ICAR partly /fully financed schemes (from 1.4.2016 to till date)

AICRP number Discipline Name of the experiment Name  and designation of the scientist incharge Progress of work

All India Evaluation of advanced breeding lines belonging to Spanish / Virginia bunch group through co-ordinated experiments.

Crop Improvement (i) Initial Varietal Trial Stage I (SB), (ii) Initial Varietal Trial Stage II (SB),

(iii) Initial Varietal Trial Stage I (VB),

(iv) Initial Varietal Trial Stage II (VB),

(v) Advanced Yield Trial (SB)

(vi) Advanced Yield Trial (VB)

(viii) Early Maturity Varietal Trial (SB)

Dr. A. Mothilal,

Professor (PBG) and Head

The genotypes are being evaluated for various traits viz., pod yield, kernel yield, shelling outturn, oil content, sound matured kernel percent and hundred kernel weight) and the data is analysed and the results are submitted to the Director, DGR, Junagadh
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021 All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Breeding and Genetics Initial Varietal Trial (IVT) Dr. A. Mahalingam,

Assistant Professor (PB&G)

Every year trials were conducted during kharif and rabi / summer seasons and the results were submitted to the PC Unit
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021 All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT) Dr. A. Mahalingam,

Assistant Professor (PB&G)

Every year trials were conducted during kharif and rabi / summer seasons and the results were submitted to the PC Unit
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021 All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Genetic Resource Management (GRM) Dr. A. Mahalingam,

Assistant Professor (PB&G)

v  OSC 207, AKT 101 and IC 203966 were identified to be tolerant against phyllody and Macrophamina diseases under artificial sick plot condition with root rot incidence of less than 20%.

v  RT 370 and RMT 496 were recorded highest seed yield of 7.0 gram per plant. RT 370 (91) and VRI 3 (85) were found to be promising for more number of capsules / plant.

v  Entry RMT 504 recorded maximum number of capsule per plant (95)

v  VS 16 009 is found to be moderately resistant to macrophomina root rot disease with disease incidence of 12% under artificial sick plot condition.


AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021 All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame National Crossing Programme (NCP) Dr. A. Mahalingam,

Assistant Professor (PB&G)

AT 382, AT 375, AT 409, GT 10, DS 18-46, DS 15-014, RT 385, JLS 706, RT 383, RT 127, DS 18-46, TBS 11 and GRT 8376-1 were used as donors for pest and disease resistance. The segregating populations are in F3, F4, F5 and F6 generation of evaluation.


Agronomy Effect  of  paclobutrazol  on  growth  and productivity on rain fed groundnut Dr.V.Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

Project Completed


Agronomy Evaluation of DAP G – producing fluorescent pseudomonas    for enhancing nutrient use efficiency bio control of soil-borne diseases and yield of groundnut Dr.V.Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

Project Completed


Agronomy Studies on tank mix application of post- emergence herbicides for efficient weed control in groundnut Dr.V.Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

Project Completed


Agronomy Economizing phosphorus use in groundnut production    by exploiting phosphorus build-up in soil Dr.V. Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

Project Completed


Agronomy Efficacy of herbicides on weed control in groundnut under rice-groundnut system Dr.V. Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.) &

Dr. T. Parthipan

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

Project Completed


Agronomy Agronomic management of rabi-summer  groundnut under rice-goundnut system Dr.V. Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.) &

Dr. T. Parthipan

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

Project Completed


Agronomy Identification of remunerative groundnut based cropping systems under rain fed situation in India Dr.V. Karunakaran

Asst. Prof.(Agro.) &

Dr. T. Parthipan

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)

In progress.


Agronomy Integrated weed management in kharif groundnut. Dr. T. Parthipan

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)


In progress.


Agronomy Improving phosphorus use efficiency in groundnut with microbial cultures. Dr. T. Parthipan

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)


In progress.


Agronomy Effect of foliar application of water soluble fertilizer on growth, yield and nutrient uptake of summer groundnut


Dr. T. Parthipan

Asst. Prof.(Agro.)


In progress.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Integrated Crop Management for Yield Maximization in Sesame. Dr.C.Harisudan


Project Completed
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Optimization of nutrient requirement for AVT genotypes. Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Developing low input production technology for rice fallow sesame Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Influence of terminal nipping and growth regulator on yield maximization of sesame Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Studies on ferti-fortification on growth & yield of sesame Dr.C.Harisudan


Project Completed
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Studies on productivity of sesame intercropping system Dr.C.Harisudan


Project Completed
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Evaluation of pre and post emergence herbicides for weed management in sesame Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Effect of seed pelleting and crop establishment method on growth and yield of sesame Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Effect of mulch and herbicides on weed dynamics of sesame Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES /021 Agronomy Efficacy of different doses of pendimethalin on promising  sesame genotypes Dr.C.Harisudan


In Progress


Plant Pathology Monitoring of major diseases of groundnut Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress


Plant Pathology Screening of IVT- I & II, AVT and other coordinated trial material for resistance/ tolerance to major diseases Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress


Plant Pathology Development of technologies for management of soil borne diseases Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


The treatment consists of deep summer ploughing with mould board plough + soil application of Trichoderma@ 4 kg/ ha enriched in 50 kg FYM/ha + seed treatment with Tebuconazole @ 1.5 g/ kg of seed followed by seed treatment with PGPR @625g/ for per ha of seed + soil application of Trichoderma @ 4 kg/ ha enriched in 250 kg FYM/ha at 35 and 80 DAS was found to be effective in the management of soil borne diseases viz., collar rot, root rot and stem rot.


Plant Pathology Validation of management modules for soil borne diseases Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Plant Pathology Management of major foliar diseases Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


Seed treatment with tebuconazole @ 1.5 g/kg seed + spray of tebuconazole 50% + trifloxystobin 25% WG @ 1.32g/L (0.035%) at 40 and 65 DAS was found to be very effective in reducing the disease severity of late leaf spot (LLS), Alternaria leaf blight and rust diseases.


AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Plant Pathology Evaluation of different IPM modules for management of major insect-pest and diseases in groundnut Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Plant Pathology Screening of peanut germplasm for diseases and major pests Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Plant Pathology Validation of storage bags against peanut storage pests and

aflatoxin contamination

Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Plant Pathology Influence of climate variability on the occurrence of foliar diseases (ELS,

LLS and Rust)

Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


In Progress
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Survey for Sesame diseases Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor


Root rot, phyllody, powdery mildew and Alternaria leaf spot were the major diseases recorded.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Initial Varietal Trial (IVT) Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor


In IVT entries, the diseases severity of root rot ranged between 24.8% (IVT-18-11) to 56.2% (IVT-18-9).
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Advanced Varietal Trial (AVT) Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor


AVT-18-5 recorded the lowest incidence of root rot (29.4%).
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Disease assessment in Co-ordinated trials of other disciplines Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor

DSK-1-A, B-24, SI-250-A, S-0448, IC 413248, IS-24-A and IS 245 showed moderately resistant reaction under sick plot condition.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Identification of seed mycoflora of sesame Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor

Common fungi associated with sesame seeds were Macrophomina phaseolina, Penicillium sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus sp. and Alternaria sp.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Integrated management of foliar diseases of sesame Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor

Foliar spray of myclobutanil @ 1 g/l was effective in managing the foliar diseases of sesame


AICRP/PBG/VRI/SES/021  All India Coordinated Research Project on Sesame Plant Pathology Management of stem and root rot of sesame caused by Macrophomina phaseolina Dr.B.Meena

Associate Professor

Seed treatment with T. viride @ 10 g/kg + furrow application of T. viride (2.5 kg/ha enriched in 100 kg of FYM) @ 250 kg/ha + foliar spray of Trifloxystrobin + Tebuconazole @ 0.5 g/l at capsule initiation and second spray after 15 days interval was effective
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Agrl Entomology E1 A. Report on the insect pests situations in Groundnut Dr. P.Indiragandhi In progress.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Agrl Entomology E1 B. Exercise on role of natural enemies of major insect pest of groundnut Dr. P.Indiragandhi In progress.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Agrl Entomology E2.    Monitoring of Spodoptera, leafminer and sucking pests of groundnut using traps


Dr. P.Indiragandhi In progress.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Agrl Entomology E3.    Screening for resistance to insect pests


Dr. P.Indiragandhi In progress.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Agrl Entomology E4.Management of root feeders in groundnut


Dr. P.Indiragandhi In progress.
AICRP/PBG/VRI/GNT/017 Agrl Entomology E5.Management of defoliators in groundnut Dr. P.Indiragandhi Concluded.


Agricultural Entomology AICRP(Cashew)

Expt. 3. Evaluation of insecticides for the control of TMB and other insect pests

Dr. S. Jaya Prabhavathi,

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Ento.)

In progress.


Agricultural Entomology Expt. 2. Curative Trial (Post extraction prophylaxis). Dr. S. Jaya Prabhavathi,

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Ento.)

In progress.


Agricultural Entomology Ent. 3. Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the incidence of pest complex on cashew at Vridhachalam Dr. S. Jaya Prabhavathi,

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Ento.)

In progress.


Agricultural Entomology Ent. 4. Screening of germplasm to locate tolerant / resistant cashew types to major insect pests of the region. Dr. S. Jaya Prabhavathi,

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Ento.)

In progress.
ICAR/TRRI/VRI/GEN/2018/D002 Creation of seed hubs and it’s sustenance for enhancing quality seeds availability of major oilseed crops in India – Groundnut seed hub for Tamil Nadu Dr. A. Mothilal, Prof. (PBG) 01.11.2018 to 31.03.2020 In progress

Externally funded schemes (from 1.4.2016 to till date)

Scheme No. Title of the scheme Name (s) of the PI/CO PI Period Progress of work


Population biology of Magnaporthe grisea and analysis of host plant resistance in foxtail millet against blast disease Dr. G. Senthilraja

Asst. Prof

(Pl. Path)


Apr 2017 – March 2020 Totally, 374 numbers of foxtail millet germplasms were screened against blast disease under natural conditions (Hot spot). Among the entries, three entries viz., ESD 90, SEJ 19 and TNAUF00700350 were found to be resistant to leaf blast.