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                      Final VIVA Voce -2024

Sl.No Date Student Name Chairman Name External Name Title Department Link
1 02.01.2024 G. Oviya Dr. N.O.Gopal Dr.T.H.Shankarappa Biocatalytic process development for enhanced saccharification of banana fiber and biomass derived products Agricultural Microbiology SharePoint Introduction -
2 04.01.2024 Mahesh Haroli Dr. SP. Ramanathan Dr. N. Subash Development of weather based forewarning model for Fall Armyworm in Maize [Zea mays (L.)] Agro Climatic Research Centre,Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
3 04.01.2024 Hemalatha. M Dr.S. Geetha Dr. A. Anandan Genetic and molecular analysis of grain Linear Elongation Ratio in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding SharePoint Introduction -
4 05.01.2024 Kanchaeti Mrunalini Dr.S. Pazhanivelan Dr. G. Sreenivas Chickpea area and yield estimation using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and crop growth model in Uttar Pradesh’s bundelkhand region Agronomy AC&RI Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
5 08.01.2024 G Nithila Dr.C.Gopalakrishnan Dr.K.Venkatesan Insights of the induction of resistance mediated by endophytes for the management of rice false smut Department of Plant Pathology SharePoint Introduction -
6 09.01.2024 Rajput Nikhil Balu Dr. I. Sekar Dr. Ramakrishna Hegde Studies on agrisilvicultural fitness and wood characterization of Pterygoto alata (ROXB.) for diverse end use FC&RI, Mettupalayam SharePoint Introduction -
7 10.01.2024 Karpe Omkar Shivaji Dr.P.Subramanian Dr.S.Velmurugan Process development and optimization of biographene production from agricultural biomass Department of Renewable Energy Engineering SharePoint Introduction -
8 11.01.2024 S. Prabakaran Dr. R.K.Kaleeswari Dr. K.Karthikeyan Assessment, Mapping and Modelling of Soil Carbon stock in Major Cropping System in cauvery Delta Zone of Tamil Nadu. Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry SharePoint Introduction -
9 11.01.2024 M.Kaviyapriya Dr. R.Gnanam Dr. N. Senthil Kumar Diversity analysis, transcriptome profiling, micropropagation and in silico analysis of bixin for pharmacological properties from Bixa Orellana L. Department of Plant Biotechnology, CPMB&B SharePoint Introduction -
10 12.01.2024 M Krishnaraj Dr. P.P. Mahendran Dr. Pardeep Kumar Identification, Mapping and management of soil constraints for sustained crop productivity in Red and Lateritic soils of Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu. AC&RI, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
11 12.01.2024 S.A. Brindha Bharathi Dr. K.A. Murugesh Dr. K.C. Narayanaswamy Profiling of mulberry ArbuscularMycorrhiza and development of mulberry specific AM Fungi Sericulture FC& RI SharePoint Introduction -
12 19.01.2024 T. Janani Dr. J.Janavi Dr.B.Fakrudin In Vitro studies in moringa (Moringaoleifera Lam.) Vegetable Science HC&RI SharePoint Introduction -
13 22.01.2024 ShaikMobeena Dr. N. Thavaprakaash Dr. R. B. Negalur Impact of sowing windows, crop geometry and nutrient management on growth and yield of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild) Agronomy AC&RI Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
14 23.01.2024 A. Sangothari Dr. S. Radhamani Dr. B. Sreedevi Evaluation of integrated nutrient management practices in aerobic rice and their effect on succeeding blackgram Agronomy AC&RI Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
15 31.01.2024 A. Vasuki Dr. V.K.Paulpandi Dr. Laxman Ram Meena Studies on the influence of water saving techniques and nano N and K fertilizer application on the productivity of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) Agronomy AC&RI Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
16 01.02.2024 Ms. Munmun Dash Dr.S.Thiyageshwari Dr.G.C.Sathish Unravelling the impact of Mg Fertilization on Bioavailability and Response of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea var. Italica in Mg deficient Soil Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry SharePoint Introduction -
17 07.02.2024 Ms. Haina Johnson Dr.D. Selvi Dr. T.R. Rupa Molybdenum fertilization on dynamics of Mo and P, soil bioavailability, yield and quality of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) in acid soils of Nilgiris Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry SharePoint Introduction -
18 07.02.2024 Ms. Shahidha P.A Dr.A. Bharani Dr.B.Aparna Chelator Enhanced Phytoextraction and Recovery of Chromium using Guinea Grass (Panicum maximum) Environmental Science SharePoint Introduction -
19 12.02.2024 Bharaani Sri Dr.Kshitendra Narayan Mishra Slow-Release Nanocomposite Iron Fertilizer for the Management of Iron Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
20 15.02.2024 Banoth Madhu Dr.S.Sivakumar Dr. Firoz Hossain Introgression of Leafhopper Resistance Genes into Gossypium hirsutum L. Genetics and Plant Breeding
21 15.02.2024 R.Kannipriya Dr.A.Ramanathan Dr. Manas Kumar Analysis of host resistance, Epidemiology and Management of bacterial Leaf blight in rice Plant Pathology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
22 16.02.2024 Er.Kommanaboyina Raju Yadav Dr. A.Suresndrajumar Dr.P.R.Jayam Design and development of Inter and Intra Row Weeder Farm Machinery and Power, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
23 16.02.2024 Mr. Ashokh Aravind. S Dr. Somasundaram Dr. N. Ravisankar Evaluation of organic nutrient management practices for short duration cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
24 16.02.2024 Mr. Sivashankar.M Dr.R.Krishnan Dr.M.S.Bhullar The management of variable flat sedge (Cyperus difformis) in horse gram-rice-rice-black gram cropping sequence Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
25 19.02.2024 Ms.A.Vinitha Dr.D.Vijayalakshmi Dr. Roy Stephen Plant Adaption to Anaerobic stress tolerance and Physiological components underlying direct seeded rice Crop Physiology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
26 19.02.2024 Mr. Nunavath Umil Singh Dr. K. Vaiyapuri Dr.K.Sankaranarayanan Drip fertigation studies on rice-chia cropping
system in western zone of Tamil Nadu
Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
27 26.02.2024 Ms. Haobam Dimashree Devi Dr.K.Mahendran Dr.C.Murthy A Study on stakeholder Participation and Emerging Livelihood Opportunities in Pineapple value chains in Manipur State of North Eastern Region Agricultural and Rural Management, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
28 26.02.2024 Mr. Golla Gowtham Dr.A. Lakshmanan Dr.R.Selvakumar Development of multi nutrient nanocomposite for higher use efficiency of nitrogen Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
29 26.02.2024 C. Rohini Dr. S. Kanchana Dr.S.Hemalatha Development of immunity Boosting Value Added Products using Agricultural/Horticultural Produce and assessing the Efficacy Food Science and Nutrition, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
30 27.02.2024 S.Vignesh Dr.G.Karthikeyan Dr.M.Loganathan Development of infectious constructs for cucurbit begomoviruses and its management through dsRNA Plant pathology, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
31 27.02.2024 Mr.Mullaivendhan.V Dr. S. Avudaithai Dr.P.Nalayaini Effect of different spacing and weed management practices in direct seeded rice under sodic soil Agronomy, Trichy SharePoint Introduction -
32 28.02.2024 Mrs.R.Chitra Dr.A.Lakshmanan Dr.D.Ravi Shankaran Nanoencapsulation for enhanced stability and bioavailability of betalains Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
33 28.02.2024 G. Karthikeyan Dr.K.Sara Parwin Banu Dr. U. Surendran Vetiver Floating wetlands (VFWs) for Restoration of Lakes: Designing and its implications Environmental Science SharePoint Introduction -
34 29.02.2024 Nagarajan K Dr.V.Geethalakshmi Dr. A. Velmurugan Optimization of water for aerobic rice for low GHG emission under automated drip irrigation Agronomy,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
35 29.02.2024 Shaheemath Suhara K. K Dr. V. Ravikumar Dr. Rema K P A Decision Support System for the Design and Evaluation of Micro-irrigation system Soil and Water Conservation, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
35 01.03.2024 P Mathan kumar Dr. S.Geetha Dr. V. Krishnan Genetic analysis for salinity and submergence tolerance in rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) Genetics and plant breeding SharePoint Introduction -
36 01.03.2024 S. Stesi Dr. M. Raju Dr. H.M. Virdia Fertigation scheduling in high density cotton through crop growth nutrition curve approach Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
37 01.03.2024 N. Swathika Dr. K.S.Subramanian Dr. S.S. Chandrashekhar Nano-enabled botanical herbicide for the management of weeds Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
38 05.03.2024 V Allan Dr. N. Meenakshi Ganeshan Dr. S. Karthigeyan Induction of salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza Sativa L.) using in vitro culture and Marker Assisted Breeding Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
39 12.03.2024 AKILAN M Dr.P. Jeyaprakash Unravelling genomic regions governing salt tolerance in rice (Oryzasativa L.) Genetics and Plant Breeding, Trichy SharePoint Introduction -
40 15.03.2024 K.A.Mumithra Kamatchi Dr.A.Senthil Dr.G.Ramarao Crop Physiology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
41 15.03.2024 Arun Kumar Dr.K.M.Kalarani Dr.G.Ramarao Exploiting the potential of the new plant growth regulator melatoninin in the alleviation of drought and high temperature stress tolerance Crop Physiology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
42 15.03.2024 Machuri Vishnu Priya Dr. R. Kalpana Dr.R.Raja Geospatial Technologies for mapping and analysis of cropping pattern in Tamil Nadu Agronomy,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
43 15.03.2024 Claudia K.L Dr.S.Ganapathy Dr.V.Palanimuthu Mitigation of aflatoxin contaminants in groundnut using cold plasma technology Food Process and Engineering, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
44 25.03.2024 M.Subbulakshmi Dr.M.Samuel Characterization of Pearl Millet (Perniserum glaucum) and Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) Germplasm and Genetic Analysis in Interspecific Hybrids Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cbe
45 25.03.2024 C.Sowmiya Dr.M.Samuel Introgression of multiple resistance genes into a popular variety of rice using Marker Assisted Breeding Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cbe
46 05.04.2024 C.Gunalan Dr. S, Jeyarani Dr. T. Samsai Host Plant Chemical mediated interaction of Thesis title Coconut Whitefly Complex and its associated Parasitoid(s) Department Agrl. Entomology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
47 05.04.2024 Burigi Sushmitha Dr. R. Senthilkumar Dr. M. BASKAR Assessing the Production Potentials, Export Performance and Trade Competitiveness of Processed groundnut and groundnut products in Andhra Pradesh and India ADAC&RI, Trichy SharePoint Introduction -
48 22.04.2024 Kamesh. T. M Dr.D.Suresh Kumar Dr.R.Kalpana An Economic Analysis of Irrigation Water Productivity Across Different Production Environments in TamilNadu Dept. of Agrl. Economics, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
49 26.04.2024 T.Archana Dr.A.Kamalakannan Dr.K.Vaiyapuri Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum(smith), an inciting agent of bacterial wilt of potato and its biological management Dept. of Plant Pathology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
50 26.04.2024 S.Pavithran Dr. M. Murugan Dr. K. K. Kumar Molecular and Functional Characterization of Salivary Proteins of aphids, Aphis craccivera Koch and Aphis gossypii Glover Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
51 30.04.2024 Nitish Kumar Jena Dr. P Irene Vethamoni Dr. N .Manivannan Evaluation of Turkey berry (Sofanuin torvum Sw.) genotypes for growth. yield and profiling of the fruits Dept. of Vegetable science, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
52 03.05.2024 Mr. Surla Pradeep Kumar Dr. M. Mohamed Yassin Dr. R. Shanmugasundaram Effect of nano – silica on growth, yield physiological and quality parameters of sweetcorn (Zea mays L., saccharata) Dept of Agronomy, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
52 10.05.2024 Ms. M .Priyadharshini Dr.V.Davamani Dr.V.R.Saminathan Nanopolymers (Cellulose) Synthesis from Paper Board Sludge and its Utilization for Heavy Metal Adsorption Department of Environmental Sciences, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
53 13.05.2024 Ms. Sneha Leela Garnepudi Dr.L.Pugalendhi Dr.Mangi Kumar Singh Grafting Studies L in Solanum L. to incorporate perenniality Department of Vegetable Science SharePoint Introduction -
54 14.05.2024 R.Surya, Dr. T.Ragavan Dr.Saravanane Pasoubaby Studies on enhanced herbicidal activity of nano- encapsulated sulfentrazone formulation in irrigated green gram (Vigna radiate L.) under periyar-vaigai command area Department of Agronomy, AC&RI, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
55 28.05.2024 Ms. Iswarya. S M. Shanmugam Nutrient management practices to enhance yield and quality of organic cotton Department of Agronomy, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
56 28.05.2024 SHANTHINIE A Dr. D. Sudhakar Dr. Mathish Nambiar-Veetil CRISPR-mediated genome engineering for thermo-sensitive genic male sterility and yield traits in rice Department of Plant Biotechnology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
57 05.06.2024 Ms.S.Shanmugapriya Dr.A. Lakshmanan Dr.M. Ashokan Nano Colloids for the eco-safe management of coffee Stem borer and Fungal Nematode Complex Department of Nanotechnology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
58 06.06.2024 Ms. T. Kanal Dr. T. Saraswathi Dr. Vijay Mahajan Development of FI hybrids combined resistance to tomato leaf curl virus, bacterial wilt and root knot nematode in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Department of Vegetable science, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
59 10.06.2024 Jane Ijeoma Reuben-Kalu Dr. E. Kokiladevi Dr. B. Fakrudin Understanding the molecular mechanism of starch biosynthesis in cassava (Manihot esculenta) Department of Plant Biotechnology, Coimbatore
60 20.06.2024 Ms. S. Dharani Dr. K. Devrajan Dr. J. Gulsar Banu, Appraisal of the invasive species of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne enterolobii on Guava (Psidium guajava L.) and its management usingmicrobial agents. Department of Nematology,Coimbatore
61 20.06.2024 Mr. Pravin Kumar K Dr. R. Pushpam Dr. Jiji Joseph, Introgression of multiple abiotic stress tolerant QTLs through marker assisted backcross breeding in rice (Oryza sativa L) Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
62 25.06.2024 Ms. E. Kanimozhi, Dr. M. Murugan Dr. K. Karthikeyan TEA MOSQUITO BUG, Helopeltis spp. (HEMPITERA: MIRIDAE) COMPLEXITY IN TAMIL NADU AND ITS ECO-FRIENDLY MANGEMENT IN GUAVA AND MORINGA Department of Agriculture Entomology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
63 25.06.2024 Ms.S.Karthika Dr.K.Sivasubramanian Dr. P. M.Shanmugam Impact of Microplastics on agricultural soil ecosystem Department of Environmental Sciences, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
64 18.06.2024 Ms. R. Sangeetha Priya Dr. V. Davamani, Dr.M.Rajkumar Percipience on Synthesis of Silanol-Rich Biogenic Nanosilica for Sustainable Heavy Metal Separation Department of Environmental Sciences,Coimbatore
65 27.06.2024 Mr. P. Arunkumar Dr. J. S. Kennedy Dr. P. D. Kamala Jayanthi ECOLOGY OF INTERACTIONS BETWEEN ONION THRIPS, Thrips tabaci Lindeman AND ITS ASSOCIATED IRIS YELLOW SPOT VIRUS (IYSV) Department of Agriculture Entomology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
Sl.No Date Student Name Chairman Name External Name Title Department Link
1 24.02.2023 Khaviya Bala Dr.Chitta Ranjan Satpathi Studies on transmission of Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus and its vector Aphis craccivora Koch. On blackgram (Vigna mungo L) Entomology, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
2 24.02.2023 David Israel Mansingh Dr.G. Byju Evaluation of the interaction effect of calcium and boronon improving the productivity of groundnut in Major groundnut growing soils of Madurai District. Soil and Environment, MDU
3 27.02.2023 Gokul Kannan T Dr.M.Maheshwari Dr.R.Babu Rajendran Assesment of Emerging pollutants (Metformin and Triclosan ), their toxicity and removal techniques Environmental Science, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
4 27.02.2023 Kanmani.K Dr.Usha Ravindra Comparative study of Phytochemical profile, antioxidant capacity and anti – proliferative activity of brown rice and germinated rice CSC & RI, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
5 28.02.2023 Ranjith.S Dr.T.Kalaiselvi Dr.Jyothilakshmi Vadassery Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria (PGPB) on eliciting defense responses in maize (Zea mays) against fall army worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Microbiology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
6 28.02.2023 Vetrivel.M Dr.R.Amutha Dr.Ratna Kumar Pasala Physiological and Molecular analysis of onion for Sodicity tolerance Phsiology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
7 01.03.23 N. Rukumani Dr.T.Chitdeshwari Dr. Pradeep Kumar Organic acids and Amino acids coated Multi-nutrient fertilizers for improving the yield and nutrition of groundnut on calcareous soils. Soil Science & Agricultural chemistry, CBE  

SharePoint Introduction -

8 03.03.23 R. Megala Dr.M.K.Kalarani Dr.Roy Stephan Physiological and Metabolomic Insights of drought tolerance with Melatonin in Rice. Crop Physiology, CBE  

SharePoint Introduction -

9 07.03.23 G. Akila Dr.S.Thiyageshwari Dr.S.K.Behera Chemistry of Biosulphur in calcareous soil and its influence on growth and yield of blackgram. Soil Science & Agricultural chemistry,CBE SharePoint Introduction -
10 08.03.23 R. Jayapriya Dr.R.K.Kaleeswari Dr.Hazarika Economic valuation of soil Nutrients from the wetlands of karaikal District of puducherry U.T Agricultural Economics, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
11 09.03.23 G. Yazhini Dr.S.Thiyageshwari Dr.G.C.Sathisha Mitigation of Salt stress and Zinc deficiency through Bacterial Exopolysaccharide based formulation in Rice under Sodic soils Soil Science & Agricultural chemistry, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
12 09.03.23 R. Ariraman Dr.Chelvirameesh Dr. H.P.Maheswarappa Influence of irrigation Regimes and Nutrient management practices on Bt and Non-Bt cotton genotypes. Agronomy, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
13 09.03.23 T. Hema Dr.P.Jayammani Dr.Gopala Krishnan S Genetic analysis in pre-breeding lines for yellow mosaic disease (YMD) and bruchid resistance in greengram (Vignaradiata (L.) Wilczek) Genetics and Plant Breeding, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
14 10.03.23 Sri subalakshmi.V.K.I Dr.S.Rajeswari Dr.G.Balasubramani Genetic studies on boll weight improvement in cotton (Gossypiumhirstum L.,) Genetics and plant Breeding, CBE  SharePoint Introduction -
15 10.03.23 K. Ragadevi Dr.P.Jeykumar Dr. Arun. K.Shanker Physiological assessment of bio stimulants mediated improvement of cotton yield and quality Crop Physiology, CBE  

SharePoint Introduction -

16 14.03.23 Vivek.G Dr.N. Venkatesa Palanichamy Dr. A. Pouchepparadjou Analysing the market Demand for Alternate forms of Sugar in Tamil Nadu. Agricultural and Rural Management, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
17. 16.03.23 M. Silambarasan Dr.Chelvirameesh Dr.M.Madhavi Evaluation of integrated weed Management options for Ipomeacarneassubsp.fistulosa and its allelopathic effect on rice. Agronomy, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
18 17.03.23 Vidhya. K.N Dr.K.Nagarajan Dr.S.Manivannan Simulation of soil moisture dynamics with different automated drip irrigation condition. Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
19. 17.03.23 Nivetha.C Dr.V.K.Paulpandi Dr. V.Imayavaramban Evaluating newer herbicide combinations for yield enhancement in irrigated groundnut (ArachishypogaeaL.) Agronomy, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
20. 23.03.23 R. Mohana priya Dr.R.Kalpana Dr. B.S.Mahapatra Enhancing the productivity of green gram (Vigna radiate L.) under sodic soil through soil amendments and foliar nutrition Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
21. 24.03.23 A. Pavithra Dr.R.K.Kaleeshwari Dr.K.Sammi Reddy Calcium biofortification of cruciferous vegetables to enhance nutrition, quality and bio accessibility. Soil Science & Agricultural chemistry Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
22. 27.03.23 A. Mohamed Ansari Dr.P.P.Mahendran Dr.C.T.Subbarayappa Integrated Zinc Nutrient Management on growth, yield and Zinc Enrichment of Barnyard Millet (EchinochloaFrumantacea) grown in TYPIC HAPLUSTERT and TYPIC RHODUSTALF soils Soil & Environment, MDU
23 27.03.23 B. Kailash Kumar Dr.S.S. Sivakumar Dr. A.Carolin Rathinakumari Developments of Drone attchements for spraying and harvesting in coconut palms Farm Machinery Kumulur SharePoint Introduction -
24. 27.03.23 G. Pandidurai Dr.S.Amutha Dr.T.Jyothirmayi Exploring the functionality of ethnic fermented sour beverages (rice and millet) and its standardization with improved shelf stability for industrial use Food science and Nutrition, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
25 27.03.23 G. Tamil Amuthan Dr.N.Sakthivel Dr.J.A.Hosmath Standardizing the quality of fodder pellets produces with different fodder resources. Agronomy, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
26 28.03.23 I. Chinnamani Dr.R.Durai Singh Dr.J.Hosmath Reworking drum seeder slots to fit for the diverse seed types of Rice under Periyarvaigai command area. Agronomy, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
27 29.03.23 D.Veerathilagam Dr.R.Kannan Dr. Harender Raj Gautam Exploitation of Bacillus spp. and botanicals against powdery mildew disease in grapes Plant Pathology,CBE SharePoint Introduction -
28 05.04.23 V.Manimaran Dr. A.Balasubramanian Dr.Harmeet Singh saralch Silvicultural options for Intensive management of TamarindusindicaL. for gum utility Forestry, Mettupalayam SharePoint Introduction -
29 12.04.23 R. Krishna Kumar Dr.N.Senthil Dr.Yogesh Vikal Introgression of beta carotene trait into elite sweet corn inbred through marker assisted breeding Plant Biotechnology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
30 13.04.23 T.Naveen Kumar Dr.M.R. Backiyavathy Dr. Manoj Shrivastava Heavy metal immobilization in Municipal solid waste compost by using and quality under vegetable based cropping system Soil science, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
31 13.04.23 I.Padma shree Dr.M.Muthuswami Dr.K.Ramesh Development of DNA Barcodes and Bio-markers for Pink Bollworm, Pectinophoragossypiella (saunders) and study its Bio-ecology and Management in cotton Ecosystem Agricultural Entomology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
32 17.4.23 Er.R.Rahul Dr.A.Raviraj Dr.M.VenkataRamana Simulation of Groundwater table fluctuation using MODFLOW for water management planning in the Bhavani basin Soil and Water Conservation engineering, Kumulur SharePoint Introduction -
33 24.04.23 Sangeetha K Dr.C.Swaminathan Dr.S.A.Gaddanakeri Evaluation of low budget natural way farming in millet-pulse intercropping system Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
34 26.04.23 JangamBhavana Dr.R.Krishnan Dr.K.N.Geetha Evaluation of different weed management practices in transplated finger millet (Eleusinecoracana (L.) Gaertn.) Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
35 26.04.2023 G.Porkodi Dr.R.Shanugasundaram Dr. Kshitendra Narayan Mishra Assessment of iron status and Management of Iron chlorosis of Groundnut in Cuddalore District Soils and Environment, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
36 03.05.23 Muthulakshmi Dr.M.Thilagavathi Dr. P. Venkatesh Production, Marketing, Export Competitiveness (India) of Mango: An Economic analysis in Tamil Nadu Agricultural economics, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
37 12.05.23 R.Deepa Sankari Dr.K.Eraivan Arutkani Aiyanathan Dr.Jagjeet Singh Lore Development of Fusarium wilt resistant banana cultivar by RNAi approach Plant Pathology, MDU (Pathology head) SharePoint Introduction -
38 17.05.23 A.Senthil Kumar Dr.B.BhakiyathuSaliha Dr.B.I.Bidari Climate smart nutrient management for enhancing soil quality and maize crop productivity in Madurai East block of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu. Soil and Environment, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
39 24.05.23 Ambati Vasudha Dr.G.Umapathy Dr.M.H.Faizal Host plant interventions and management of pigeon pea eriophyid mite, Aceria cajani Chan. (Eriophyidae: Acari) Agricultural Entomology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
40 26.05.23 Manjula Rakshi Dr.L.Pugalendhi Dr. Kanhaiya Singh Somatic embryogenesis and mutation breeding in baba cv.Bhimkol (BB) Fruit Science, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
41 26.05.23 R.Poornima Dr.P.Dhevagi Dr.M.B.Doddamani Studies on the effect of protectants to alleviate the impacts of tropospheric ozone on rice cultivars. Environmental Science SharePoint Introduction -
42 30.05.23 G. Sandeep Dr.T.Arumugam Dr.V.Sankar Studies on extraction, isolation and encapsulation of biomolecules from Moringa (Moringaoleifera Lam.) leaves Vegetable, PKM SharePoint Introduction -
43 30.05.23 R. Renuka Dr.K.Prabakar Dr.P.Malathi Morpho-molecular characterization of pathogens causing fruit rot of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) and evaluating their managenment strategies using plant growth promoting actinobacteria Pathology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
44 01.06.23 Ilakiya.T Dr.R.Swarnapriya Dr.Vijay Mahajan Enhancing the Land Use Efficiency in Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) Cultivation and Crop Modelling for Growth and Yield Prediction. Vegetable, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
45 02.06.23 V.Arulkumar Dr.J.Prabhaharan Dr.S.Ramasubramoniam Impact of climate change on irrigation water quality, soil fertility, and GIS mapping of coastal blocks of Ramanathapuram District  in TamilNadu Soils and Environment, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
46. 05.06.23 M.Palanisamy Dr.K.Vijila Dr.Sunil Pabbi Utilization of pesticide degrading Lactobacillus plantarum Pb3 to decontaminate the chemical pesticide pollutants on food matrices Microbiology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
46. 05.06.23 Saneera.E.K Dr.S.Raguraman Dr. Mani Chellan Population Dynamics, Synergy of Binary Mixtures of plant-Derived oils and potential of Entomopathogenic Fungi against Whitefly Complex in Coconut Entomology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
47. 08.06.23 P.Divyabharathi Dr.A.Lakshmanan Dr.P.S.Vijayakumar Developing biodegradable and enriched nanocellulose mulching sheet from sugarcane bagasse Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology SharePoint Introduction -
48. 09.06.23 Narmatha Dr.K.R.Karunakaran Dr.H.Lokesh Production performance and Export potential of coconut and its products in India- A Multi Market Model Agricultural Economics SharePoint Introduction -
49. 09.06.23 Mr.Yerramala Chandra Sekhar Dr.A.Kamalakannan Dr.D.Ladhalakshmi Detection of airborne inoculum of rice false smut (Ustilaginoideavirens (cook) Takahashi) pathogen and its management Plant pathology SharePoint Introduction -
50. 15.06.23 R.Logeshwari Dr.C.Gopalakrishnan Dr.C.Kannan Development and Validation of LAMP based diagnostic Kit for early detection of important rice seed borne pathogens Plant Pathology SharePoint Introduction -
51. 19.06.23 Syed Nyamath Dr.S.Karthikeyan Dr.A.VijayaGopal Interaction of methanogenic and sulphidogenic activities in rice ecosystem under anticipatory climate changes (eCO2) Agricultural Microbiology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
52. 20.06.23 G. Megha Dr.M.Murugan Dr.P.Duraimurugan Insect-plant interactions and characterizations of resistance in tomato against pinworm, Phthorimeaabsoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Agricultural Entomology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
53. 20.06.23 Mr.K.Vijaya Aravinth Dr.S. Avudaithai Dr.P.Prameela Effect of irrigation regimes and brown manuring for weed management in direct seeded rice in sodic soil condition Agronomy,Trichy
54. 22.06.23 X.Remoniya Dr.S.Jeyarajan Nelson Dr.A.JosephRajkumar Diversity of green lacewings and their potential for the management of coconut RugoseSpiralling Whitefly and Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly Agricultural Entomology, CBE SharePoint Introduction -
55 27.06.23 C.Poornachandra Dr.R.M.Jayabalakrishna Dr.R.Mohanraj Studies on the synthesis of nanocellulose from coconut husk fibre and assessing its potential as adsorbent in textile effluent treatment Environmental Sciences SharePoint Introduction -
56. 28.06.23 Teena Lakshmi Dr.K.M. Shivakumar Dr.R.A. Yeledhalli Impact of ASEAN – India Free Trade Agreement on Indian Agriculture: A Quantitative Approach Agricultural Economics SharePoint Introduction -
57 30.06.23 Upadhyayula Madhurima Dr.K.R.Karunakaran Dr.Raju.R Economic performance of Tank Irrigation systems in Andhra Pradesh: A Spatial Modelling Approach Agricultural Economics SharePoint Introduction -
58. 30.06.23 V.Mohanraj Dr.P.Balasubramaniam Dr.S. Usha Rani Developing strategic risk aversion resilience model for small and marginal farmers of Cauvery Delta Zone Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology SharePoint Introduction -
59 05.07.2023 S.Suganya Dr.K.Rajamani Dr. P. Tejaswini Standardization of modified planting systems and pruning schedule for regulating growth and flower yield in Jasminum sambac (L.) Floriculture and Landscape Architecture SharePoint Introduction -
60 07.07.2023 C. Aswin Dr.R.Geetha Dr.R.Siddaraju Studies on Agroecological Effects on Maize Hybrid Seed Science and Technology, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
61 10.07.2023 K.Anitha Dr. A.Senthil Dr. G.Ramarao Exploiting potential of Melatonin as an anti-stressor compound in green gram (Vigna radiata L.) Crop Physiology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
62 13.07.2023 Sindhu Bharathi Dr.K.Nageswari Dr. V. Sankar Characterization and Quantification of Anthocyanin for food colour Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Vegetable Science, Periyakulam SharePoint Introduction -
63 14.07.2023 A.Abdul Latheef Dr. L. Pugalendhi Dr. T. Sakthivel Evaluation of open pollinated mango (Mangifera indica L.) seedling progenies for qualitative and quantitative characters Fruit Science, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
64 14.07.2023 Dhanalakshmi Dr.S.Meena Dr.C.Palaniswami Effect of Organic polymer coated DAP on yield, nutrients uptake and phosphorus use efficiency of medicinal coleus (Coleus forskohlii Briq.) Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
65 18.07.2023 Mohanapriya.B Dr.R.Ravikesavan Dr. Jiji Joseph Genetic and Morpho-Physiological Characterization of Maize (Zea mays L.) for drought tolereance Genetics and Plant Breeding SharePoint Introduction -
66 21.07.2023 T. Shafeqa Dr. V.Ravichandran Dr. B. Mohan Raju Discerning g morpho-anatomical,physiological and molecular basis of salt tolerance in rice genotypes Crop physiology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
67 21.07.2023 S. Keerthana Dr. M. Prasanthrajan Dr. U. Surendran Assesment of environmental quality, carbon sequestration potential and biodiversity changes in High Density Plantations Environmental Sciences, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
68. 24.07.2023 S.Kavitha Dr.J.Renugadevi Dr.K.Rathinavel Development of herbal based formulation for enhancing the storability of pulse seeds Seed Science and Technology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
69 24.07.2023 Viswanadhapalli Blessy Dr.E.Murugan Dr.P.Manivel Mapping of QTLs associated with grain quality traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Breeding and Genetics, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
70 25.07.2023 VINUSRI S Dr.Gnanam Dr.T.Parimelazhagan, Assessment of anticancerous compounds in betelvine (Piper betle L.) and optimizing its in vitro production and validation Department of Plant Biotechnology, CPMB, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
71. 02.08.2023 R.Senthilkumar Dr.S.Amuthan Dr. R.Jagan Mohan Phytochemical screening and Anti adipogenic activity of Nanoencapsulated Bioactive Compounds of Horse gram in 3 T3-L1 cell” Department of Food Science and Nutrition SharePoint Introduction -
72. 04.08.2023 S.Monisha Dr.D.Malarvizhi Dr.D.Vijay Studies on harnessing the potentials of bio-inoculant for management of abiotic and biotic stress in blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) Department of Seed Science, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
73. 04.08.2023 U.S.Rammiya Dr.R.Saravana Kumar Dr.S.Hemalatha Development of Functional Foods using mango processing and industrial waste Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
74. 09.08.2023 P.Rajalakshmi Dr.P.P.Mahendran Dr.Somasundaram Jayaraman Geostatistical modeling of soil properties to optimize irrigation scheduling for paddy and sugarcane in Melur block of Madurai district Soils and Environment, AC&RI, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
75. 11.08.2023 V.Lavanya Dr.M.Ganga Dr.S.L.Chawla Induced Mutagenesis in Jasminum auriculatum HC&RI, TNAU, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
76. 14.08.2023 Keerthivarman.K Dr.N.Meenakshi Ganesan Dr.K.N.Yamini Genetic analysis of cotton yield and fibre quality characters in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) AC&RI, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
77. 16.08.2023 N. Satheesh Dr. C.Vanniarajan Dr.A.Anandhan Genetics Diversity and Stability Analysis in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Plant Breeding and Genetics,ACRI, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
78. 17.08.2023 Y.Nandhini Dr.Subbalakshmi Lokanadhan Dr.R.Mahender Kumar Studies on rice landrace performance under different rice cultivation methods Agronomy, AC&RI, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
79. 22.08.2023 Santhosh Kumar Meena Dr.R.Durai Singh Dr. Annie Poonam Impact of paddy straw incorporation strategies and irrigation management on the greenhouse gas emission under wetland rice ecosystem Department of Agronomy, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
80. 24.08.2023 Sivaranjini. S Dr.V.Geethalakshmi Dr.T.Prathima Forewarning of Brown Planthopper (BPH) infestation in Rice integrating weather, crop and space based information ACRC, Coimbatore
81. 25.08.2023 Ramya Selvi N Dr. R.Saraswathi Dr. Akarsh Parihar Elucidation of gene action and identification of QTLs/genes for false smut resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.,) AC&RI, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
82 07.09.2023 Purushothaman.J Dr.T.Saraswathi Dr.S.Thiyageshwari Breeding for ToLCV and Nematode resistance through Multi-parent Advanced Generation Intercross (MAGIC) in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Vegetable Science, HC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
83 08.09.2023 Latha. M Dr.K.S.Subramanian Dr.Manoj Shrivastava Entrapment of urea in chitosan/lignin nanocomposite to improve the nutrient use efficiency in Maize Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
84 08.09.2023 M. Vinutha Dr.E.Somasundaram Dr.S.Thiyageshwari Evaluation of nutrient management techniques in organic blackgram Agronomy, AC&RI,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
85 11.09.2023 K.Elakkiya Dr.M.Murugan Dr.T.Boopathi Molecular Diagnosis of Diamide Resistance in Specialist (Plutella xylostella) and Generalist (Spodoptera litura) Feeders of Cabbage/Cauliflower) Agricultural Entomology, AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
86 12.09.2023 Muthu.R Dr.R.Vishnupriya Dr.B.K.Shivanna Isolation, characterization and formulation of insecticidal principal from Annona squamosal L. seeds against major lepidopteran pests Agricultural Entomology,AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
87 12.09.2023 Debadatta Panda Dr.K.Kumar Dr.Jayaprakash Mohan Nidagundi Genetic Investigaion in cotton utilization wild species Genetics and plant breeding, AC&RI,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
88 12.09.2023 A.Fathima Fathima Dr.L.Pugalendhi Dr. A. Subramanian Evaluation and improvement of snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) for yield and its attributing Traits Vegetable science, HC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
89 12.09.2023 Ashok.K Dr.J.S.Kennedy Dr.C.M.Senthil Kumar CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing of agriculturally important insect pests Agricultural Entomology, AC&RI,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
90 12.09.2023 Donaka Suneel Dr. A. Vincent Dr.R.Gomathi Physiological investigation of root architecture in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.,) genotypes under high temperature and elevated carbon dioxide Crop Physiology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
91 13.09.2023 U.Pirithiraj Dr.M.Murugan Dr.P.Jeyakumar Categorization of resistance in desi cotton (Gossypium arboretum L.) and genome-wide identification of NBS-LRR gene to decipher aphid (Aphis gossypii G.) resistance. Agricultural Entomology SharePoint Introduction -
92 15.09.2023 A. Agilan Dr.S.D.Sivakumar Dr.Siddayya A study on Enterpreneurial Decision Making in A Sago Cluster in Tamil Nadu Agricultural and Rural Management SharePoint Introduction -
93 16.09.2023 N.Satheesh Dr.C.Vanniarajan Dr.A.Anandhan Genetic Diversity and Stability Analysis in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Plant Breeding and Genetics SharePoint Introduction -
94 22.09.23 Rakesh Tadkal Dr.V.Rajasree Dr.C.N.Hanchinmani Association mapping for yield and yield related traits in cucumber Vegetable Science,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
95 22.09.23 G. Jeeva Dr. B.Anita Dr. Vignesh Muthusamy Genetic analysis of mutants for dissecting useful traits in a promising underutilized crop kodo millet (Paspalum Scrobiculum.L) Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
96 25. 09.23 G.K.Nandhitha Dr.C.N.Chandrasekhar Dr.M.S.Sheshayee Studies on morpho-physiological and molecular basis of multiple stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes Crop Physiology,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
97 26. 09.23 Renu prasath.P Dr.N.Meenakshi ganesan Dr. A.Anandhan Marker assisted introgression of QTL’s governing yield under drought stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
98 27. 09.23 Sharmila. P Dr.N.Meenakshi Ganesan Dr.K.Mohanraj Tissue Culture studies in Tropical japonica and indica rice (Oryza sativa) Genetics and Plant Breeding,AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
99 27. 09.23 Aishwarya Ravi Dr.M. S. Aneesa Rani Dr.Parmpal Singh Gill Evaluation of Mutagenic and Advanced inter-generic Hybrid Population for Yield, Quality and PRSV Resistance in papaya Fruit Science, HC&RI,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
100 29. 09.23 Karedla Ashok Kumar Dr. S.V.Krishnamoorthy Dr.Kousik Mandal Studies on the persistence, dissipation and monitoring of insecticide residues in rice Agricultural Entomology, AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
101 29. 09.23 Viswabharathy.S Dr. T.Kalaimagal Dr. Mohan Reddy Genetic improvement of CO 51 rice (Oryza sativa L.) for submergence tolerance through marker assisted backcross breeding Genetics and Plant Breeding. AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
102 29. 09.23 Akhil Raj B.C Dr.J.Suresh Dr. Nagaraja Reddy Evaluation, molecular characterization, and phytochemical profiling of selected accessions of Tinospora cordifolia (Wild.) Hook.f. and Thoms Spices and Plantation Crops SharePoint Introduction -
103 29. 09.23 C.Dheebisha Dr.L.Nalina Dr.Nagaraja Reddy Morphological and molecular characterization of Kantakari (Solanum surattense Burm.f.) Spices and Plantation Crops SharePoint Introduction -
104 29. 09.23 Samuthirapandi. S Dr.S.Manonmani Dr.Kadirvel Palchamy Developing a multiple stress tolerant version of CO 51 through Marker Assisted Backcross Breeding Genetics and Plant Breeding AC&RI,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
105 05.10.2023 Ms. V. Vishnu Priya Dr. M. Balakrishnan Dr. Udaykumar Nidoni Non-thermal process of coconut neera for enhancement of shelf life and to achieve food safety Department of Food Process Engineering,AEC&RI SharePoint Introduction -
106 06.10.2023 Ms. S. Nagaraj Dr. P. Saravanapandian Dr. A. Velmurugan “Assessment of available Zn status of major chilli growning soils of Ramnathapuram district and optimization of zinc in conjoint with organic manure for chilli” Soils and Environment SharePoint Introduction -
107 12.10.2023 Mr. A. Aravind Dr. R. Velusamy Dr. Venu Lenin A study on Impact of Climate change on the Livelihood of Cauvery Delta Farmers in TamilNadu Agricultural Extension and communication SharePoint Introduction -
108 13.10.2023 Divya G Dr.P.Balasubramaniam Dr.B.Shanmugasundaram A study on COVID-19 Impact on Small and Marginal Farmers in North western Zone of Tamil Nadu and Developing a post pandemic Livelihood Resilience Model Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
109 16.10.2023 Janani N Dr. Balaji Kannan Dr.U.Satish Kumar Estimation of Soil Moisture in Lower Bhavani Basin using Geospatial Techniques and Machine Leraning Soils and water conservation engineering, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
110 19.10.2023 Bhimireddy Sukrutha Dr.S.Rajeswari Dr.D.Mohan Reddy Genetic Improvement of Gossypium arboretum for yield and quality traits Genetics and Plant Breeding, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
111 25.10.2023 R.Suresh Dr.D.Suresh kumar Dr. Sarba N.Mishra An Economic Analysis of Impact of Industrial water pollution on agriculture in Bhavani River Basin of Tamil Nadu Agricultural Economics, Cbe
112 26.10.2023 Mr.Akkineni Aneesh Dr.K.Mahendran Dr.P.Radhika Micro Food Processing Enterprises in Andhra Pradesh State: An Empirical analysis of Risks and Survival mechanisms for developing value management Strategies Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
113 26.10.2023 Vishnupandi.S Dr.M.Ganga Dr.L.N.Mahawer Introduction of polyploidy in Jasminum Sambac for improving economic Traits Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
114 31.10.2023 Sandipamu Raahalya Dr.P.Balasubramaniam Dr. Senthil Vinayagam A Holistic study on Natural Disaster Management in Paddy Ecosystem of Disaster prone area in Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology SharePoint Introduction -
115 03.11.2023 S.Palaniyappan Dr.K.N.Ganesan Dr.Pramesh Genetics studies on single cross hybrids for enhanced biomass yield and fodder quality in maize (Zea mays L.) Genetics and Plant Breeding, AC&RI, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
116 03.11.2023 Chandra Devi Amitha Dr. C.Karthikeyan Dr.Joginder Singh Malik Construction and Standardization of socio-economic status scale for farmers Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
117 06.11.2023 L.Sivashankari Dr. A. Lakshmanan Dr. S. Sundaravarthan Phyto Nano formulation for enhancing growth and performance in broiler chicken Centre for Agricultural Nanotechnology, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
118 15.11.2023 V.Priyanga Dr.M.Thilagavathi Dr.Lakshmi Prasanna Socio-Economic and environmental Impact assessmrnt of Sago Industrial Treated Wastewater on Small and Marginal Farms in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Economics,Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
119 17.11.2023 Jikky Jayakumar Dr.P.Rajkumar Dr.P.Srinivasa Rao Design and development of a decorticator for annatto (Bixa Orellana L.) and extraction of bixin for its stability analysis Food Process Engineering, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
120 17.11.2023 N.Jeevan Dr.S.Pazhanivelan Dr.M.Mohammed Ahmed Jeelani Standardizing spraying requirements for weed management in transplanted rice through drones Agronomy, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
121 17.11.2023 R. Nilavarasi Dr. K.Sujatha Dr.K.Thangaraj Synthesis and development of seaweed based nano coating formulation for enhancing seedling vigour and yield in bhemdi Seed Science and Technology, MDU SharePoint Introduction -
122 20.11.2023 K.S.Anjali Dr.A.Balasubramanian Dr.V.Jamaludheen Evaluation of water use efficiency and 15 N uptake in Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f) under drip fertigation system in farm forestry conditions. FC & RI, Mettupalayam SharePoint Introduction -
123 24.11.2023 N.K.Sathish Kumar Dr.R.Thiyagarajan Dr.K.Nagarajan Development of a Tractor operated groundnut combine harvester Farm Machinery and power Engineering, Cbe SharePoint Introduction -
124 01.12.2023 Ms.Yerradoddi Sindhu Sree Dr.R.Karthikeyan Dr.K.Ramesh Effect of sowing window and crop geometry on yield and quality and dual purpose sorghum under changing climate. Agronomy ,AC&RI, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
125 01.12.2023 J.J.Parthiban Dr.M.Anjugam Dr.Isabella Agarwal Economic Impact of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in Mitigating Agricultural Risk in Tamil Nadu Agricultural Economics, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
126 04.12.2023 Chandrakala.R Dr.K.Venkatesan Dr.D.Prasath Morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of coriander genotypes, screening for powdery mildew resistance and metabolite profiling of coriander essential oil Spices and Plantation, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
127 05.12.2023 G.Senthilvadivu Dr.L.Pugalendhi Dr.T.Raguchander Compatibility studies in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) with wild Solanum rootstocks for improving horticultural traits. HC&RI, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
128 05.12.2023 S.Lakshmi Dr.V.Ravichandran Dr.P.Sandhya Rani Physiological response of bio-stimulants on crop growth, nutrient use, yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Crop physiology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
129 05.12.23 L. Mohammed Ghouse, Dr.C.Karthikeyan Dr.Rashmi singh Evaluation of Agricultural Education performed through online mode during COVID-19 Pandemic in Tamil Nadu Agricultural extension and rural sociology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
130 06.12.23 R.Sivadharshanap riya Dr.N.Revathy Dr.A.Kandan Intra and interspecific hybridization for developing elite Pleurotus cultivar Plant Pathology AC&RI, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
131 07.12.2023 Juby baby Dr.N.Meenakshi Dr.M.Govindaraj Induction of polyploidy in pearl millet napier hybrids and assessment of their forage value Genetics and Plant Breeding, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
132 07.12.2023 Libi Robin P Dr. R.K Kaleeswari Dr. M. Suganthy Assessment of soil carbon dynamics in maize based cropping systems of western zone of Tamil Nadu Soil science& Agricultural chemistry SharePoint Introduction -
133 07.12.2023 Kiruba G Dr. S.Geetha Dr.Vignesh Muthusamy Genetic and molecular analysis of grain protein Genetic and plant breeding ,Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
134 11.12.23 Aishwarya.P M.Murugan D.Vijayalakshmi Composition, diversity and abundance analysis of thrips (insect: thysanoptera) Harbouring major horticultural crops with thrips vectored virus threats Agrl.Entomology, AC&RI, Coimbatore. SharePoint Introduction -
135 11.12.23 Krishnamoorthi.S M.P.Divya Dr.A.V.Santhosh kumar Studies on suitability of bamboos for biochar activated carbon, briquettes and fodder pellets FC&RI, Mettupalayam SharePoint Introduction -
136 11.12.23 Akshay Farkkirappa Madiwalar Dr. K.T. Parthiban Dr. Sakthi singh chauhan Design, Development and quatification of ecosystem services of pulpwood based agroforestry. FC&RI, Mettupalayam SharePoint Introduction -
137 12.12.23 Nandhini S Siva Kumar. S.D Dr. A. Pouchepparadjou An Analysis of Blockchain Technology adoption in agricultural supply chain Agricultural and rural management SharePoint Introduction -
138. 12.12.23 V.Mathuabirami Dr.C. Karthikeyan Dr.G.A.K. Kumar Development of an integrated Pluralistic Extension Approach in response to pandemic scenario Agricultural extension and rural sociology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
139. 14.12.23 Lekshmi JK J.S.Kennedy Dr. M.S.V.Chalan Deciphering antibiosis-derived resistance in intraspecific and interspecific populations of Vigna Against Bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus(F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) Agrl.Entomology, AC&RI,Coimbtore SharePoint Introduction -
140. 14.12.23 Krithika S Dr. C.Karthikeyan Dr.P.Sethuraman sivakumar Assessment of pandemic impact on Household Food Security among rural families in selected agro-climatic zones of Tamil Nadu: A community-based study Agricultural Extension and Rural sociology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
141. 14.12.23 Punithavathy P Dr.M.Gnanachitra Dr.Parimalan Rangan Generation mean analysis for powdery mildew resistance in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] Genetics and plant breeding, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
142. 14.12.23 Mythili S R Dr. N. Manivannan Dr.Parimalan Rangan Marker assisted selection for high oleic acid content in groundnut (Arachis hypogoaea L.) Genetics and plant breeding, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
143 15.12.23 Amaravel M Dr.A.NirmalaKumari Dr. Nepolean Thirunavukkarasu Genetics of micronutrient content in Little millet (Panicum sumatrense Roth Ex.Roem And Schultz) Genetics and plant breeding, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
144 15.12.23 R.Divya Dr.N.Chitra Dr.Chitra Shanker Taxonomy of economically Important Lepidoptera Agricultural Entomology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
145 15.12.23 P.Vanitha Dr.P.Saravanpandian Dr.K.C.Patel Assessment of available boron status and response of boron in sugarcane (Saccharicum officinarum) in major sugarcane growing soils of sivagangai district Soils and Environment AC&RI, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
146 15.12.23 Aruna Beemrote Dr.M.R.Srinivasan Dr.Pankaj Sood Exploring the biodiversity of entomopathogenic fungi in Manipur soils (N-E India) for hopper management in rice Agricultural Entomology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
147 15.12.23 Bala Vivin Sundar C Dr.M.Ashokan Dr.Khushyal singh Drone Technology Applications in Agriculture-An Explorative Analysis Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
148 15.12.23 M.Venkatasami Dr.P.Rajkumar Dr. Prince Design and development of nanoemulsion spray coating system for fruits Department of Food Process Engineering AEC&RI, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
149 15.12.23 Nivetha M Dr.V.Manonmani Dr. Monika Atul Joshi Unravelling biochemical and molecular mechanisms of phytohormones and polyamines in alleviating drought stress in maize (Zea mays L.) Seed science and Technology SharePoint Introduction -
150. 18.12.23 Anandhinatchiar S Dr.E.Rajeswari Dr.C.V.Sameer Kumar Genetics analysis and bruchid resistance in ricebean (Vigna umbrella) Genetics and plant breeding SharePoint Introduction -
151. 18.12.23 S. Sachin Dr.R.Kannan Dr.S.Sridhara Climate change Adaptation and mitigation strategies for tomato production (Solanum lycopersicum) Agro climatic Research Centre SharePoint Introduction -
152. 20.12.23 P. Rajapandi Dr.Ravi Kumar Theodore Dr.M.Jagan Mohan Reddy Documentation of Farmers Experience and Rural sociology Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
153. 21.12.23 M. Akshayam Dr.K.Geetha Dr.J.Souframanien Breeding for development of early and high yielding Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh) genotypes Genetics and Plant Breeding SharePoint Introduction -
154. 22.12.23 Megha Vijayan Dr.G.Umapathy Dr.K.S.Jagadish Eco-friendly approaches for the mitigation of parasitic mites (Acari) of domesticated honeybees (with special reference to Varroa spp.) Agrl. Entonomology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
155. 22.12.23 Gayathri M Dr. R. Jerlin Dr. Ravi Hunje Studies on the pattern of deterioration in Groundnut(Arachis hypogaea L.) Seeds Seed Science & Technology,Coimbatore
156. 22.12.23 K. Balaji Dr. J. Jayaraj Dr. C. Sandhya Rani Studies on stingless bee diversity, hiving methods, honey harvesting techniques and pollination efficiency in certain horticulture crops Agricultural Entomology, Madurai SharePoint Introduction -
157. 22.12.23 Mr.Mohammad Rafiq Bhat Dr. S. Manimegalai Dr.R.Revathi Screen of mulberry accessions for resistance to insect pests, yield, suitability for silkworm rearing and cocoon production Sericulture FC&RI,Mettupalayam SharePoint Introduction -
158. 22.12.23 Ananda Lekshmi Dr. M.Kumar Dr. Akarsh Parihar Understanding the genetics of fibre development through crosses generated using lintless fuzzless genotypes in cotton Genetics and Plant Breeding, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
159. 27.12.23 Govindaraj T Dr. N. Maragatham Dr. B. Ajithkumar Microclimatic impact on Maize based cropping system and Maximizing the productivity under climate change Agro climate Research Centre, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
160. 27.12.23 Rohit Ramesh Dr.K.Bhuvaneswari Dr.Shashikant S.Udikeri Insecticide residue dynamics and the impact of processing in moringa Agricultural Entomology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
161. 27.12.23 M.Nivedha Dr. K. Angappan Dr.B.V.Bhaskara Reddy Expression of artificial microRNA Targeting replicase gene for conferring resistance against Peanut Bud Necrosis Virus in tomato Plant Pathology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
162. 28.12.23 Maragani Vamshi Dr. S. Maragatham Dr. G.C. Satisha Major Nutrients Prescription for chilli under integrated plant nutrition system through yield targeting approach on Inceptisols Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -
163. 29.12.23 K. Vinothini Dr.S.Nakkeran Dr.G.Sivakumar Microbial inoculants and nematicidal biomolecules mediated induction of immune response for the management of fungal- Root Knot Nematode complex in tomato incited by Fusarium Oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici and Meloidogyne incognita Plant Pathology, Coimbatore SharePoint Introduction -