Remote Sensing and GIS Ongoing Projects

Ongoing Projects

S.No. Title of the Project PI & Co-PI Budget

Rs. in Lakhs

1. NADP/NRM/CBE/RSG/2017/001

Remote sensing based information for crop coverage, yield estimation and drought monitoring

Dr. S. Pazhanivelan

Professor (Agron.)

Dr. K.P. Ragunath,

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

Dr. R. Kumaraperumal

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

2. TNIAMP– Phase I(F39HC)

Monitoring water resources and crop diversification using Remote Sensing and Geotagging interventions under TNIAMP

Dr. S. Pazhanivelan

Professor (Agron.)

Dr. K.P. Ragunath,

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

Dr. R. Kumaraperumal

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

Dr. G. Thiyagrajan

Asst. Professor (SWCE)

3. NRSC/NRM/CBE/RSG/2018/R005

Developing a methodology and interface for spatial maize crop production estimation using Crop simulation model

Dr. S. Pazhanivelan

Professor (Agron.)

Dr. K.P. Ragunath,

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

Dr. R. Kumaraperumal

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

4. SAC/NRM/CBERSG/2019/R006

Use of Space Technology for Area Estimation of Rabi-Groundnut and Pilot Studies for Crop Insurance and Yield estimation in Tamil Nadu state

Dr. S. Pazhanivelan

Professor (Agron.)

Dr. K.P. Ragunath,

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)

Dr. R. Kumaraperumal

Asst. Professor (SS&AC)
