From TNAU, Coimbatore to Cranfield, United Kingdom! With hope and happiness, joy and curiosity, perseverance and positivity, I flew to Cranfield University, UK as one of Commonwealth Split-site PhD fellows from our beloved Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India during March 2022. Flying overseas to see how people perceive science, how labs function and how cross-cultures system work to bring solutions to numerous environmental problems was once a dream. This journey was the first and most remarkable research experience outside the home country which has fed my thirst of upgrading myself. The systematic functioning, quick communication, cutting-edge technologies and intellectual supervisors along with financial support were the key features I have observed in my one-year research experience abroad. I was exposed to various advanced equipment and newmethod of analysis during lab practice. The colleagues and technicians with committed work plans has cheered me everyday to stick with what I have come all along the way. The dynamic and intellect guest talks, monthly seminars, theme meetings and researchers corner discussions were quite interesting and provided opportunity to explore new research avenues and foster interdisciplinary ideation. The research presentations in monthly meets and conferences paved a path to establish international connections. The passion towards analytical science has been energised further after meeting multinational people under a roof. Linking my research study on “Impact of microplastics on agricultural soil ecosystem” in home and host university laboratories has been challenging yet enthusiastic with the mentorship of thesis committee. Handling the different species of earthworm which I have never experienced was interesting and fun with the help of lab colleagues!
I personally feel that self esteem and communication skills have been developed over the period and networking with people from different regions of the world has been a boon during my PhD journey. This research experience has extended my perspective and overcome the struggles I have come across in standardizing the protocols, experimental analysis and drawing meaningful conclusions.

The multiculturism has deep impact on my life, making me a kinder and socio-responsible human. My gratitude and appreciations to UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)- Commonwealth Scholarships for this unique opportunity. Many thanks to my advisory committee and supportive faculty of Department of Environmental Sciences. My earnest thanks bestowed with my UK research supervisors Prof Frederic Coulon and Dr Pablo Campo for their meticulous guidance.

My memories with new colleagues, friends and lab mates during the journey is going to stay in my heart forever!
I sincerely acknowledge and express my gratefulness to our Vice Chancellor, Dean SPGS and
Professor and Head (Environmental Science) for their continuous support! I am sure that experience gained and network developed with thought provoking experts will be helpful for my future endeavours!

Karthika S (2019606001)
PhD Scholar
Department of EnvironmentalScience