Ongoing Schemes
University Research Projects (from 1.4.2016 to till date)
Sl. No. | Project Number and title | Period | Name and Designation the project Leader | Progress of work |
1. | TRRI / TNJ / PBG / 13 / 001
Development of early duration rice cultures suitable for direct sown paddy areas in Cauvery Delta Zone of Tamil Nadu |
April 2013 to March 2018 | Dr.D.Sassikumar
AP (Pl. breeding), Dr. S.Santha, AP & Dr.L.Subha, AP |
The variety Prasanna, Turant Dhan and Vanaprabha are very early maturing at CDZ condition in comparison with ADT 48, CO41 and TPS 4.
Variation in Shoot and root length across genotype is observed and there is no correlation between the age of the variety and the root length at the early growth stages under direct sown condition. The variety PMK3 and CORH 3 are found to be well adapted for direct sown condition. |
2. | TRRI/ADT/PBG/13/001
Development of blackgram cultures suitable for rice fallow condition of Cauvery Delta Zone |
April 2013 – March 2018
AP (Pl. breeding), Dr. S.Santha, AP & Dr.L.Subha, AP |
The culture PBG11040 is promising in terms of pod number and on par with the latest varieties. The blackgram cultures viz., PBG11040 and PBG11029 has given high mean grain yield than ADT 5 in two consecutive years. Both the cultures have the yield advantage of 20.49 and 12.27 per cent respectively then the best check ADT 5. |
3. | TRRI/TNJ/PBG/12/001
Breeder Seed production in paddy Pulses |
April 2013 to
March 2018
AP (Pl. breeding), Dr. S.Santha, AP & Dr.L.Subha, AP |
The targeted quantities of breeder seeds were produced. |
4. | SEED/TNJ/SST/RIC/2015/001
Strategies to induce seed dormancy to mitigate pre-harvest sprouting in rice varieties |
Jan, 2015 – Dec, 2017 | Dr.K.Parameswari
Asst. Professor (SST) and Dr.N.Punithavathi Asst. Prof. (SST) |
Foliar spray of maleic Hydrazide 500 ppm at seed filling stage can effectively control the pre – harvest sprouting in non – dormant rice varieties. |
5. | NRM/TNJ/SAC/RIC/2011/001
Nitrogen and Potassium interaction under aerobic rice grown to sandy loam soils of Cauvery New Delta |
June 2014 – May 2016 | Dr. A.Saravanan
Professor (SS&AC) and Dr.M.Babu Prof. (SS&AC) |
Highest yield was recorded in the treatment applied with 200kg N and 100 kg K2O /ha where as in the control plot recorded the lowest yield.
However, the yield increase for applied N beyond 150 kg/ha was not spectacular at 100 kg K2O/ha level. Hence, it could be concluded that a dose of 150 kg N and 100 kg K2O/ha is optimum for obtaining higher yield under aerobic condition. Similar trend was recorded for straw yield also. Graded levels of N & K had positive effect on available N, P and K content in the soil, followed similar trend as that of grain and straw yield. N, P and K uptake also followed similar trend as that of grain and straw yield. |
6. | NRM/TNJ/SAC/RIC/2011/002
Stubble management studies under rice-rice cropping sequence |
June 2014 – May 2016 | Dr. A.Saravanan
Professor (SS&AC) and Dr.M.Babu Prof. (SS&AC) |
Significantly high yield was obtained in the treatment which received Gypsum 500 kg/ha and N @ 10 kg/ha as urea at puddling. It was followed by biomineraliser which was comparable with the yield by application of lime @ 200 kg/ha + N @ 10 kg N/ha as urea at puddling. The control plot recorded significantly lower yield. Application of N alone either at 15 days prior to puddling or at the time of puddling recorded higher yield than the control but had lower yield than the combination of either with lime or gypsum. |
7. | NRM/TNJ/SAC/RIC/2011/003
Permanent Manurial Experiment under Rice based cropping system of Cauvery New Delta |
August 2014 onwards | Dr. A.Saravanan
Professor (SS&AC) and Dr.M.Babu Prof. (SS&AC) |
Among the various treatments tried, the treatment with Organic manures + Bio-fertilizers + Inorganic fertilizers that is Integrated Nutrients Management (INM) practices recorded highest grain and straw yield in both Kuruvai and Thaladi seasons. |
8. | NRM/ KTM/ SAC/ RIC/ 2016/ 001
Evaluation of organic sources under AWDI method in rice |
August’ 2016
to March 2019 |
Prof (SS&AC) |
Among the various organic sources, application of RDF with safe AWDI* + FYM @ 12.5 t/ha recorded highest grain yield. Whereas the treatment RDF with safe AWDI * + Coir pith compost @ 12.5 t/ha consumed least No. of irrigation with low water requirement. Post harvest soil analysis results revealed that addition of various organics improved the organic carbon content as compared to inorganic fertilizers only. |
9. | AECRI/TNJ/SWC/MAZ/2015 /001
Impulse response modeling on water productivity behaviour in Maize. |
2015 – 2017 | Dr. M.Nagarajan &
Dr.S.Porpavai |
The irrigation with 75 % WRc consumed 338 mm of irrigation water and recorded lower yield of 5070 kg/ha (avg.) with the yield penalty of 31% (avg. 2300 kg/ha) when compared to 100 % irrigation water. Similarly the irrigation with 125% consumed 529 mm of irrigation water and recorded the grain yield of 7343 kg/ha with a reduction in yield of 250 kg/ha. The treatment I3F1 (125 % WRc with 100% fertigation) was consumed higher quantity of irrigation water (529 mm) with lowest WUE (9.28 kg/ha mm) and water productivity (0.93 kg/m3 & Rs. 129.83 ha/mm) when compared to other treatments. The combination of Irrigation with 100% WRc and 100% fertigation has given higher yield of 7670 kg/ha when compared to reduced quantity of fertigation. |
10. | HCRI/TNJ/HOR/VEG/2014/001
Evaluation of Onion varieties suitable for New Cauvery Delta Zone |
Dec.2014 – Nov.2016 | Dr. M. Visalakshi,
Asst. Professor (Horti) |
Onion variety Perambalur local followed by Arka Bindu had better performance by registering improved yield characteristics and this may be recommended for commercial cultivation for Cauvery Delta region. |
11. | URP Serial Number: 351
CPPS/TNJ/ENT/RIC/2016/001 Exploring rice stem borer diversity, plant resistance sources and its management through habitat diversification in Thanjavur belt. |
June, 2016 to
May, 2019 |
Dr. R. Nalini
Prof. (Ento) |
Yellow stem borer was alone recorded in all the season.
Natural enemies recorded were Bracons, Stenobraconnicevillei, Macrocentrus sp.; Assassin bug, Polytoxus sp.; Long horned grasshopper, Conocephalus sp.; Tachinid fly, Argyrophylax sp.; Rove beetle, Paederusfuscipes; Ground beetle, Ophionea nigrofasciata; Coccinellids, Micraspis sp., and Menochilus sexmaculatus; Damselfly, Agriocnemis sp.; Dragonfly, Diplacodes sp.; Owl flyand Ichneumonids, Trichomma cnaphalocrocis and Xanthopimpla sp. Of the spiders, Oxyopes sp., Oxyopidae; Argiope sp., Araneidae; Araneus sp., Araneidae; Tetragnatha sp., Tetragnathidae and Lycosa, Lycosidae, Araneae were recorded. |
12. | URP Serial Number: 518
CPPS/TNJ/ENT/RIC/2017/001 Developing a bio intensive insect pest management module for organic rice cultivation. |
August 2017 to July 2020 | Dr.R.Nalini
Professor (Ento.) |
In organic insect pest management the pest-defender ratio was high 1:3.29 during the first fortnight of October, 2018 compared to farmers’ organic module (1:1.04). Grain yield recorded was 4340 kg/ha in organic insect pest management module as compared 3440 kg/ha in farmers’ organic module. |
13. | TRRI/TNJ/AGR/13/001
Evaluation of Safe AWD and its influence on growth and yield of rice |
2013 to 2016 (Kuruvai season) | Dr. M.Nagarajan, Asst. Prof. (SWC) &
Dr. S. Porpavai, Prof. & Head |
Alternate wetting and drying irrigation with 10 cm depletion of water achieved the highest WUE of 7.56 kg/ha mm with a saving of five irrigations (267 mm) and recorded significantly higher rice grain yield of 5878 kg/ha. Whereas continuous submergence consumed 17 irrigations with lower WUE of 5.19 kg/ha mm and recorded grain yield of 5426 kg/ha.
14. | URP No. 399 DCM / ADT /AGR/ RIC/2016/001 Comparative performance of different crop establishment method for Rice-Rice-Black gram cropping system | June 2016 to
June 2019 |
Dr. V. Ganesaraja
Professor (Agronomy), Dr.M.Nagarajan AP (SWC), Dr.M.Babu, Prof. (SS&AC) |
Among the three crop establishment systems puddled transplanted rice recorded higher grain yield of 5880 kg/ha with highest WUE of 4.78 kg/ha mm which was followed by DSR 5013 kg/ha with WUE of 5.35 kg/ha mm. |
15 | URP No. 400 DCM /ADT /AGR / RIC/2016/002
Alternate Cropping System for Cauvery Delta Zone |
July, 2016 to
June 2019 |
Dr.S.Porpavai, Professor and Head | Among three cropping systems maize-rice-pulse recorded higher RGEY of 13251 kg/ha/year followed by rice-rice-pulse (12970 kg/ha/year). Higher WUE of 6.51 kg/ha mm was recorded in maize –rice-pulse system followed by pulse-rice pulse system (6.41 kg/ha mm.) |
16 |
URP No. 401 DCM /TNJ / AGR / 2016/001
Oilseeds as a component crop in rice based cropping sequence in canal command area (Upland). |
June 2016 to June 2019 | Dr. V. Ganesaraja
Professor (Agronomy) & Dr.M.Babu, Prof. (SS&AC) |
Rice – groundnut cropping sequence recorded higher RGEY & net return in three centres. Rice – castor cropping sequence recorded higher RGEY & net return in one centre.
17 | DCM/VRI/AGR/GNT/2016/001
Integrated best management practices for enhancing the productivity of irrigated groundnut. |
June 2016 to June 2019 | Dr. V. Ganesaraja
Professor (Agronomy) & Dr.M.Babu Prof. (SS&AC) |
The highest mean pod yield (2,285Kg ha-1) was recorded in the treatment of best management practices with 24.8% increase over the farmer’s practices. The highest mean net return (Rs. 69,670 ha-1) and BCR (2.56) were recorded in the best management practices. Best management practices registered higher number of nodules at harvest stage of the crop than the farmer’s practices.
ICAR partly /fully financed schemes (from 1.4.2016 to till date)
AICRP number | Discipline | Name of the experiment | Name and designation of the scientist in-charge | Progress of work |
Agronomy | Development of organic farming package for system based high value crops | Dr.R.Marimuthu
Prof. (Agron) & Dr.S.Porpavai, Prof. (Agron.) |
Among the organic treatments, the highest rice equivalent yield of 15,546 kg/ha/yr was recorded by the application of 100% organics through farmyard manure+ Vermicompost+ Neemcake+ Panchagavya 3% spray. The maximum net return of Rs.70523/ ha/yr was obtained by the application of 100% organics+ intercropping (Maize+Blackgram, Rice + Daincha). This was closely followed by the application of 100% organics+ Biofertilizers with a net return of Rs.69935. Significant difference was not observed in the milling performance and cooking properties between organic and inorganic treatments in rice. |
Agronomy | Identification of need based cropping system for Cauvery Delta Zone. | Dr.S.Porpavai
Prof. (Agron.) |
Based on the REY, production efficiency, economic efficiency and net return:
Drum seeded DSR+ Daincha – Rice – Maize + Blackgram (16,503 kg/ha/year, 45.2 kg/ha/yr, Rs.300 /ha/day and Rs.1,09,512 /ha/year) is the best suitable cropping sequence. The next best cropping sequence is Maize+Blackgram – Rice – Blackgram+Red gram (16,523 kg/ha/year, 45.2 kg/ha/day, Rs.299.7 /ha/day and Rs.1,09,382 /ha/year). Based on WUE: Highest WUE (8.93 kg/ha mm) was recorded in Maize + Blackgram – Rice – Blackgram + Redgram sequence. |
Agronomy | Integrated farming system for marginal farmers of Cauvery New Delta Zone. | Dr.S.Porpavai
Prof. (Agron.) |
Integration of rice cropping (0.6ha) with horticulture (0.1 ha), dairy (1+1) fishery (0.08 ha), Poultry (0.01 ha), vermicompost (0.02 ha) and azolla (0.01 ha) resulted in higher net return of Rs.124590/- from 0.8 ha with 338 man days employment. The production cost was saved to the tune of 15.40 percent through the recycling of resources within the components. |