Soil resource inventory and mapping of TNAU farms.
Soil resource inventory for exploring the potentialities and constraints of soil for crop productivity.
Generation of thematic maps on soil resources.
2. Soil Health Assessment and Management
Geospatial delineation and reassessment of secondary and micronutrient status in soils of Tamil Nadu.
STCR – IPNS prescriptions for crops and cropping systems including fertigation.
Secondary and micronutrient fertilizer optimization for agricultural and horticultural crops.
Impact of Long-term organic and inorganic nutrient management on soil biochemical and biological processes for soil health sustainability.
Soil carbon management for sustaining soil health.
Harnessing rhizosphere micro flora for improving soil health.
3. Developing and Evaluating Nutrient Mixtures and Formulations
Developing and evaluating nutrient mixtures and formulations for improving the yield and quality of crops.
Development, characterization and evaluation of new chelated and liquid formulations for improving crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency of crops (including multi micronutrients for foliar nutrition of crops).
Development and evaluation of water soluble fertilizers for fertigation and precision farming.
Characterising and understanding the growing media of crops with special reference to roof gardens.
4. Enhancing Resources use Efficiency / Reducing cost of Production
Acquisition of fixed nutrients in soil and techniques for improving their bio availability for increased nutrient use efficiency.
Enhancing nutrient use efficiency through organics and bio-resources.
Exploiting genotypic variability for effective nutrient utilisation.
Use of sensors for soil moisture and crop nutrient management.
Nutrient optimization in crops and cropping system through tracer techniques.
Soil-plant-microbe interactions in rhizosphere for enhancing nutrient use efficiency.
Fixing DRIS norms for effective nutrient management in perennial crops.
5. Enhancement of nutritional quality of crops
Bio fortification technologies for enriching nutrients in crop produce.
Strategies for crop quality improvement.
Identifying and improving active principles in commercial agricultural and horticultural crops.
6. Soil nutrient stress and mitigation
Diagnosis and mitigation of soil constraints and nutrient stress.
Screening and evaluating genotypes / varieties for nutrient stress, salinity, sodiciy and elevated CO2 levels and soil temperature.
Evaluation of controlled release fertilisers/ organo chemical fertilisers for mitigating soil nutrient stress.
7. Degraded soils and poor quality water management
Assessment of soil constraints and their management.
Assessing the heavy metal contamination in soils and their remediation.
Hydro chemical assessment of water quality for irrigation and its management/ cost effective reclamation techniques.
8. Impact of Agro-chemicals on soil, water and plant ecosystem
Studying the persistence and degradation of agro-chemicals in different soil eco-system.
Quantifying agro chemical residues in crop produces and developing technologies to minimise the residue levels in crops.
Impact of agro-chemicals on ground water quality and preventive measures to nullify its effect.
9. Nutrient Management in Organic Agriculture
Developing organic nutrient management protocol for various crops.