College Library

The Agricultural College Research Institute library was established in the Year of 2014 started functioning agricultural department building from the old campus vazhavachanur and latter it has been shifted to the first floor left side room of new administrative building in the year of 2018. Now its separate library buildingfunctioning from January 2021 funded by NABARD(3.5 Crore Rupees) with fully air ventilation facilities in 18216 sq.ft.

This building accommodate sections such as stacks, Reference, Circulation, Periodicals, E-library and Browsing Centre. The library had it collection of 1542 volumes in the year of 2015 with 120 users. At present the library has in its stock about 8169 volumes of books and 20 current periodicals. To facilitate users to access current academic and research literature. In addition, 4000+ ejournals and more than 3000+ e books can be accessed campus-vide to enhance the quality of teaching and research activities. The library serving 300 members in addition, the academic community of other institutions and general public has been using the library resources.

The College library is mainly providing with the documents collection of Agriculture, Horticulture, allied sciences and general competitive based   resources to support the educational & research development activities of the users. The Library has been upgraded E Library and barcode printer and reader and all books are affixed with barcode labels. This enables library automation and is currently posses complete computerized transaction, in this connection future development to create the separate digital library with automatation and developed institutional repositories. It is also available in Web based Online Public Access Catalogue (list of books in the TNAU constituent college) link is:

Collection Documents

Documents Nos
Text & Reference Books (Print)



3000 +

CeRA e- journals(

4000 +



Current Journals(Print)


Magazines (Print)


Newspapers(Print)           6

E-Journals: CeRA (Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture)

Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) has been established under the NAIP for providing online access to e-journals and resources in over 120 ICAR libraries. The main Objective is to expand the existing R & D information resource base of ICAR Institutions/Universities, etc., comparable to world leading institutions/organizations, and nucleate e-access culture among scientists/teachers in ICAR Institutes / Agricultural Universities. Most of the agriculture related journals from selected publishers are available in CeRA. At present, more than 2700 journals (National & International) are accessible.

To access CeRA, use the URL:


S.No Databases


Web of Science (Intl. Bibliographical Information)


KrishiKosh (Digital repository of rare documents) :

3. Information)


KrishiPrabha (Digitization of Theses documents):


Delnet : – Library Network


Commodity –Commodity information


Remote Login Access Facility related access E Resources

E-BOOKS: (More than 3000 Titles with Full text access)

  • Springer e-Books:
  • e-Books:
  • Indian e-Books (Astral Publisher)

The college library has the e-book access facility to access from CAB e-Books, Indian e-Books, Science direct e-Books, CeRA-Science Direct, e-Books, Springer e-Books. It also has the provision of access of J-Gate plus (CeRA Journals), KrishiKosh e-theses.


Students, Faculty members and other non teaching staff of the Agricultural College & Research Institute of Vazhavachanur are eligible to become members of the library.

The bonafide students of other institutes may be permitted to use the Library on request through proper channel with entry fee of Rs.20/per day.

S.No. Particulars Numbers
1. Internet (BSNL ILL Modem) 1
2. Computers at E Library 20
3. Bar Code Printer 1
4. Printer 1
5. Bar Code Scanner 1
6. Touch Screen-KIOSK (OPAC) 1

Library Services:

S.No Services
1. User orientation
2. Reference Services
3. Current Awareness Service (Digital Display)
4. Inter Library Loan
5. Lending of Books (Issue/Return)
6. Reprography Services
7. Web OPAC (Catalogue)
8. Digital Library services and e Resources Access
9. Wi Fi facility ( Internet Access ) -BSNL ILL ( 100 Mbps)
10. Remote login for E-Resources Access
11. Koha-Open-source Integrated Library System (ILS)

Library Committee

This committee has been constituted and approved by the Vice Chancellor, TNAU, Coimbatore with 14 members to discuss various issues related to the library of Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vazhavachanur. The Dean is the chairman of Library Committee. Five professors, one Assistant professor and six students (Three Boys & Three Girls) are member. The Assistant librarian act as the member secretary.