Cropping system

Cropping system

  • In kharif season, the maize crop recorded the highest yield and return. In rabi season, transplanted rice recorded the higher yield of 3257 kg/ha followed by aerobic rice (2700kg/ha). In a sequence, maize followed by aerobic rice recorded more revenue with a net return of  35033/-.The next best sequence was raising aerobic rice in kharif succeeded  by transplanted rice in rabi which realized a net return of Rs.31,392/-.
  • Planting of rice at 25 x 25 cm with dhaincha intercropping and its in-situ incorporation by cono-weeder at 30 DAS recorded higher grain (6,110 kg/ha) and straw yield (6,973 kg/ha)  and realized higher gross income of Rs.94,239/ha.