Completed Projects

S.No. Title of the scheme Name (s) of the PI/CO PI Period Progress of work
  Survey of agronomic management practices in the farmers’ fields.


Dr. K . Sathiya

AP, (Agronomy)

2015 -17 · Completion report submitted to the Director, DGR, Junagadh, Gujarat.


· Results were presented during the Annual Groundnut workshop conducted by the Director, DGR, Junagadh

Standardization of periodicity of sulphar and / or zinc and/or iron and/or boron fertilization in prevalent groundnut based cropping system(s) (Kharif and Rabi summer 2015 -17 ).


Effect of land configuration and mulching on productivity and resource use efficiency of kharif groundnut (Kharif and Rabi summer 2015 -17)


Evaluation of DAPG-producing fluorescent pseudomonads for enhancing nutrient use efficiency, biocontrol of soil borne diseases and yield of groundnut (Kharif and Rabi summer 2015 -17)


Studies on tank mix application of post emergence herbicides for efficient weed control in groundnut (Kharif and Rabi summer 2016 -17)


Dr. K . Sathiya

AP, (Agronomy)

Economizing phosphorus use in groundnut production by exploiting phosphorus build-up in soil (Kharif and Rabi summer 2016 -18)


Efficacy of herbicides on weed control in groundnut under rice – groundnut system (Rabi summer 2016 -18)


Agronomic management of rabi summer groundnut under rice- groundnut system (Rabi summer2016 -18)


  NADP (RKVY)  Scheme  on – “ Promotion of quality seed production in green manures – Phase II” Dr.V.Vijaya Geetha, Asst. Prof(SST) Nov 2014-Sep 2016 (2 year) The scheme has been completed
  NADP Groundnut Scheme “Demonstration on quality seed production and arresting seed deterioration during storage in groundnut.”


Dr.V.Vijaya Geetha, Asst. Prof(SST) Sep 2018-Oct 2020 ( 2 years) The scheme has been completed