Comprehensive Scheme for studying the Cost of Cultivation of Principal Crops in Tamil Nadu
Developing & Disseminating Price Forecasts under TN-IAMP
Causes and consequences of e-NAM on the Economic Development of Indian Agricultural Commodities
Development and Institutionalization of capacity for Forecasting of Prices of Agricultural Commodities
ICAR-NIAP Resource Use Planning for sustainable agriculture in Tamil Nadu.
Monitoring and evaluation of medicinal plants cultivation during 2013-14 to 2015-16 for Farmers level survey on medicinal plants cultivation in the state of Tamil Nadu
Final evaluation of watershed projects of Tamil Nadu, completed under DPAP/IWDP, IWMP and NWDPRA (Prev.Title: Final evaluation of completed DPAP/IWDP watershed projects in Tamil Nadu)
A Study on Participatory Behaviour of Rural Households in Neem Seed Collection in Tamil Nadu
Preparation of District Agriculture Plan (DAP)/State Agriculture Plan (SAP)
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology
Empowerment of SC/ST rural youth through skill development and entrepreneurship programme
Department of Agricultural and Rural Management
Developing Agribusiness Models by Linking Farmer Producer Organizations and Farmers Groups to Markets through Value Chain Management (ICAR – Extramural)
Assessment of Demand and Supply Pattern of Industry Human capital in Agribusiness Sector(CHORDS-DST)
Development of National Database on millets and establishing benchmarks for production, consumption and utilization of millets