Remote Sensing and GIS Other Department Specific Facilities


Training and Consultancy on Remote Sensing and GIS Applications are available for TNAU  scientists, research scholars and scientist / teachers / research scholars of other educational / research institutes. Aspiring research scholars and scientists to use Remote Sensing and GIS techniques in their project work are invited to register with the Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, TNAU, Coimbatore. The services are extended as per the following terms and conditions.

  1. Project fee Rs.10,000 per individual to be paid to TNAU Venture Capital Scheme of the Department
  2. The maximum project period is restricted to three months.
  3.  The individuals should arrange their own stay and transport.
  4. Before registering with the RS&GIS department, the individuals should present / submit the technical programme of the proposed research work / dissertation.

The charges for the below services including computer hours and access to software licenses are covered by the registration fee

  1. Spatial data generation (Head-up digitizing, R2V (Able Soft) & tablet digitizing (Summagrid IV with Cartalinx or ArcGIS or ERDAS Vector Module) data import, etc.
  2. Visual interpretation of satellite data (light table, Large Format Enlarger & on-screen).
  3. Digital Image Processing (ERDAS Imagine Professional v8.5, IDRISI Kilimanjaro, ArcGIS 9.3 Labkit with major extensions, ILWIS 4.3 and GRASS).
  4. GIS data integration and analysis (ArcGIS, IDRISI, ILWIS, ERDAS, GRASS, Quantum GIS) except network analysis and dynamic route segmentation.
  5. GIS output generation in soft formats (Geo tiff, pictures with world file, geopdf).
  6. Facilitating satellite data / imageries acquisition from NRSC

The following facilities / services listed are available on payment basis

  • Scanning hard copy maps up to a width of 44” (Contex HD4230)
  • GPS survey (Ashtech Promark 2)
  • Optical pantograph & large format enlarger
  • Plotting / printing maps up to 44” width (HP Designjet 800) and printing report (A3, Canon iRC 3080i)
  • Ammonia printing.
  • Soil map of Tamil Nadu at 1:50K and associated soil data (survey completed in March 2008)
  • Soil map at the cadastral level for selected blocks in Tamil Nadu (survey started in the year 2007 jointly by TNAU, Soil Survey and Land Use Organization of Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering Department)
  • Hyperspectral observations (GER1500 producing 512 channels outputs of narrow bandwidth in 350 to 1050 nm range)
  • Soil and plant sample analysis (through SOTAC)
  • Manures, effluent and sludge sample analysis (through ENS Dept.)
  • Customized RS & GIS trainings (RS & GIS Dept, TNAU and iGIS Centre,Chennai)
    GIS network analysis and dynamic route segmentation (through iGIS Centre, Chennai)
    Arranging expert consultancy on software customization (VBA scripting, .net and MapWindow), modeling and soil resource inventory.