Department Library
The Department of Plant Pathology has set up a library to support the students as well as the staffs in their academic purpose. The working time of the library is 9:00 am to 5.00 pm. Our Department Library is a paradise for those who have a passion for reading books and enthusiasm for widening their knowledge base in depth and extent. Reading, Referring and Researching make a person more knowledgeable. The department library offers a wide range of learning resources. The library has around 200 books and 1000 eBook collection. There are books from different areas like Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, Genomics, Epidemiology, Principles and and several other books were available for students to develop their knowledge. Apart from this, UG and PG project reports of Plant Pathology Department are kept for reference. Standard textbooks by well-known authors are stocked, and every effort is made to obtain all titles recommended by the faculty. Multiple copies of popular books are bought to make them available to as many students as possible
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