About Our Dean
- Dr. S. NAKKEERAN, the Dean AC&RI, Kudumiyanmalai did his schoolings at Parivallal Higher Secondary School and from Government Higher Secondary School, Singampunari of Sivagangai District. He pursued his undergraduate (B.Sc., Agri), Post graduate (M.Sc., Agri – Plant Pathology) and Ph.D., (Plant Pathology) at AC&RI, TNAU, Coimbatore. Completed his Post-Doctoral Programme at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
- During his journey as researcher for the past 23 years, he has obtained research grant from Department of Biotechnology, ICAR (Out Reach Programme), UGC (SAP), World Noni Research Foundation, NADP and NAIP for a tune of 180 Lakhs as PI and CO-PI.
- Published research papers in the International Journals like Frontiers in Microbiology, Biological Control, Biocontrol Science and Technology, Crop Protection, Plant Disease, Journal of Plant Pathology, Phytoparasitica and Phytopathologica Mediteranea. He has published around 100 research manuscripts, 30 Book Chapters, 5 Books at National and International level. The manuscripts have been cited upto 2823 times with h-index-26 and i10 index 60.
- Received the TNSCST Award, Outstanding Noni Researcher Award, Best Researcher Award, Best Extension Worker Award from TNAU, and Pesticide India Award from Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Best Research Paper Award etc.,. In addition to these awards, students working under his guidance were recognized at National Level with (Vinodkumar, S., Rageshwari,S., Priyanka, R., Dheepa, R., Suganyadevi,M and Senthilraja,C) the prestigeous awards, Dr. PR. Verma Award for M.Sc., Dr. PR. Verma Award for Ph.D.,; Sree Guman Devi Best Woman Scientist Award, and Dr. Abdul Kalam Award during the Conferences organized by Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, International Trichoderma Workshop and National Academy of Biological Sciences from 2014 to 2017.
- Further the Dean has reported for the first time the occurrence of Chrysanthemum white rust, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Chrysanthemum, Plantago Asiatica Mosaic Virus in Lillium and Sclerotinia stem rot of carnation in India (Plant Disease, 2015, 2016, 2018) and developed IDM module for the management of Chrysanthemum white rust and carnation wilt.
- Isolated B. amyloliquefaciens (VB7) with antibiotic biosynthesis genes ituD, ipa14, bacA, bacD, bamC, sfP, spaC, spaS, alba, and albF producing iturin, bacilysin, bacillomycin, surfactin, subtilin and subtilosin. Developed liquid formulation of B. amyloliquefaciens (VB7), effective for the management of diseases of carnation, lillium, chrysanthemeum, chilli & cotton (Sathya & Nakkeeran, The Bioscan, 11(2): 907-910,2016), (Vinodkumar and Nakkeeran,J.Mycol. and Plant Pathol ., 2016).
- Based on the effectiveness of Bacillus spp., against TSV, TSWV and Chayote enation yellow mosaic disease, we were successful in getting Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Post-Doctoral Fellowship under his mentorship to explore MAMP triggerred immunity of Bacillus spp., for the management of Chilli viruses to Dr. S. Rajamanickam.
- The antinemic property of B. subtilis against Root knot nematode with cyclic lipopeptide genes was reported. Reported the biocontrol potential of Bacillllus subtilis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, for the management of carnation diseases and chrysanthemum by exploring AMP genes, surfactin, iturin, bacillomycin and fengycin.
- A novel Pseudomonas chlororapis (PcPA23) and Bacillus subtilis (BSCBE4) triggered polygenic resistance and controlled P. aphanidermatum in field conditions.
- Generated technology package of Trichoderma viride which has been sold to more than 83 stakeholders across the country for commercial production and distribution to the farming community.
- Instrumental for the development of CO-2 oyster Mushroom – Hybzysygus ulmarius and Co-14 cotton variety moderately resitant to wilt and Alternaria leaf blight.
- Popularized Trichoderma technology in Nepal, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Cambodia. Popularized the adoption of precision farming from one hectare to one hundred and twenty hectares in Villupuram district. Six precision farmer’s association was formed in Villupuram District. Served as advisory committee member to popularize precision farming at Phudhucherry on consultancy mode from 2007 – 2009.
- Established 8 milky mushroom grower’s association in Villupuram district through the scheme obtained from Department of Biotechnology, GOI, New Delhi. Bismi Milky Mushroom Growers Association got the Velanmai Semmal Award from the Honourable Agricultural Minister of Tamil Nadu. Besides, other groups based on his Initiative, have obtained, Manonmaniam Sundaranar Award, Manimegalai award from the District Collector for their successful venture in Mushroom Cultivation. The same have been published in Farmers Valarum Velanmai during 2010, Issue 2 under the heading PAAL KAALAN VALARPU. It has also been published in Agripreneurship Initiatives published by Directorate of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore during 2009, edited by Kalaiselvan et al., 2009.
- Based on his initiative at KVK, Villupuram, the activity was recognized and appreciated by the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister Tamil Nadu, Honourable Agricultural Minister (Tamil Nadu), Honourable P.G. Education Minister, Tamil Nadu; DDG (Extension), ADG (Extension) New Delhi; District Collector (Villupuram); District Collector (Namakkal); Director (Extension Education) Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.
- He has also served as editorial committee member in Valarum Velanmai and Editor in Chief for Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology from 2015 onwards.
- Received the Best Extension Worker Award from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in recognition of his contribution to the farming community.
- Established infrastructures like eight spawn production lab at Villupuram District and developed Farm pond, Biocontrol agent’s production unit at KVK, Tindivanam. Established Gradient PCR unit, temperature controlled orbital shaker for cloning, refrigerated high speed centrifuge, smart class room facility, nano drop, ice maker and Laminar flow chamber.
- Dean was instrumental in the establishment of laboratory facilities for the student community. Through the external funded schemes and private agency schemes, the equipments like Gradient PCR, Cloning Chambers, Nano Drop, Ice maker, Refrigerated centrifuge with multiple rotors, Laminar Flow Chamber and Bioreactors were purchased for facilitating the students and staffs to do research.
- Based on the facilities created, the PG and Ph.D., students were developed to compete with the researchers at National and International level. The students working under my guidance were motivated to compete at National and International level in the Symposium/Conferences. Based on the same, the students.
- Dr.S. Rageshwari – Won Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Award for the best Ph.D., research work from National Academy of Biological Sciences, Chennai, during 2017.
- Dr.S. Rageshwari –Won Sree Gumandevi Best Women Scientist Award for the Year 2016 from Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Dr. S. Vinodkumar – Won PR. Verma Award for the Ph.D., students from ISMPP, 2016
- Dr. S. Vinodkumar – Won Jawaharlal Nehru Award from ICAR, PR. Verma Award from ISMPP.
- Dr.S.Vinodkumar – Won Dr.G.Rangasami Award from NABS 2018.
- Dr. R. Priyanka – Won Sree Gumandevi Best Women Scientist Award for the Year 2017 from Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology.
- Dr.C. Senthilraja – Won PR. Verma Award for the Ph.D., students from ISMPP, 2017
- As PG-Coordinator, he has facilitated and motivated the students to get JRF, SRF, Scheme fellowships and Post Doctoral Fellowship from DST.
- Authored book on Biological Control of Soil borne pathogens and Nematodes and Principles of Plant Disease Management for the betterment of student community published by NIPA and Jaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
- Facilitated the students by arranging guest lectures from different areas of specialization across the country, to motivate the students and to develop linkage with other National labs like IARI, North Bengal University, Delhi University, IIHR-Bangalore and MKU –Madurai.

DEAN i/c
Agricultural College and Research Institute
Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai District