Promising Cultures

Cultures identified for ART & MLT

The promisimg culture VaMH 12014 is  evaluated for the yield performance under irrigated conditions  in 13 districts during kharif 2019 under ART.

The maize hybrid VaMH 12013 along with the checks is  evaluated for the yield performance in the five districts viz., Dindigul, Madurai, Thoothukudi, Virudhunagar and Thirunelveli districts in rainfed conditions during the month of September 2019 under OFT.

The promising hybrid cultures VaMH 15028 and VaMH 15036 from MRS, Vagarai are under Multilocation Trials during rainfed kharif 2019.


  • The Late and medium maturity maize genotypes under the fertilizer dose of 250: 80: 100 kg NPK/ha with the spacing of 50 X 20 cm produced higher grain yield
  • The Early maturity maize genotypes under the fertilizer dose of 200: 60: 60 kg NPK/ha with the spacing of 50 X 20 cm produced higher grain yield
  • Atrazine @ 1.5 kg a.i. /ha as Pre emergence fb Halosulfuron (60 g/ha) at 25 DAS as Post emergence recorded higher yield in maize.
  • Application of 60 kg P2O5/ha + PSB II produced higher grain yield of maize.
  • Sowing of Maize hybrid at 75 X 20 cm with pre emergence application of Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha followed by one power weeder of 60 cm width weeding at 45 DAS resulted in higher grain yield
  • The INM practice recorded higher growth and yield parameters and consequently higher grain, stover / haulm yield and nutrient uptakes of maize – green gram system when compared to inorganic and organic practices.