B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry

I Year – I Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FSI 101 Introduction to Forestry 2+0
FTB 101 Dendrology 2+1
AGR 112 Introduction to Agronomy and Horticulture 2+1
SAC112 Fundamentals of Geology & Soil Science 2+1
ENS101 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 2+1
COM 112 Information & Communication Technology 1+1
MAT 111 Elementary Mathematics 1+1
ENG101 Comprehension and Communication Skills in English 1+1
TAM 101

ENG 103

Ilakiyangalil Velanmaiyum Arivial Tamil Payannakamum / Development Education 0+1
NSS 101 NCC/NSS 0+1*
PED 101 Physical Education 0+1*
PED 102 Yoga for Human Excellence 0+1*
Total 13+8 = 21
I Year – II Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FSI 102 Forest Survey & Engineering 2+1
FSI 103 Principles of Silviculture 2+1
BIC 103 Plant Biochemistry 1+1
FPU 101 Wood Anatomy 1+1
FPU 102 Wildlife Biology 2+1
FAF 101 Principles of Agroforestry 2+1
AGR 102 Introductory Agro meteorology and Climate Change 1+1
FTB 102 Ethnobotany, medicinal and aromatic plants 2+1
FTB 103 Tree Seed Technology 2+1
NSS 101 NSS- Continued 0+1*
PED 101 Physical Education-Continued 0+1*
FOR 101 Study tour to Southern Tamil Nadu 0+1*
Total 15+9= 24
II Year – III Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FSI 201 Practices of Silviculture 2+1
FSI 202 Fertility of Forest Soils and Nutrient Management 2+1
FSI 203 Tree Nursery Technology 0+2
FPU 201 Wood Science and Technology 2+1
FPU 202 Ornithology & Herpetology 2+1
FPU 203 Forest Microbiology 2+1
CRP 231 Tree Physiology 2+1
AMP 201 Livestock and Poultry Management 2+1
RSG 203 Remote sensing & GIS 1+1
NSS 101 NSS – Continued 0+1*
PED 101 Physical Education- Continued 0+1*
Total 15+10 = 25
II Year – IV Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
STA 201 Statistical Methods 1+1
FPU 204 Forest Pathology 2+1
FPU 205 Wood Products and Utilization 2+1
FSI 204 Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation 2+1
FSI 205 Forest Protection 2+1
NST 201 Fundamentals and Applications of Nano technology 1+0
FAF 201 Agroforestry systems and Management 2+1
PBG 201 Fundamentals of Genetics 2+1
AEC 202 Economics and Marketing 2+1
FOR 201 Study Tour to Northern Tamil Nadu 0+1*
NSS 101 NSS- Concluding 0+1*
PED 101 Physical Education– Continued 0+1*
Total 16+8 = 24
III Year – V Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FSI 301 Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management 2+1
FSI 302 Forest Mensuration 2+1
FSI 303 Silviculture of Indian Trees 2+1
FPU 301 Non-Timber Forest Products 2+1
FPU 302 Tree harvesting and Ergonomics 1+1
FPU 303 Forest Entomology 2+1
FTB 301 Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement 2+1
FAF 301 Forest Tribology and Anthropology 2+0
ARM 301 Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management 1+1
PED 101 Physical Education- Continued 0+1*
Total 16+8 = 24
III Year – VI Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FTB 302 Forest Biotechnology 2+1
FSI 304 Forest Laws, Legislation and Policies 2+0
FSI 305 Forest Management 2+1
FSI 306 Plantation Forestry 2+1
FSI 307 Restoration of Degraded lands 2+1
FAF 302 Forest Extension and Community Forestry 2+1
FAF 303 Recreation And Urban Forestry 2+1
FPU 304 Wildlife Management 2+1
FPU 305 Marketing and Certification of Forest Products 1+1
FOR 301 Study Tour to South India 0+1*
PED 101 Physical Education- Concluding 0+1*
Total 17+8 = 25
IV Year – VII Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FOR 401 Forestry Work Experience – Student ready programme 0+20
FOR 402 All India Study Tour 0+3*
Total 0+20 = 20
IV Year – VIII Semester
Course Number Course Title Credit Hours
FOR 403 Experiential Learning (Student READY) -I 0+6
FOR 404 Experiential Learning (Student READY) -II 0+6
PJT 401 Project Work & Dissertation 0+5
Total 0+17=17

Programme Outcomes (PO) of B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry

PO1 Knowledge: Apply the knowledge and principles of basic sciences and biological sciences mainly forestry to address problems and find solution to the complex issues of forestry through tools and techniques.
 PO2 Problem analysis and devising solutions: Identify the relevant researchable issues based on survey of literature, formulate a proposal and analyze complex forestry problems for arriving substantiated conclusions using integrated approach considering public health and safety, societal, and environmental implications.
 PO3 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Ability to formulate project proposal, use research-based knowledge and methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, for arriving logical and acceptable solutions for the problems.
 PO4 Usage of modern tools and techniques: Develop modern tools and techniques, apply appropriate scientific procedures, and follow prediction and modeling based problem solving approaches to address complex forestry problems understanding the limitations and technical feasibility.
 PO5 Biotechnology and society: Apply reasoning for the issues, informed by the contextual knowledge of the problems in hand and assess the risk associated with the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues of the problems and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional practice of the discipline.
 PO6 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the technological solutions developed in contexts of society and the environment, and demonstrate the knowledge need for sustainable development in judicious use of forestry tools and technique.
 PO7 Professional Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to follow professional ethics and norms and guidelines in the practice of forestry responsibly.
 PO8 Work efficiency: Ability to function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams in multidisciplinary settings for carrying out challenging tasks and provides acceptable solutions involving views of members for increased productivity.
 PO9 Communication skills: Make effective communication on complex forestry issues and solutions drawn from scientific activities with the scientific community and society at large, and ability to comprehend and make oral and written presentations effectively.
 PO10 Life-long learning: Understanding the dynamism of biological sciences, technological changing needs are to be felt, positive attitude are to developed so as to prepare and engage in adapting to such changes through the process of life-long learning.


Method of measuring attainment of POs
    Programme outcomes are periodically measured through established procedures of conducting examinations and evaluations. Students are encouraged to take up assignments and prepare project proposals and execute projects guided by the mentors. Success of the programme is reflected from the students’ placements at leading national institutes for pursuing higher education through winning competitive and meritorious fellowships and also taking up career in reputed institutions.

Programme specific outcomes (PSO)

 PSO1 Impart a high quality education in forestry and discipline students to meet out future challenges in forestry field.
 PSO2 Understand the nature and basic concepts  of precision silviculture, multifunctional agroforestry, value addition technique and clonal propagation techniques
 PSO3 Analyse the complex problems of forestry and address issues through use of modern  tools and techniques in forestry.
 PSO4 Perform experimental procedures as per established laboratory standards in the areas of of tissue culture, molecular markers in biotechnology.
 PSO5 Understand the applications of  forestry technology in all  the aspects to  improve  silvicultural methods, Forest management , nursery management  to produce sustainable income to the farmers through increasing productivity .  
PSO6 The students will be expected to enhance their academic and personal transferable  skills  related to sustainable and scientific management of forest

B. Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
SER 101 History, Development and Organization of Sericulture Industry  1+0
Out come
CO1 History of Sericulture
CO2 Basic Terminologies of Sericulture
CO3 Organizational Setup
CO4 Institutes Setup
CO5 Seri Research Institutes at National Level
CO6 Seri Institutes at State Level
CO7 Laws and Policies of Sericulture
CO8 Price stabilization
CO9 International consumption
CO10 Role of R & D institutes of Voluntary, State Government and Universities
SER 102 Cultivation of Host Plants of Silkworms  1+1
Out come
CO1 Mulberry garden establishment
CO2 Nursery preparation and cultivation
CO3 Nutrient management
CO4 Irrigation and water management
CO5 Weed management
CO6 Cropping systems
CO7 Resource management in mulberry crop production
CO8 Rainfed mulberry cultivation
CO9 Pruning and Harvesting
CO10 Mechanization in moriculture
SER 103 Botany and Cytology of Host Plants of Silkworms 1+1
Out come
CO1 Classification of plant kingdom
CO2 Taxonomy
CO3 Chromosome number and morphology of varieties of Mulberry
CO4 Chromosome number and morphology of varieties of Castor and Tapioca
CO5 Chromosome number and morphology of varieties of Arjun and Asan
CO6 Chromosome number and morphology of varieties of Arjun and Asan
CO7 Anatomy- root, stem and leaf of mulberry, castor and Terminalia
CO8 Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte
CO9 Megasporogenesis and development of female gametophyte
CO10 Pollination and fertilization in host plants
SER 104 Mulberry Production and Management 0+1
Out come
CO1 Mulberry Nursery: Propagation of Nursery
CO2 Nursery Management – Kissan Nursery.
CO3 Economics of Nursery Management
CO4 Main field: Land preparation – Manure application
CO5 Planting methods – Age of sapling – Time of planting and planting of sapling
CO6 Maintenance of Mulberry garden I year onwards
CO7 Training and pruning of mulberry
CO8 Maintenance of Mulberry garden II year onwards
CO9 Practicing farm machinery implements
CO10 Harvesting and Economics of Mulberry leaf production
SER 105 Morphology and Systematics of Silkworms  1+1
Out come
CO1 Biodiversity of silkworms in India and World wide
CO2 Systematics of mulberry and non-mulberry silkworms
CO3 External morphology of life stages
CO4 Anatomy and physiology of digestive system
CO5 Circulatory system and respiratory system
CO6 Excretory system and nervous system
CO7 Reproductive system and Muscular system
CO8 Endocrine system, hormones and their role
CO9 Silkworm haemolymph and its role
CO10 Silk Gland and Silk Synthesis
SER 201 Genetics and Breeding of Host Plants of Silkworms 1+1
Out come
CO1 Taxonomy, origin and distribution– mulberry, Terminalia, castor, som and  soalu
CO2 Mitosis and karyomorphological studies in host plants of silkworms
CO3 Meiosis and its significance Host plants of silkworms
CO4 Germplasm resources of host plants of silkworms and their exploration
CO5 Conservation of germplasm of host plants of silkworm
CO6 Role of germplasm in crop improvement
CO7 Inheritance of economic characters
CO8 Breeding methods
CO9 Back cross method of breeding and its importance
CO10 Application of tissue culture technique in mulberry
SER 202 Silkworm Anatomy and Physiology  1+1
Out come
CO1 Anatomy and physiology of digestive system
CO2 Circulatory system and respiratory system
CO3 Excretory system and nervous system
CO4 Reproductive system and Muscular system
CO5 Endocrine system, hormones and their role
CO6 Silkworm haemolymph and its role
CO7 Silk Gland and Silk Synthesis
CO8 Biodiversity of silkworms in India and World wide
CO9 Systematics of mulberry and non-mulberry silkworms
CO10 External morphology of life stages
SER 203 Cytology and Genetics of Silkworms  2+1
Out come
CO1 History of silkworm breeding Japan, China, India
CO2 Silkworm gene bank and maintaining germplasm
CO3 Hybridization programme
CO4 Heterosis in different crossing systems
CO5 Parthenogenesis
CO6 Mutation breeding, historical accounts, spontaneous and  induced  mutations
CO7 Breeding of high temperature tolerant breeds
CO8 Authorization of parental breeds, hybrids and Authorization committee – role
CO9 Phases of silkworm breeds developed, prospects  and its applications
CO10 Molecular markers in silkworm breedings
SER 204 Vanya Sericulture 2+1
Out come
CO1 Introduction  to primary host plants -tasar, eri and muga silkworms
CO2 Cultivation of Eri Primary Host plants
CO3 Cultivation of Eri Secondary Host plants
CO4 Cultivation of Tasar Host plants
CO5 Cultivation of Muga Host plants
CO6 Eri silkworms rearing techniques
CO7 Tasar silkworms rearing techniques
CO8 Muga silkworms rearing techniques
CO9 Young age rearing methods
CO10 Late age rearing methods
SER 205 Resource Generation and Management in Sericulture  1+0
Out come
CO1 Introduction to Sericulture resource generation
CO2 Resources in Mulberry cultivation, Silkworm rearing, Silk reeling and post reeling
CO3 Mulberry nursery, farm inputs and improved techniques
CO4 Manure and fertilizer use efficiency, Calculation of chemicals/fertilizers requirement
CO5 Utilization of weeds, Intercropping, INM and IPM techniques
CO6 Water management in Mulberry cultivation
CO7 Use of bio-digestor, vermi-wash, Use of treated drainage water, Silage preparation.
CO8 Silkworm rearing and Silk reeling management
CO9 Feed management in rearing, Labour, time and input managements
CO10 Manpower and power management in reeling and post reeling activities
SER 206 Mulberry Silkworm Rearing  2+1
Out come
CO1 Silkworm Races and Authorization
CO2 Silkworm races, classification based on voltinism, geography and moulting
CO3 Rearing appliances and its uses
CO4 Chawki rearing methods and its importance
CO5 Late age rearing methods and its importance
CO6 Silkworm Growth and Nutrition
CO7 Role of various nutrients in silkworm growth, development and silk production
CO8 Mountages and mounting of worms, spinning care effective rate of rearing, cocoon harvesting and sorting
CO9 Transporting and marketing of cocoons
CO10 Assessment of cocoon yield and quality
SER 208 Genetic Resources of Mulberry and Silkworm 1+1
Out come
CO1 Mulberry Germplasm and Diversity
CO2 Mulberry biodiversity, wild mulberry, distribution and documentation
CO3 Survey, exploration, collection, conservation, maintenance
CO4 Evaluation of genetic resources of mulberry
CO5 Cataloging, data storage and retrieval of information
CO6 Characterization and evaluation, morphological, reproductive, anatomical descriptions, growth, propagation and biochemical descriptions
CO7 Role of tissue culture in genetic conservation of mulberry
CO8 Silkworm biodiversity and documentation
CO9 Characterization and evaluation of silkworm genetic resources
CO10 Silkworm Germplasm Conservation
SER 209 Silkworm Breeding  2+1
Out come
CO1 History of silkworm breeding
CO2 Silkworm gene bank, maintaining germplasm, maintenance of breeds / stocks
CO3 Hybridization
CO4 Heterosis: Genetic basis for heterosis, manifestation of heterosis, commercial exploitation of  heterosis
CO5 Different crossing systems
CO6 Parthenogenesis
CO7 Mutation breeding
CO8 Application of mutation breeding, achievements and limitations
CO9 Autosexing silkworm breeds
CO10 Authorization committee
SER 210 Principles and Pests of Host Plants of Silkworms and their Management   1+1
Out come
CO1 Pest Management Principles
CO2 Role of biotic factors: competition, parasitoids, pathogens and predators in mulberry ecosystem.
CO3 Pest Management Strategies
CO4 Components of pest management
CO5 Cultural, Mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, botanicals, host plant resistance, legal, Phyto sanitary certificate
CO6 Biotechnological approach for insect pests management
CO7 Sucking pests of mulberry and its management
CO8 Non-mulberry Host Plants Pests and its Management
CO9 Classification of pesticides
CO10 Principles of insecticide residue analysis.and Safer chemicals for mulberry pest management
SER 211 Pests of Silkworms and Management  1+1
Out come
CO1 Introduction to pest, parasite, predator, hyperparasite and other types of parasites on pests
CO2 Uzi fly
CO3 Nature of damage
CO4 life stages
CO5 External morphology of egg and maggot
CO6 Biology of maggot
CO7 Biology of pupa and adult stages of uzifly
CO8 Host and parasite interactions
CO9 Integrated management
CO10 Non Insect Pests and Dermestid
SER 301 Sustainable Moriculture  2+0
Out come
CO1 Essential components for growth and development of mulberry
CO2 Climatic resources for sustained crop productivity
CO3 Eco farming and Sericulture as a component in Integrated Farming System
CO4 Concept of growth analysis
CO5 Leaf quality parameters
CO6 Role of organics, green manures, inter crops and Bio fertilizers
CO7 Water resources and water requirement of mulberry in different situations and seasons
CO8 Management of established mulberry garden
CO9 Machineries in sericulture
CO10 Role of environmental factors and environmental pollutants on mulberry growth and development
SER 302 Bivoltine Sericulture  1+1
Out come
CO1 Overview about Indian Bivoltine Sericulture
CO2 Planning for bivoltine silkworm rearing suitable to different regions of Tamil Nadu
CO3 Agencies involved in bivoltine egg production, egg procurement and care in handling
CO4 Brushing of loose eggs, leaf selection for chawki instars, frequency and quantum of feeding
CO5 Importance of spacing for rearing, care at moulting and bed cleaning for bivoltines
CO6 Cocoon harvesting, sorting, transporting and marketing of cocoons
CO7 Loose egg production, acid treatment and preservation schedules
CO8 Economics of rearing house and Benefit cost ratio of silkworm rearing
CO9 Role of JICA and other agencies in promoting Bivoltine sericulture in India
CO10 Role of Extension Agencies in promoting Bivoltine sericulture
SER 303 Planning and Management of Silk Reeling Industry  2+0
Out come
CO1 Importance of silk reeling industry
CO2 Scope and Limitations
CO3 Properties of Silk
CO4 Specific gravity
CO5 Tenacity and elongation
CO6 Hygroscopic nature
CO7 Electrical properties
CO8 Action of water
CO9 Degradation by acids, alkalis
CO10 General characters of Silk
SER 304 Diseases of Host Plants of Silkworms  1+1
Out come
CO1 Epidemiology of plant diseases
CO2 Role of weather factors in disease development
CO3 Principles of Plant Diseases Management
CO4 Role of cultural practices in plant disease management
CO5 Protection: Chemical control of plant diseases, fungicides, Different group of fungicides and antibiotics in plant disease management
CO6 Immunization
CO7 Types of resistance
CO8 Biotechnological approaches for crop disease management
CO9 Diseases of host plants of Mulberry silkworm
CO10 Integrated management of  diseases due to fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasma, Nematode and non-parasitic causes of mulberry
SER 305 Diseases of Silkworms & Management  2+1
Out come
CO1 Insect pathology
CO2 Types of Diseases
CO3 Protozoan and Fungal Infection
CO4 Mass mother moth testing.  Pebrine monitoring and management
CO5 Types of bacterial diseases
CO6 Types of fungal infection
CO7 Classification of insect viruses
CO8 Viral diseases of silkworm
CO9 Disinfection, Characterization
CO10 Histopathology and Bioassay Studies
SER 306 Silk Throwing, Dyeing and Weaving  1+1
Out come
CO1 Learn processes of silk winding, doubling, twisting, warping, bleaching, dyeing, printing and weaving
CO2 Silk throwing and winding Importance of silk throwing
CO3 Doubling and Twisting
CO4 Doubling machine and advantages of Doubling
CO5 Twisting, Twisting machine and advantages of twisting. Steaming, setting of twist, re-reeling
CO6 Warping, Warping of the yarn, warping machine, sectional warp, ball warp
CO7 Bleaching, Dyeing and Printing
CO8 Bleaching, Dyeing of yarn, classification of dyes, factors influencing the dyeing
CO9 Printing, methods of printing. Block method, screen printing, lithoprinting
CO10 Weaving, loom, structure of loom. Types of looms and Yarn arrangement on loom, plain weaving, design weaving.
SER 307 Silkworm Seed Technology  2+1
Out come
CO1 Indian sericulture scenario in egg production
CO2 Preparation for Egg Production
CO3 Sex separation in egg, larva, pupa and adult
CO4 Sheet egg production and logistics
CO5 Loose egg production
CO6 Egg Morphology and Physiology
CO7 Bivoltine seed production, importance and characteristic features
CO8 Seed Multiplication
CO9 Disease Free Egg Production
CO10 Economics of Egg Production
SER 308 Cocoon Production Technology 0+2
Out come
CO1 Authorized Silkworm Races suitable for different regions
CO2 Differences between rearing of crossbreed and bivoltine silkworm
CO3 Rearing houses, plan and maintenance. Rearing appliances
CO4 Agencies involved in egg production and procurement of eggs
CO5 Rearing of chawki worms and methods
CO6 Record maintenance and logistics at Chawki Rearing Centres
CO7 Transport of Chawki worms
CO8 Moulting care, application of bed disinfectants and its importance
CO9 Calculation of Effective Rate of Rearing
CO10 Project preparation for establishing Chawki Rearing Centres, Late age rearing centres, Large scale sericulture farming and contract farming
SER 309 Physics and Chemistry of Fibres 1+0
Out come
CO1 History and classification of natural fibres and yarns
CO2 Physical structure of natural fibres
CO3 Physical properties of natural fibre
CO4 Synthetic Fibre
CO5 Composition and manufacturing methods
CO6 Properties and uses of synthetic fibre
CO7 Silk Fibre
CO8 Chemical structure of fibroin and Comparison of silk fibre with silk like synthetic fibre fabric
CO9 Chemical Properties and Application
CO10 Application of properties of fibres for inducing special effects in fabrics
SER 310 Experimental Techniques in Sericultural Research  1+1
Out come
CO1 Development of sericulture research
CO2 Modern trends, concepts in sericulture research and their impact on productivity
CO3 Selection of site for experiments
CO4 Factors considered in fixing treatments and in fitting experiments
CO5 Experiments on mulberry and non-mulberry host plants
CO6 Maintenance of experimental records
CO7 Recording of observations, sampling techniques, tabulation, analysis and interpretation of results
CO8 Preparation of data for scientific papers and presentation of results
CO9 Different types of experiments-varietal, cultural, manurial, irrigation, weed control, silkworm rearing, silkworm breeding, grainage, pests, diseases and silk technology
CO10 Scientific photography and preparation of transparencies for slide projector and overhead projector
SER 311 Raw Silk Technology  2+1
Out come
CO1 General principles in reeling, different reeling machines
CO2 Physical and chemical properties of silk-,effect of heat, electricity
CO3 Evolution of reeling machines
CO4 Specific gravity
CO5 Tenacity and elongation
CO6 Hygroscopic nature
CO7 Electrical properties
CO8 Action of water
CO9 Degradation by acids, alkalis
CO10 Marketing of silk, silk exchanges and price stabilization of silk
SER 312 Spun Silk Technology  1+0
Out come
CO1 Spun Silk
CO2 Manufacturing of Spun silk
CO3 Systems of spun silk processing, silk wastes, pierced cocoons and Eri cocoons as raw material for spinning industry
CO4 Flow chart of spinning, spinning operations, procurement and storing of silk waste
CO5 Re-reeling and packaging of Spun silk
CO6 Hand spinning of cocoon wastes, Katia, Matka, Geecha silk
CO7 Trivedi and Chowdary spinning wheels
CO8 Machines used in spun silk industry.Study of different silk wastes
CO9 Motorized cum pedal operated spinning wheel
CO10 Raw silk waste, opened waste, combed / Dressed waste, sliver, Rovings. Processing of silk waste / Eri cocoons / pierced
SER 401 Rural Work Experience Programme (Sericulture) 0+20
1.       Placement in Grainage Technology 0+4
2.                   Seri Polyclinic 0+4
3.                   Placement in Silk Product Technology 0+4
4.   Placement in Value Addition to Sericultural By-Products 0+3
5.   Practical Extension Work in Villages 0+5
Out come
CO1 The students will be involved in various aspects of egg production and grainage management
CO2 Preparation of layings on egg cards and loose egg preparation
CO3 Soil health diagnosis, INM practices to improve the soil and plant health, identification of deficiency symptoms in mulberry and acquainting with remedial measures
CO4 Development of INM and IDPM schedules for management of Nutrition and pest and diseases in mulberry
CO5 The students will be involved in various aspects of silk product science
CO6 Placement will be conducted in Govt. Grainage/CSB Grainage/Private Grainage.
CO7 The students will be involved in various aspects of silk product science
CO8 Placement will be conducted in Govt. Grainage/CSB Grainage/Private Grainage.
CO9 The students will camp in the villages and work with farmers.
CO10 Conducting method / result demonstrations to teach the skills to prove the worthiness of technologies to the farmers based on problems and needs
SER 403 STUDENT READY: Experimental Learning programme  20(0+20)
i.                        Host Plant Production 
ii.            Cocoon Crop Production 
iii.            Silk Product Science 
iv.            Natural Resource Management 
Out come
CO1 Mulberry and Non-Mulberry Host Plant Nursery Management
CO2 Host Plants Production Technology for Mulberry and Non-mulberry silkworms
CO3 Value Addition to Mulberry and Non-Mulberry by products
CO4 Farm Mechanization
CO5 Bivoltine Silkworm Rearing technology
CO6 Value Addition to Grainage and Rearing Byproducts
CO7 Entrepreneurship Development in Post silk Technology
CO8 Entrepreneurship Development in Silk Apparel Technology
CO9 Soil Health Clinic
CO10 Problematic Soils and their Management
Method of measuring attainment of POs
    The course outcomes are evaluated periodically and the observations of the experiments are recorded and documented. Further students are given assignments on specific topics related to the subject and the presentations are evaluated. University conducts mid-semester, final theory and practical examinations for the subjects and the progress of the students are ascertained. The course outcomes are evaluated from the structured students feedback received for the individual courses.