Front Line Demonstration (2023-24)

Front Line Demonstration (2024 - 25)

S. No. Category/enterprise Title of Interventions No. of Demo (replications) Area (ha)/ units Team members involved
1 Rice Demonstration of  fine grain rice variety KKM 1 10 4 PC (PBG)
2 Rice Demonstration of CO 55 Paddy Seed Production (Foundation /Certified) by Farmer Participatory Mode in Tiruvallur district 10 4 SMS (Agron)
3 Rice Demonstration of  mid early variety ADT 58 for late Samba season 10 4  PC (PBG)
4 Rice Demonstration on Paddy TKM 15 for Semidry areas of Tiruvallur 10 4 PC (PBG)
5 Rice Demonstration of Rice CO 56 in Tiruvallur District 10 4  SMS (CRP)
6 Rice Demonstration of Rice ASD 21 in Tiruvallur district 10 4 SMS (CRP)
7 Rice Demonstration of improved KAVUNI Rice CO 57 in Tiruvallur district 10 4  SMS (Agrl.Extn.)
8 Millet Demonstration on Cumbu Co(H)10 10 4  SMS (Agron.)
9 Pulses Demonstration of rice fallow Green gram VBN 6 10 4  SMS (Ento.)
10 Varietal evaluation Demonstration of Blackgram CO 7 10 4  SMS (CRP)
11 Sunhemp Demonstration of Sunhemp ADT 1 in Tiruvallur district 10 2 SMS (Agrl. Extn.)
12 Rice Demonstration of  green manure Daincha TRY 1 10 2 SMS (Agrl. Exten.)
13 Rice Demonstration of Cumbu Napier Hybrid Co 6 10 2 SMS (Agro.)
14 Bhendi Demonstration of Bhendi YVMV resistant hybrid CO 4 10 2 SMS (Ento.)
15 Moringa Demonstration of  Moringa PKM 1 for leaf crop in Tiruvallur  district 10 2 SMS (Hort)
16 Coriander Demonstration of  suitable high yielding Coriander variety TNAU CO 5 10 1  SMS (Horti.)
17 Paddy Demonstration of TNAU Rice Reap for higher yield in Tiruvallur district 10 4



18 Paddy Demonstration of TNAU Rice bloom for higher yield in Tiruvallur district 10 4



19 Black gram Demonstration of chemical weed managementin black gram 10 4 SMS(AGR)
20 Green leafy vegetables Demonstration of  ICM in black night shade (manathakali) in Tiruvallur  district 10 1

SMS (Hort)


21 Jasmine Demonstration of winter jasmine CO 1 in Tiruvallur  district 10 2 SMS (Horti.)
22 Jasmine Demonstration on INM for off season flower production in jasmine 10 2



23 Rice Demonstration of Bacillus altitudinis FD48 application in rice 10 4


(Micro biology)

24 Black gram Demonstration of liquid formulation of Nodule associated plant probiotics (NAPPs) for enhanced plant growth, nodulation and yield enhancement in black gram 10 4


(Micro biology)

25 Rice Demonstration  of potash releasing bacteria for yield maximization in rice 10 4


(Micro biology)

26 Bhendi Demonstration of Arka vegetable special for yield improvement in Bhendi 10 2 SMS (Agro.)
27 Paddy Demonstration of Nano Sci lure for stem borer management in Paddy 10 4 SMS (Ento.)
28 Sugaracane Demonstration  of Pokkah boeng disease  management  in Sugarcane 10 4 SMS (Ento.)
29 Greengram Demonstration of IPDM module for major viral diseases in Greengram 10 4 SMS (Ento.)
30 Chilli Demonstration of management for East asian thrips, Thrips parcipinus 10 4 SMS (Ento.)
31 Brinjal Demonstration of shoot and fruit borer resistant Brinjal CO3 10 2 SMS (Ento.)
32 Azolla Demonstration of Azolla cultivation as animal feed supplement 10


(Micro biology)

33 Jasmine Packaging Technology for Jasmine 10 2 SMS (Hort)
34 Enterprise Honey extraction 10 SMS (Ento.)