
  • Evaluation and recommendation of new grapes varieties
  • Mass multiplication and supply of rootstocks and commercial grapes varieties to farmers
  • Standardization of different training systems
  • Canopy management, crop regulation and viticultural practices
  • Standardization of pruning practices
  • Quality improvement
  • Postharvest studies


  • Evaluation and recommendation of new grapes varieties
  • Mass multiplication and supply of rootstocks and scion sticks
  • Standardization of canopy management, crop load and viticultural practices
  • Standardization of double pruning single cropping model for commercial grapes varieties and double pruning double cropping model for Muscat Hamburg
  • Site specific fertilizers recommendation based on soil and petiole analysis
  • Use of bio-regulators and growth promoting substances for quality enhancement
  • Post-harvest studies
  • Advisory services for disease and pest management based on weather forecast model.
  • Development and recommendation of complete package of practices for organic grapes production
  • Skill oriented training on canopy management and crop regulation practices for quality grapes production to the growers and labourers
  • Dissemination of the technologies by conducting farmers’ days, field days, field diagnostic visits, training programmes and also through mass media

About the station

With a view to cater the needs of grapes growers in Theni and Dindigul districts and other grapes growing regions of Tamil Nadu, the Grapes Research Station was established under the aegis of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. This is the only station for the entire state engaged in research, extension, mass multiplication and distribution of grapes planting materials for the benefit of grape growers.

Climate                        : Purely tropical

Soil                                : Deep Alfisol

Irrigation Source     : Bore well


Maximum Temperature  : 32.40°C

Minimum Temperature   : 19.70°C

Relative humidity             :  67.97 %

Wind velocity                    : 4.20 kmph

Rainfall                              : 1025 mm / annum