Ongoing Projects

S.No. Scheme No. Title of the scheme Name (s) of the PI/CO PI Period Progress of work
1. M 28 DD ‘Restoration of Agriculture in Prosopis cleared farm lands through Agri-Silvi-pasture system for rainfed farmers of Ramanathapuram District’ Dr.S.Muthuramu, Asst.Prof.(PB&G) 2018-19 As per plan of work the establishment of model farm, layout of on-farm demonstrations at farmer’s field were completed. Training programme under capacity building programme is in progress.
2. M 28 DH “Demonstration of Production

Technologies of Lesser Known Fruits – Avocado and Litchi in Lower Pulney Hills and Jamun; Manilla Tamarind in Arid Zones of Tamil Nadu”


Prof & Head


Identification of beneficiaries and purchase of inputs is in progress