Plant Pathology HoD’s Desk

Welcome to the webpage of Department of Plant Pathology, CPPS, TNAU, Coimbatore. Here, you will find detailed information about us. The Department is located in a sprawling environment with a state of art facilities and highly qualified faculty. The department works with the objective of addressing critical challenges faced by the farming community, society and the academia. Perhaps even more important is our unceasing commitment to our students, helping them to learn, grow, develop, and achieve their goals in their pursuit to excel in their professional career.
Department of Plant Pathology is one of the largest Department in the Centre for Plant Protection Studies with nearly 26 faculty members and 70 masters, and doctoral students. Our department is well-equipped to perform cutting edge research, not only by virtue of central instrumental facilities of our University and Department, but also because of facilities built by individual faculty members. Of course, facilities are only tools. Their usefulness depends on the level of competence of those who utilize them. Our world–class faculty attract the cream of research students and postdoctoral fellows of the country and together, we strive to advance our knowledge and level of competence. Most of the faculty are well trained in international laboratories. We are supported in our endeavour by a group of highly efficient, enthusiastic and helpful staff members, both on technical and administrative fronts.
In our department, teaching and research are synergistic to each other. We attract best students of our country for our postgraduate as well as Doctoral programme. Our faculty members also engage extensively in outreach activities that benefit the entire country. To motivate the students the department organizes regular training in state of art advances in disease management, arranges workshops, National & International Conferences periodically.
We welcome you to the Department of Plant Pathology as undergraduate or post graduate or research student and we hope to be part of your success. There are many different ways in which you can contribute to the betterment of our Department. We look forward to your active participation in taking our Department to the next level. To conclude this message, let me extend a warm welcome to all. We are constantly on the lookout for bright young minds, who would enrich our Department by joining us in the capacity of students, postdoctoral researchers or faculty members.