The Directorate of Research was established in June 1971 to coordinate all research activities in TNAU and to administer / monitor the activities of Research Stations situated in different parts of Tamil Nadu. The Directorate is headed by the Director of Research who is supported by scientists from various faculties in carrying out the activities of the Directorate. Director of Research is the Nodal Officer for implementing the schemes funded by ICAR and other external agencies including NATP. The procedure for monitoring the University research subprojects in an effective manner through the centralized system was dispensed from 2003 and decentralized monitoring system by the respective Technical University Officers for effective implementation is presently in operation.
The Vision of TNAU is to promote science based agriculture and allied processes in the State of Tamil Nadu to help the farmers and agri-based industries to compete successfully in the national and international markets through its education, research and out-reach programmes
Agricultural education through quality research, training and transfer of technology for ensuring food security, commercialization of agriculture and to improve standard of living of farming community
To contribute for reducing poverty and ushering-in an Era of prosperity in the rural areas through agricultural education, research and extension programme: to enhance food security: to commercialize agriculture to meet industrial and export demand, to conserve and rehabilitate the natural resource base for agriculture, to address issued relating to climate change and environment and to benefit agricultural producers and other stake-holders in Tamil Nadu, through education, research and training manpower in agricultural sector.
Research Activities
- TNAU undertakes research in all the 14 colleges and 39 agricultural research stations spread over seven agro-climatic zones of Tamil Nadu with more than 1276 scientists and teachers.
- The scientists apart from undertaking University sub projects, also compete and obtain projects from the ICAR, Government of India, Private Agencies and Foreign Institutions.
- From the year 2005 onwards, 22 scientists have handled 17 International projects, 204 scientists operated 306 National projects and 28 scientists have obtained 44 private funded projects.
- The total budget obtained for all these projects is Rs.3154 lakhs. Untiring efforts of the scientists as team approach resulted in the outcome of 763 crop varieties, 152 farm implements and more than 1500 management technologies which have been released from time to time for the benefit of farming community.
- The varieties/ hybrids released included 162 rice varieties, 9 maize, 2 wheat, 135 millets, 98 pulses, 69 oilseeds, 36 cotton, 36 sugarcane, 18 forages, 3 green manures, 182 horticultural crops, 9 mushrooms and 4 tree crops varieties.
- Landmark rice varieties such as GEB 24 released in 1921, CO 2 in 1932, TKM 6 in 1952 and ADT 27 in 1965 stood the test of the time and cultivated widely by farmers.
- This institute also played a crucial role in the successful introduction of IRRI varieties such as IR 8 and IR 20 which augured well for reaching self sufficiency in rice production in the country.
- In cotton, the first long staple variety, MCU 2 was released from Srivilliputtur in 1954.
- TNAU varieties and hybrids occupy sizable area in both irrigated and dry land ecosystems.
- The productivity of many field crops augmented to two to three folds coupled with quality enhancements.
- Further, about 50 TNAU rice varieties have spread over to other countries also. TKM 6 rice variety is serving as germplasm in the entire world for its outstanding resistance against stem borer.
- Considering the importance of preservation of germplasm, a medium term cold storage unit “Ramiah Gene Bank” has been established during 2010.
- Tamil Nadu Agricultural University scientists are innovative in their research and development of new technologies and apply for patenting the same. So far seven patents were obtained and 18 findings have been applied for approval. During the past five years 98 scientists have received awards.
Research Stations
The State of Tamil Nadu has been divided into seven agro-climatic zones to facilitate the university to carry out location specific research. The organizational set up for research consists of one Lead Centre supported by other research stations for each agro-climatic zone viz., Cauvery Delta Zone, North-Eastern Zone, North-Western Zone, Western Zone, Southern Zone, High Rainfall Zone and Hilly & Tribal Zone. The goal of the university is to serve the state’s farming community to uplift their economic conditions mainly by evolving varieties / hybrids and management practices. With the above aim, TNAU undertakes need based research besides venturing into futuristic research by foreseeing the requirements of the State. TNAU is also keen in adapting technologies from other institutes by fine tuning the same to suit the needs of the State.