Milestone Achievements

Milestone Achievements


This centre was awarded with Best Seed Production Centre award during 2018 by TNAU.

Released Variety

Rice VGD 1 (ADT43 / Seeragasamba) a fine grain, medium duration variety was released during 2019 for general cultivation.  It matures in 130 days with semi-dwarf, erect, high tillering, non lodging plant habit with grain type similar to land race Seeragasamba.  It is suitable for Samba and late samba seasons.  Its average grain yield is 5860 kg/ha with 32.56 and 13.80 per cent increase over Seeragasamba and TKM 13 respectively. The potential yield of this variety is 9500 kg/ha.  It is moderately resistant to leaf folder, blast and brown spot.

Seed production

  1. Breeders seed production details (2018-19)




Name of the crop  with variety Area


Target fixed (kgs) Actually produced (kgs)
1 Paddy ADT 37 3.98 12960 12960
2 Paddy ADT (R ) 45 2.65 9630 9630
3 Paddy IR 36 0.1 290 290
4 Groundnut CO 6 2.4 1860 1860
5 Green Gram VBN 3 1.7 842 842
  1. TFL Seed production details (2018-19)


Name of the crop  with variety Area (ha) Quantity proposed (kgs) Actually produced (kgs)
1. Paddy CO(R)51 0.92 3,360 3,360
2. Paddy ADT(R)45 0.17 680 680
3. Blackgram VBN 8 0.09 58 58
4. Sunn hemp CO1 2.5 625 625
5. Small Onion CO(On)5 0.095 9.50 9.50
6. Pumpkin CO1 0.034 12.0 12.0
7. Ash gourd CO1 0.029 11.0 11.0
8. Bitter gourd CO1 0.095 5.0 5.0
9. Snake gourd PLR 1 0.42 15.0 15.0