Apple KKL 1:
- Released during 1987
- A clonal selection from Parlin’s Beauty
- Mid season variety
- Fruit yield of 250 – 300 fruits/tree
- TSS : 14.26%
Geranium KKL 1:
- Released during 1987
- A single plant selection from Algerian type Pelargonium graveolens
- Herbage yield : 37t/ha
- Essential oil content : 0.13%
Butter Beans KKL 1:
- Released during 1991
- Pole type, Cluster bearing
- Pod yield 3.47 t/ha
- Seeds are snow white, bold
- Good cooking quality
Gladiolus KKL 1:
- Released during 1993
- Selection from American Beauty
- Red flowers with white center
- Spike length 90 cm and 16 flowers in one spike
- Yield : 21 spikes/sq.m
Moringa Beans KKL1:
- Released during 1996
- Pod length 30 cm
- White bold seeds
- Yield : Green pods 7 t/ha