marimuthu, Professor & Head
Rhizotron – based plant – microbe – soil interaction studies for yield sustainability
Sponsor: Tamil Nadu State Planning commission – Tamil Nadu Innovative Initiative Scheme (Rs. 900.0 lakhs)
Active additive application of inoculants through seed pelletization
Sponsor: NADP (Rs. 127.0 lakhs)
Isolation, screening and evaluation of bioactive molecules from actinomycetes against major sucking insects
Sponsor: Tropical Agro System Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (Rs. 17.32 lakhs)
Formulation of liquid biofertilizers for sustainable sugarcane production and soil fertility status
Sponsor: Sugar Federation, New Delhi (Rs. 6.40 lakhs)
Evaluation of the product Tag Bionik (VAM) Mycorrhizae based product on sugarcane
Sponsor: Tropical Agro System Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (Rs. 3.51 lakhs)
Screening, isolation and evaluation of secondary metabolite producing Streptomyces against spider mite, Tetranychus urticae on okra
Sponsor: T. Stanes & Co. Ltd., Coimbatore (Rs. 11.22 lakhs)
Dr. K. Kumar, Professor (Retired)
Improving biomethanation and bioremediation efficiency of cassava sago effluent by nitrogen amendments and Spirulina cultivation under High Rate Algal Pond (HRAP) system
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 36.38 lakhs)
Development of efficient processes for biomethanation and bioremediation efficiency of cassava sago effluent by nitrogen amendments and Spirulina cultivation under High Rate Algal Pond (HRAP) system
Sponsor: Ministry of Environment and Forest, GOI, New Delhi (Rs. 36.38 lakhs)
Carbon cycling and fixation from industrial flue gases using co-cultivation of microalgae
Sponsor: Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi (Rs. 56.75 lakhs)
Dr. R. Sridar, Professor
Developing Sulphur oxidizing bacterial formulation for enhancing the productivity and quality of groundnut and black gram
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 12.98 lakhs)
Impact of Bt cotton on the functional microbes in the rhizosphere
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 19.82 lakhs)
Sustained availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur nutrition to groundnut through soil bacterial consortia with special reference to Burkholderia sp., Bacillus sp. and Thiobacillus sp.
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 27.59 lakhs)
Dr. Z.John Kennedy, Professor
EU FP 7 Impact of Climate Change and Globalization on safety of Fresh Produce
Sponsor: European Union Veg-i Trade (Rs. 17.00 lakhs)
Development of antimicrobial and antioxidative nano packaging film for perishables
Sponsor: ICAR, New Delhi (Rs. 8.72 lakhs)
Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Professor
Eliciting soil microbiome responses of rice for enhanced water and nutrient use efficiency under anticipated climate changes
Sponsor: ICAR- NASF, New Delhi (Rs. 57.15 lakhs)
Consortia Research Platform on Energy from Agriculture
Sponsor: ICAR, New Delhi (Rs. 70.00 lakhs)
Development of hybrid high rate biomethanation reactor with locally available media for treating wastewater and solid waste
Sponsor: MNRE-GOI, New Delhi (Rs. 59.32 lakhs)
US-India Consortium for Development of Sustainable Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuel Systems
Sponsor: Indo-US Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center–IUSSTF
(Rs. 89.35 lakhs)
Isolation of Clostridium strains and a two phase digestion system for efficient butanol production
Sponsor: ICAR- NFBSFARA, New Delhi (Rs. 48.67 lakhs)
Poultry litter based biomethanation plant slurry handling and enrichment
Sponsor: IOT Mabagas Limited (Rs. 22.15 lakhs)
Biodiesel production from algae
Sponsor: BPCL, Cochin (Rs. 32.23 lakhs)
Soil organic carbon dynamics vis-à-vis anticipatory climate change and crop adaptation strategies
Sponsor: ICAR-NAIP, New Delhi (Rs. 68.45 lakhs)
Dr. U. Sivakumar, Professor
Development of Process for delignification cum saccharification and fuel ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 62.30 lakhs)
Microbial transformation to enhance formation of humic polymer
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 38.33 lakhs)
DNA Fingerprinting of lignocellulose degrading microbes isolated from protected forest areas of Assam and Mizoram
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 24.00 lakhs)
D Balachandar, Professor
Investigation on diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils of Tamil Nadu for improved inoculant development
Sponsor: Department of Atomic Energy, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Mumbai (Rs. 20.00 lakhs)
Development of SCAR marker for strain authentication and quality assessment of bioinoculants
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 37.38 lakhs)
Dr. T. Kalaiselvi, Professor
Exploration of the Diversity and Lipid Storing Capacity of Algal isolates of the Pristine Forest and Marine Ecosystem and Establishment of a Repository
Sponsor: UGC, New Delhi (Rs. 9.74 lakhs)
Dr. M. Senthilkumar, Assistant Professor
Biotization – A novel bioinoculant delivery strategy for banana micropropagation
Sponsor: GOI-DST-SERB, New Delhi (Rs. 22.50 lakhs)
Bacteriophages – A novel biopreservative for vegetables
Sponsor: Ministry of Food Processing Industries , New Delhi (Rs. 67.96 lakhs)
Lytic Bacteriophages as a Biorational Biocontrol Agent Against the Bacterial Wilt Disease of Brinjal
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 29.68 lakhs)
Ecotoxicological assessment of engineered metaloxide nanoparticles on PGPR microorganisms -Pseudomonas sp.
Sponsor: Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi (Rs. 16.66 lakhs)