On Farm Trials

On Farm Trails 2024 - 25

S. No. Crop/ enterprise Title of intervention No. of trials (replications) Team members involved
1. Paddy Assessment of suitable high yielding short duration  bold grain rice variety suitable for Sornavari / Navarai seasons 5 PC (PBG)
2. Greengram Assessment of suitable bold seeded green gram variety 5 PC
3. Finger millet Assessment of suitable Blast resistant ragi varieties (CFMV 1 and ATL 1) for higher productivity in Tiruvallur district 5

SMS (Agron.)


4. Lab lab Assessment of suitable high yielding Bush  lab lab hybrids in Tiruvallur  district 5

SMS (Horti.)


5. Rice Assessment of zinc  solubilizing  bacteria for yield maximization in rice 5

SMS (Agron.)


6. Paddy Assessment of Biopotash for higher productivity of paddy 5



7. Pulses Assessment of TNAU Bio Meemix to enhance the productivity of black gram 5 SMS (Agron.)
8. Blackgram Assessment of different organic formulations on improving the yield of blackgram 5



9. Blackgram Assessment of different organic formulations on improving the yield of blackgram 5



10. Tomato Assessment of CSR Bio growth enhancer in Tomato for higher yield 5 SMS (Agron)
11. Ridge gourd Assessment of  Ridge gourd varieties MDU-1 and Arka Prasan for higher  yield and  productivity in Tiruvallur District 5



12. Banana Assessment of  nutrient sprays for banana for yield increase 5 SMS (Horti.)
13. Chilli Assessment of micorbial consortia for the management of soil borne diseases in Chilli 5 SMS (Ento.)