The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) had its genesis from establishment of an Agricultural School at Saidapet, Madras, Tamil Nadu, as early as 1868 and it was later relocated at Coimbatore.
The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) had its genesis from establishment of an Agricultural School at Saidapet, Madras, Tamil Nadu, as early as 1868 and it was later relocated at Coimbatore.
On-farm trials are an easy way for farmers to learn how practices, products and equipment will work in their cropping systems. The concept of on-farm trials has been around for decades, with farmers placing rows or strips of different practices within their fields for comparison. On-farm trials are easier to conduct now with assistance from formalized on-farm trial programs and the use of GPS and precision technologies.
The objective behind an on-farm trial is to evaluate production practices under realistic growing conditions. Ultimately, p8roperly designed on-farm trials are used to predict responses to products, practices and technologies when used in the same or neighboring fields.
Additionally, on-farm trials are used to validate small plot research with larger field-scale evaluations. On-farm trials are the citizen science for farmers.
Farmers conducting on-farm trials shares results from many sites within a region and across years; and better understanding how management decisions interact with weather and soil variability for improved profitability.