Training Organized / Conducted

Training Organized / Conducted

Trainings Organized / Conducted (2018 – 2019)

Sl. No. Title of the Seminar / Training Sponsor Budget Period


Category of Participants Number of Participants
1. One day training on mushroom cultivation TNAU 19.06.2018 Public – male and female 6
2. Bio char production training  






3. Farmers training on Kudiraivali cultivation TNAU 25,000 25.07.2018 and 26.07.2018  




4. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 26.07.2018 Public – male and female 4
5. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 21.08.2018 Public – male and female 7
6. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 10.10.2018 Public – male and female 2
7. TANII – Two days Kudiraivali training  


25,000 30.10.2018 and 31.10.2018 Farmers 60
8. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 22.11.2018 Public – male and female 3
9. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 19.12.2018 Public – male and female 8
10. Training on Improved Production Technology of Sesame Cultivation World Bank – TNIAMP Scheme – Koushiganathi Sub basin 10,000 21.12.2018 Farmer 50
11. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 10.01.2019 Public – male and female 11
12. Training on SRI Technology in Rice World Bank – TNIAMP Scheme – Koushiganathi Sub basin 10,000 08.02.2018 Farmer 50
13. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 11.02.2019 Public – male and female 3
14. Training on Improved Production Technology of Pulses Cultivation World Bank – TNIAMP Scheme – Koushiganathi Sub basin 10,000 14.02.2019 Farmer 50
15. Training on “Coriander and Ajowan cultivation” GOI – MIDH, Govt. of India 75,000 15.03.2019 Farmers 200
16. One day Mushroom Training (Monthly) – VCS 60 DB TNAU 25,000 29.03.2019 Farmers – Male and Female 50