Annual Report

  1. RESEARCH (during 2018-2019)


Culture proposed for MLT: 

  • The culture TVG 17180  is cross derivative of ICGV 07240 x R 2001-2.
  • It yielded 4248 kg / ha (Kharif) & 4741 kg/ ha (rabi).
  •  It  matures in 105-110 days.
  • It is having shelling of 70 % with 92% SMK and 42 gm of 100 kernel weight & 110 gm of 100 pod weight.
  • This culture completely free from to rust disease and late leaf spot.
  • This culture proposed for MLT and AICRP during 2019.

 Culture in MLT: 

  • The culture TVG 10342 is the cross derivative of TCGS 653 x ICGV 99025.
  • This culture yielded 2665 kg / ha (Kharif and 2618 kg/ ha during rabi season. This culture matures in 105 days.
  • This culture tested in MLT  during Kharif 2017, Rabi17-18, Kharif 2018, rabi 2018-19 and is tested in AICRP (G) Kharif 2017.

 Culture in MLT:

  • The groundnut culture TVG 12363 is Spanish bunch type
  • It is cross derivative of ALG 234 x AK 267
  • This culture yielded 2453 kg / ha during Kharif and 2620 kg/ ha during rabi season.
  • This culture matures in 105 days.
  • This culture proposed for MLT during Kharif 2018 and rabi 2018-19.

 New Variety released

  • Culture TVG 0856 was identified as best in station trials
  • Tested in MLT, ART and released as TMV 14 (2018).
  • This culture yielded 2124 kg / ha during Kharif   and 2286 kg/ ha during rabi season.
  • It matures in 95-100 days.
  • This cultures having shelling of 70.6 % with 92% SMK & 38gm of 100 kernel weight.
  • This culture completely resistant to rust disease & tolerant to late leaf spot (Score -2.0)


Pre-release white sesame culture TVS 1401

White seeded sesame culture TVS 1401 derived out of mutation from TMV 5 is in pipeline.

Special features:

  • Whiter than SVPR 1 white seeded variety.
  • Short duration less than 85 days.
  • High yield.


  • New rhizobial strain has been isolated from moth bean nodules. The cultures were subjected for 16SrRNA sequencing and culture number MB-1 was identified as Rhizobium skierniewicense.

Seed Technology:

Single pod experiment:

  • The single pods soaked for 20 hrs performed on par with  kernel sowing for the growth and yield parameters viz., days to emergence, initial flowering, pegging, No. of seeds and seed yield when compared to dry pod sowing. Hence single pod sowing can be recommended.

Seminar/Trainings/Conference Organized by directorate during 2018-19

S.No Title of the Seminar/Training Sponsor Budget Period  (Duration ) Category of Participants Number of Participants
1. Crop management, composting, processing and marketing of agricultural products to the regular students of  84th session higher diploma in Co-operative Management


(Natesan Institute of Co operative Management), Chennai

01.06.18 Group II officers


2. New technologies on oilseed crops were taken for the farmers from Nambiyur block of Erode district

ADA, Nambiyur

03.07.18 Farmers


3. quality seed production in vegetables to ATMA Scheme- Mailam Block, Villupuram Dt

ADA, Mailam

13.08.18 Farmers


4. Improved production technologies on oilseed and cereal crops-Marakkanam block farmers

FTC, Marakkanam

24.07.18 Farmers


5. Production technologies for maximizing yield in oilseed crops

ADA, Utthukuli

26.07.18 Farmers


6. BGO training on bio gas to the farmers of Thiruvannamalai district

Dept of Bioenergy, TNAU

23.09.18 Farmers


7. vermicompost production  to farmers from Kanchipuram district

KVK, Kattupakkam

09.10.18 Farmers


8. Improved production technologies in oilseeds


22.02.19 Farmers


9. Biofertilizers for Rice and oilseeds


22.02.19 Farmers


10. Training to the extension workers/ input dealers


36,000 22.3.19 & 23.3.19 Extension workers and Input dealers


Important Visitors to the directorate during 2018-19

S.No Date Name and Designation of the Visitor Country Department /College Visited Purpose



Dr.K.Ramasamy, VC, TNAU



Seed farmers interaction meeting at KVK, Tindivanam



Dr.Ganesamoorthy, Director, CPBG



To inspect the Breeder seed plots



Dr.Berra, Principal scientist, DGR, Junagadh, Dr. R.Vasanthi, Principal Scientist, RARS, Tirupati, Dr. Sreedevi, ARS, Raichur, Dr. Kiran Reddy, DGR. Junagadh



Field visit to AICRP groundnut agronomy and breeding trials



Director, ODL



Surprise visit to monitor the ODL exam



Special Officer (SST)



To review the sub project and seed production work at ORS Tindivanam

Award received by the Scientists of the directorate during 2018-19

S.No Date of Award Name of the Award Name of the Scientist and Designation Department/Unit Awarding Organization Cash Award/Plague/ Certificate*
1 2018 TNAU 14 Groundnut New variety released Plant breeding and Genetics The Director,      CPBG, TNAU, Coimbatore
2 2018 CO G (Sugarcane) 6 – New variety released Dr. R. Kanchanarani

Assistant Professor (PBG)

Plant breeding and Genetics The Director,      CPBG, TNAU, Coimbatore
3 20.11.18 Best Paper presentation award Dr.P.C.Prabu


Environmental Science Fourth National Tamil Conference held at Tamil nadu Dr.J.Jayalalitha Fisheries University at Vaniayanchavadi, Chennai conducted by Scientific  Tamil Society, New Delhi Certificate
16.3.19 & 17.3.19 Best Paper presentation award Dr. R.Brindavathy

Associate Prof. (AGM)


Agricultural Microbiology Prospects of Organic farming and enterprises development in 21st century held at Gandhigram Rural Universitu, Dindigul Certificate
S.No Publication Details* (in English)
Books with ISBN only (Indicate ISBN Number)
1. Brindavathy. R, R. Parthasarathy, K. sathiya. 2018. Agricultural Microbiology in Agricultural Science Tamil Society, New Delhi. Thannammbikkai Publications, Coimbatore. ISBN no. 978-81-939264-3-7  (in Tamil).
2. VijayaGeetha, V. and M. Malarkodi 2018. Assessment of groundnut rich in groundnut TMV 13 In:  Plant Genetics Book with ISBN No. 978-81-939394-8-2. Thannammbikkai Publications, Coimbatore Page No. 51-53.
3. VijayaGeetha, V. and M. Malarkodi 2018. Assessment of Maize Maxim in Maize hybrid In:  Plant Genetics. Book with ISBN No. 978-81-939394-8-2. Page No. Thannammbikkai Publications, Coimbatore 54-56.
Chapters in Books with ISBN only (Indicate ISBN Number)
1. Brindavathy, R and K. Sathiya. 2018. Biofertilizer for pulses-Review paper. Agricultural Microbiology in Agricultural Science Tamil Society, New Delhi. Thannammbikkai Publications, Coimbatore. ISBN no. 978-81-939264-3-7 (in Tamil).
2. Brindavathy, R and K. Sathiya. 2018. To study the effect of AM fungi in sugarcane in. Biofertilizer for pulses-Review paper Agricultural Microbiology in Agricultural Science Tamil Society, New Delhi. Thannammbikkai Publications, Coimbatore. ISBN no. 978-81-939264-3-7 (in Tamil).
Articles in journals
1. Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy and R. Vaidyanathan. 2019 Relative performance of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) based intercropping systems under Different irrigation levels. International Journal of Agricultural Biology ISSN 1560-8530. Online 1814-9596.
2 Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy and R. Vaidyanathan. 2019. Influence of intercropping and different levels of irrigation on the performance and nutrient dynamics of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Research on crops. The Pharma Inovation Journal. 8(4):682-685.
3 Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy and R. Vaidyanathan. 2019 Potential yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) based intercropping system as influenced by different irrigation regimes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 8(4): 679-681.
4 Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy and R. Vaidyanathan.2019  Influence of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) based intercropping under different levels of irrigation on the performance of intercrops. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. (accepted for publication)
5 Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy and R. Vaidyanathan. Influence of intercropping system and different irrigation regimes on the peak growth stage of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea). Environment and Ecology37(3A):877-880. ISSN 0970-0420.
6 Sivakumar. U and R Brindavathy. 2018.  Development of Efficient Rhizobial Strains of Horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) for North-Western Zone of Tamil Nadu. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9(1): 156-159.
7 Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy, R. Brindavathy and R. Vaidyanathan. 2019. Influence of intercropping and different levels of irrigation on the performance and nutrient dynamics of groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.). Res. On Crops 20 (2) : 296-300 (2019), DOI : 10.31830/ 2348-7542.2019.043.
8 VijayaGeetha V. and M. Bhaskaran 2018. Physiological and Biochemical changes in Mustard seeds during storage. International Journal of emerging technologies in computational and applied sciences (IJETCAS) Seed Research – 18-401: 1-6.
9 VijayaGeetha V and Bhaskaran M. 2018, Varietal Characterization in Mustard (Brassica Juncea l.) Genotypes.Int J Recent Sci Res. 9(11), pp. 29756-29761. DOI: International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.2018.0911.2923
10 Syed Abul Hassan Hussainy, Sathiya.K, Nalliah Durairaj. 2019. Integration of different organic manures and nitrogenous fertilizers and its effect on the growth and yield of rice. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 8(2). 415-418
11 Prabu. P.C and R.Vaidyanathan, 2018. Influence of shrimp farm ponds on receiving groundwater and soil quality and remediation measures. CRC Care and TNAU, ISBN-978-1-921431-7. Book chapter)
12 Prabu. P.C, 2019. Sulphur nutrition of rainfed groundnut in red and black soils of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8 (3):438-440


13 Thangeswari, S. and Sankaralingam. A. 2018.  First report of Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler causing leaf blight on Anthurium andreanum in India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 7(7): 646-650 (NAAS rating – 5.38).
Abstracts in seminars/conference/symposium
1. Brindavathy R. 2018. ‘Studies on the synergistic effect of K releasing bacterial strain, Paenibacillus mucilaginosus (KRB-9) with N fixers, P solubilizers in groundnut’ Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Agriculture College, Tamil Nadu, India In: International Symposium on Innovations and Advancements in Agriculture and Plant Sciences (IAAPS 2018). May 23rd, 2018. Pp.39.
2. Brindavathy R.  and M. Gnanachitra. 2018. Development of New Bio Formulations for Azospirillum Using Spray Drying Technology. II-022. 28th National conference on Farmers friendly soil and water conservation technology for mitigating climatic impact. ICAR IISWC, Regional centre Udhgamandalam. Page.No. 40.
3. Brindavathy. R., S.Suganya Kanna, K. Sathiya, and V. Vijaya Geetha. 2019 Effect of Paenibacillus mucilaginosus (KRB-9) on biometrics of Groundnut (TMV 13) at Rabi season. In “National Seminar on Prospects 0f Organic Farming and Enterprises Development in 21ST Century (NSPOSED)” at Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul. 15-16th March, 2019. Pp.41.


4. K.Sathiya, R. Brindavathy, V, Vijayageetha and R. Vaidhyanadan. 2018. Studies on tank mix application of early post emergence herbicides for efficient weed control in groundnut. Proceedings of IAAPS 2018 held on 23.05.2018 at DSAC, Perambalur – 12, Tamil Nadu, India, ISBN: 978-81-936779-2-6. P.No.90.
5. Sathiya.K, Vijaya Geetha. V and Vaidyanathan. R. 2019. Different land configuration and suitable intercrops for groundnut under rainfed condition. Proceedings of national seminar on Prospects of organic farming and enterprises development in 21st century (NSPOSED).
6. VijayaGeetha, V. and M. Bhaskaran 2018. Positional influence of siliqua in Mustard In: International Symposium on Innovations and Advancements in Agriculture and Plant Sciences (IAAPS 2018). May 23rd, 2018. Pp.39.


7. V.Vijaya Geetha and M. Bhaskaran, 2019. Standardization of Suitable Drying methods for storing Groundnut and Sesame seeds In: National Seminar on strengthening of seed system in the North Eastern and unreached regions- Problems Prospects And Policies. Feb 3-5 pp.225.
8. V.VijayaGeetha and K. Sathiya, 2019. Organic Seed Pelleting in Sesame In: National Seminar on Prospects of Organic Farming and Enterprises Development in 21st Century (NSPOFED) Mar 15-16. pp 105.