Ongoing Schemes

Ongoing Schemes

S.No. Project Number and title Period Name and Designation of the Project Leader (s) Progress of work
1. New – ‘’Evaluation of commercial varieties on dogridge rootstock under ‘Y’ trellis system in grapes’’ June, 2019 to May, 2022 Dr. S. Saraswathy

Professor and Head

In situ grafting with commercial varieties was carried out and the trial is in progress.
2. New – ‘’Studies on the effect of pre-harvest treatments on yield and quality enhancement of grapes                                var. Muscat Hamburg’’ June, 2019 to May, 2021 Dr. S. Saraswathy

Professor and Head

The trial was initiated as per the technical programme. Trial is in progress.
3. New – “Collection and evaluation of elite clones of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) var. Muscat Hamburg’’ June, 2019 to May, 2022 Dr. A. Subbiah

Asst. Professor (Hort.)


Six types are under evaluation.
4. HCRI / TNI / HOR / FRU / 2015 / 001

Collection, conservation and evaluation of  grapes (Vitis spp.) germplasm

June, 2015 to May, 2019 Dr. A. Subbiah, Ph.D.,

Asst. Professor (Hort.)

GRS, Anaimalayanpatty

Dr. A.Vijayasamundeeswari, Ph.D.,

Asst. Prof. (Pl. Path.)

Dr. S. Irulandi, Ph.D.,

Asst. Prof.(Agrl. Ent.)

Dept. of Fruit Science,

HC & RI, Periyakulam

Totally 130 accessions are being maintained at GRS. The data recorded on vine growth, yield and quality parameters.

Among the 125 grapes accessions evaluated, early bud burst (10.45 days after fruit pruning) was noticed in grapes accession TGC-62 (Gulabi x Bangalore Purple) during fruit pruning. Delayed bud burst (23.60 days) was noticed in grapes accession TGC-121 (Kismish Molodowsky) after fruit pruning. In grape accession, TGC-97 (Clairette) the highest leaf length (18.92 cm) was observed. Whereas the maximum leaf width of 18.42 cm was recorded in grapes accession TGC-88 (Clone-A17/2). The leaf area was found to be maximum (257.75 cm2) in TGC-54 (Arka Chitra). Maximum cane thickness (2.48 cm) was registered in TGC-18 (Kishmish Chorni). In grapes accession TGC-110 (Rangspey Black), the petiole length was recorded to be the highest (10.47cm). Maximum shoot length (133.75 cm) was observed in TGC-7 (Krishna Seedless).

The highest number of bunches per vine (62.00) was recorded in grapes accession TGC- 65 (E-12/3) during the second fruit pruning season, while the individual bunch weight (692.35 g) was the highest in TGC-13 (Red Globe). The highest yield of 16.42 kg vine-1 was recorded in TGC-2 (Medika) followed by TGC-1 (Clone A- 18/3) with 14.25 kg vine-1. Maximum TSS of 21.80 0Brix and the lowest acidity value of 0.52 per cent were registered in the grapes accession no. TGC-45 (Shiraz).


5. University Core Project

HCRI / TNI / HOR / FRU / 2018 / CP 119 ‘’Studies on colour improvement practices in grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) var. Muscat Hamburg grafted on dogridge rootstock’’


October, 2018 to September, 2020 Dr. A. Subbiah

Asst. Professor (Hort.)

Dr. K. Venkatesan

Professor (Crop Physiology)

Total anthocyanin content and TSS (°Brix) were estimated in ten grapes samples collected from different grape vineyards established on own rooted cuttings and ten grapes samples from the grape vineyards established by in situ grafting on dogridge rootstock during March, 2019.

The results revealed that great variation among the samples was observed for total anthocynanin content and TSS. The total anthocyanin content varied from 20.76 mg 100g-1 FW to 40.40 mg 100g-1 FW in samples harvested from the own rooted crop compare to in situ grafted vines. Significant variation was observed among the samples collected from the vineyards with different soil texture. Irrespective of the soil texture, the total anthocyanin content was found to be the lowest in the samples collected from in situ grafted vines of grapes var. Muscat Hamburg on dogridge rootstock. It ranged from 14.20 mg 100g-1 FW to 24.95 mg 100g-1 FW of sample. Whereas the highest TSS (22.93oBrix) was observed only from the samples of in situ grafted vines. The TSS ranged from 18.10 to 20.19oBrix in own rooted samples and 19.88 to 22.93oBrix in samples from in situ grafted vines respectively.