HoD’s Desk
The fascinating field of Nanotechnology has touched all realms of life including agriculture, horticulture, forestry, environment and the success is widely embraced by the scientific community. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University is the first State Agricultural University in country (India) to establish an exclusive Department for the field of Nano Science & Technology in 2009 with a view to initiate research in the crosscutting areas.
Presently, the Department Nano Science and Technology is known as Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology involves in teaching, research and dissemination of nano inventions to various stakeholders. This centre is working on various nano products of Agricultural importance such as Nano urea and Nano DAP to supplement conventional urea, Enhanced Freshness Formulation (EFF), Nano stickers and Nano pellets for extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, Surface modified Nano Zero Valent Iron, Nano biochar, Nano silica and Carbon dots for environmental applications, Nano fibres for the smart delivery of agro inputs, Bio nano polymer to replace synthetic plastics, Super absorbent hydrogel for moisture retention, Nano biopesticides etc. A team of Young Scientists, Ramanujam Fellows, and Post Doctoral Fellows are working on the development of Nano bee lures and Nano sensors. Besides, the Centre is also working on Nano toxicity.
The Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology is equipped with state of art laboratory facility – Nano Instrumentation Hub (SEM, TEM, AFM, XRD, BET, Raman Spectroscopy, FT-IR, Particle size-Zeta potential analyzer, GC-MS, High energy ball mill, Microwave synthesizer, Lyophilizer, Rotary evaporator, Ultra sonicator, Muffle furnace, Sputter coater, High pressure homogenizer, Ultracentrifuge, Ultramicrotome, UV-VIS spectroscopy, Viscometer, Gas Permeability Tester, Electro-chemical workstation, Nano-spray drier, Electrospinning for nano-fibre production, High Pressure Homogenizer for nano-emulsion, Microwave Synthesizer, Fermentor, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Spin coater, RT-PCR, Gel Documentation unit, Electrophoresis, 3D printer, Modeling desktop system, Nanodrop spectrophotometer) for synthesis, characterization and application study of nano particles and nano formulations. With this facility the Centre is also providing analytical services for the benefit of students and faculty across the country with nominal processing charges.
The Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology has initiated collaborative research with various international institutes like University of Guelph, Canada, National University of Singapore, Linkoping University, Sweden. This Centre has patented many inventions besides holding strong publications in high Impact Factor journals.
The Centre is open for worthwhile research collaboration of mutual interest and student/faculty exchange programme in the years to come.