Annual Report

Crop Improvement

  • In finger millet, 150 segregating genotypes for long duration, drought tolerance, blast resistance, more number of fingers, open/closed ear head, dark brown seeds are being evaluated
  • In red sorghum, seeds of 40 genotypes from Trichy, 10 from Kovilpattti, 19 from Coimbatore and 30 land races from Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri districts are being evaluated and characterized based on descriptors obtained from ICRISAT
  • Under mutation breeding in horse gram, single plant selections were made for early maturity, photo insensitiveness, bold seeds, more no. of pods/plant, profuse branching and high yield. Under AINRP on Arid legumes, IVT in horse gram is being conducted every year at All India Level. Seeds of 150 horse gram germplasm accessions are being maintained
  • In field bean, identification of F2 segregants for photo insensitiveness, seed coat colour and dual purpose types is in progress. Seeds of 176 field bean germplasm accessions are being maintained
  • Breeder seed production: 2050 kg of CO 43 paddy, 100 kg of Paiyur 1 paddy, 150 kg of Paiyur 2 Ragi, 550 kg of Paiyur 2 horse gram & 1100 kg of CO 15 Ragi breeder seeds were produced and distributed during 2019
  • Foundation, Certified and TFL seeds in Paddy Paiyur 1(FS-2669 kgs,TFL-11220 kgs) , ADT 39(FS-2338 kgs, CS-10740 Kgs) TKM 13( FS-2250 kgs), Horse gram Paiyur 2( FS-490 kgs, CS-141.7 kgs) and Ragi Paiyur2 (FS-3349 kgs and 500 Kgs) were produced and distributed to farmers during 2018-19
  • Under revolving fund on seed production in agricultural crops vegetable seed packets are being purchased and sold with marginal gain for the promotion of nutrigarden.

Crop physiology

  • 100 acres of Front Line Demonstrations in Ragi – Paiyur 2 were carried out in the farmers’ field under TANII Millets Scheme as CCPI.
  • 20 acres of Seed production plots in Ragi – Paiyur 2 were carried out in the farmers’ field under TANII Millets Scheme as CCPI.
  • Two numbers of trainings were conducted to disseminate the production and value addition technologies in Ragi to the farmers (60 numbers) under TANII Millets Scheme as CCPI.
  • Two numbers of field days were organized to popularize the production technologies in Ragi to the farmers under TANII Millets Scheme as CCPI.
  • Purchased the processing unit with the cost of Rs. 5.0 lakhs comprises Double Chamber Centrifugal Dehuller, Destoner cum Grader cum Aspirator, Flour Sifter, Pulveriser, Roaster, Packaging Machine for Gunny Bags and Packaging Machine for Polythene Bags under TANII Millets Scheme and issued to the farmers with Agreement Bond.

Crop Protection

  • Developing components of Integrated pest management for mango coccids (mealy bugs & scales)
  • Effectiveness of Botanicals, viz., Azadirachtin, Neem oil, fish oil rosin soap, Biocontrol agents like Coccinellid Viz., Scymnus coccivora along with standard chemical will be deployed to minimize the injury causing population
  • Developing host plant resistance component of management in field bean (mochai)
  • The advanced generation breeding material of field bean meant for developing short duration high yielding photo insensitive dual types of mochai (Lablab purpureus var. Lignosus (L) will be explored for field tolerant genotypes for Pod borer complex in mochai & bruchids during storage.


  • Under Mango Research Centre scheme under NADP 2017-2018- first floor training hall above the microbiology room and first floor laboratory above the regional laboratory building at RRS, Paiyur were constructed
  • Equipments like Portable Photosynthesis System, Atomic absorption Spectrophotometer and others to a worth of 50 lakhs were purchased for the high throughput research in mango for Mango Research Centre scheme under NADP 2017-2018.
  • A total of 43 varieties were maintained in the mango germplasm, In addition 18 new mango varieties/ genotypes were collected and planted during 2016 -18 and maintained. They are for various benefits– Punasha, Punasha local, Jallal, Kodhapallikoppra and Seeri pickle purpose, Royal special  for offseason variety, Cherrukkurasam, Adhimaduram, Perukurasam, Chinnarasam for Juice purpose, Kesar, Dashehari, Kiddamar, Peruneelum, Swarnarekha, Alibasant, Lalbaugh, Arka Uaday  for table purpose .
  • Demonstration plots like high density planting and ultra high density planting are maintained in the orchards.
  • Quality planting materials of mango approach grafts of the varieties like Alphonsa, Bangalora, Neelum, Sendura 3249 numbers distributed to the farmers of Krishnagiri district. Softwood grafts of 3728 numbers were also produced and distributed during 2018.
  • All India Mango Show Exhibition were organized at Krishnagiri district and showcasing the varieties and technologies to the District farmers.
  • Trainings were conducted in mango for farmers at RRS, Paiyur and at Pochampalli.
  • A scheme entitled “Establishment of Technology Enabling Centre for mango in Krishnagiri district” for a budget outlay of Rs.331.20 lakhs during 2018-19 which was sent to DST for funding by the Directorate of Research. The DST screening committee selected the proposal for Final presentation at Mumbai. L.Jeeva Jothi, Professor (Horticulture) along with the Director (Agri Business Development) presented the proposal on 25.9.18. However, it was not considered.